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Skyline Software Systems

Автор: Гричуха Константин

Дата: 2024-01-04

Главная / ГИС/GIS / Каталог / Skyline

Skyline Software Systems


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3D geospatial visualization products . 3D геопространственные продукты визуализации.

Skyline Software Systems - Founded in 1997, Skyline Software Systems, Inc. is a leading provider of 3D earth visualization software and services. The company offers a comprehensive platform of applications, tools and services that enable the creation and dissemination of interactive, photo-realistic 3D environments. Skyline has built a “best of breed” set of tools that remain focused on the needs of our customers including flexibility, efficiency and robustness. Skyline is headquartered in Herndon,VA.

The SkylineGlobe software suite sets the standard for 3D desktop and web-based applications, enabling an enterprise to build, edit, navigate, query, and analyze realistic 3D environments, and rapidly and efficiently distribute them to users. Номер люкс программного обеспечения SkylineGlobe устанавливает норму для 3D рабочего стола и веб-приложения, позволяя предприятию построить, отредактировать, провести, подвергнуть сомнению, и проанализировать реалистическую 3D окружающую среду, и быстро и эффективно распределить их пользователям.
Skyline TerraExplorer is a critical visualization technology broadly deployed in defense and intelligence, public safety and security, 3D geoportals, and urban planning markets. It fuses together massive and disparate data sets in real-time, enabling users to create and interact with customized, virtual 3D landscapes. Available as a desktop, mobile or web application, TerraExplorer provides rapid access to 3D geospatial data for a wide variety of applications ranging from mission planning and crisis response to asset management and urban design.
Skyline Terra Explorer - это критически важная технология визуализации, широко распространенная в сфере обороны и разведки, общественной безопасности и безопасности, 3D геопорталах и на рынках городского планирования. Она объединяет массивные и разрозненные наборы данных в режиме реального времени, позволяя пользователям создавать пользовательские виртуальные 3D среды и взаимодействовать с ними. Будучи настольным, мобильным или веб-приложением, Terra Explorer обеспечивает быстрый доступ к 3D геопространственным данным для широкого спектра приложений, начиная от планирования миссий и реагирования на кризисные ситуации и заканчивая управлением активами и проектированием городов.

Возможно применение и в Mining, Oil & Gas-
The SkylineGlobe 3D solution enhances safety, increases efficiency, and saves money in all phases of the mining, oil, and gas operations by providing a seamless, real-time visualization of all relevant geospatial data.

Программное обеспечение:

Build photo realistic, geographically accurate terrain databases and create highly detailed 3D mesh models.

Using breakthrough 2D and 3D mapping technology, PhotoMesh generates highly-detailed 3D meshes, orthophotos, point clouds, elevation models, and more from standard photos in a wide range of formats.
TerraBuilder provides professional-grade tools for manipulating and merging aerial photos, satellite images, and digital elevation models into a photo-realistic, geographically accurate terrain database.
Production Services
Fully automated service to run PhotoMesh projects can produce 2D, 3D and multi-spectral outputs. Dense point clouds with detailed color information, true orthophotos, and 3D mesh models can all be generated in a range of formats for maximum compatibility.

Securely store, stream & access 3D geospatial data where, when, and how you need it.

SkylineGlobe Server
The SkylineGlobe Server private cloud solution provides a comprehensive set of web services for publishing, storing, managing and streaming 2D and 3D geospatial content. All your GIS layer types are supported: 3D mesh , imagery, elevation, feature and point cloud.
Hosting Services
Based on SkylineGlobe Server, SkylineCloud Hosting provides a fully managed service to upload, store, convert and stream nearly unlimited 2D and 3D spatial data. Data is kept secure with virtual private, geospatial servers, custom authentication, and user permissions.

Powerful measurement, terrain analysis, line of sight, change detection/comparison and spatial analysis tools make it easy to extract vital intelligence from your geospatial data.

TerraExplorer Desktop
A cutting-edge 3D GIS desktop viewer and creator that provides powerful tools and a high resolution 3D environment in which to view, query, analyze and present geospatial data. Stunningly realistic 3D visualizations can be created by overlaying the terrain with unlimited data layers, 3D models, virtual objects and more.
TerraExplorer Fusion
Web-based 3D geospatial viewer that enables you to view and analyze high-resolution, realistic 3D content right in your web browser with no download or installation required. Web applications can be tailored to any customer needs.
TerraExplorer Mobile
Native mobile app based on TerraExplorer, TerraExplorer Mobile features advanced layer viewing and editing capabilities and selected measurement and analysis tools, as well as presentation and publishing options.
Advanced Visualization Solutions
Fusing the power of augmented and virtual reality with our powerful 3D GIS visualization, modeling and analysis tools, Skyline has created a fully immersive and intuitive 3D geospatial exploration experience that fosters enhanced understanding and decision-making.

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