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GeoScience Software Inc.Геофизическое программное обеспечение - интегрированный пакет для GIS, Петрофизики, Проводных Регистраций, Корреляции и Сечения и т.д.

Автор: Гричуха Константин

Дата: 2024-01-05

Главная / ПО для геофизиков / Каталог /GeoScience

GeoScience Software Inc.


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GeoScience Software Practical Geotechnical Solutions. Программное обеспечение GeoScience практические геотехнические решения.The Geoscience Software or GS Software is a very useful integrated package for GIS, Petrophysics, Wireline Logs, Correlation and Cross section etc. Геофизическое программное обеспечение или программное обеспечение GS - очень полезный интегрированный пакет для GIS, Петрофизики, Проводных Регистраций, Корреляции и Сечения и т.д.
The manipulation of well and spatial data is a fundamental part of petroleum geology, geophysics, and engineering. Our focus on innovation and user-friendliness makes these critical capabilities immediately accessible to the full range of technical expertise.

GIS Interface (Arc/ESRI)

GS utilizes a central GIS theme based on ESRI (ArcView) software objects. These create powerful GIS capabilities within GS that link its well database to "real world" GIS formats where it can be integrated with virtually any other spatial information such as maps, seismic lines, cross sections, raster logs, etc. Many vector and raster formats are supported; ArcView "Shape" files, CAD formats (DXF, DWG, DGN), GeoTIFF, JPEG, ERDAS, and MrSID image compression. There are options for layering all this spatial data to create advanced maps, along with spatial and logical queries on map layers. The opening GS menu is simple and intuitive, and is very easy to learn. It looks similar to ArcView 3.x, so if you are familiar with ArcView it'll be very easy.


Complete Petrophysical analysis system which includes the following primary features:
Comprehensive 2D and 3D log (single and multi-well) and lithology crossplotting
Complete environmental and Rt (Tornado Chart) corrections
Advanced "Bad Hole" Logic and log corrections
Ten porosity algorithms, including an intelligent "Computer's Choice" mode
V-shale calculations from GR, SP, Potassium, Thorium, Resistivity, and Neu-Den logs
Rwa, RwSP, and RW Ratio calculations including interactive Hingle and Pickett plots
Innovative graphical "F" Overlay Rw determination
Create a "User Interpreted Lithology" to statistically bias the Lithology calculations
Deterministic Simultaneous model for complex multi-mineral Lithology solutions
Nine Water Saturation models
Interactive capabilities for instantaneous display of SW variable changes
Permeability calculations from three models
Statistical analysis of results (Net Pay, Averages, Net Lithology, Lith ratios, etc.)
Original Oil and Gas In-place calculations
LAS and Text file tabulation for output to spreadsheets and word processors

Interactive Correlations

Graphical interactive well correlations utilizing any digital and raster log combinations and lithologies
Flattening to any Datum and Depth Domain; Measured Depth, True Vertical Depth,or Seismic Two-Way Time
Build detailed Horizons database; Age, Era, Epoch, Biostrat, Palynology, User Defined, etc.
Tabular Horizon Entry
Horizon ASCII Import/Export

Cross Sections

Cross Sections (also Raster Logs)
Create sections with up to 100 wells
Utilize any log combinations in the section
Shade logs with Lithology, Gradient Shading, and many other options
Include Shows, Tests, Cores, Petrophysics, and Dip data (sticks, tadpoles, rose)
Full Raster Log image integration and Log Depth Referencing
Flexible track, data attribute, and accessory options
Flattening to any Datum
Complete control over Vertical and Horizontal Scaling
Measured Depth, True Vertical Depth, SubSea, or Seismic Two-Way Time
Output to Plotters and many file formats (TIF, JPG, BMP, etc)

Composite Log Design

Flexible Composite log design - create almost any format you can imagine;
Create up to 15 tracks, with up to 10 data types in each track
Composite can include any of the following;
Logs (Wireline, LWD, Mudlog, Petrophysics, User-defined)
Complete Log line
style control
Full shading options (gradient, shade to another log, etc.)
Petrophysics Total Formation and Moveable/Immovaable HC's
Lithology (Mudlog, User-defined, Petrophysics-derived)
Grids and Depths in any/all Domains
Shows (Cuttings, Cores, SWC) - simple symbols or detailed descriptions
Tests and
Dip data (sticks to any orientation, tadpoles, rose diagrams over any interval)
Sample Descriptions
Horizons/Zonations - simple or detailed columnar format
Core Lithology and/or Lab data (Conventional and SWC)
Seismic Synthetics
User Comments
Innovative graphical Reservoir Statistics format
Full Raster Log image integration and Log Depth Referencing
Flexible track, data attribute, and accessory options
Complete control over Vertical Scale and Track widths.
Measured Depth, True Vertical Depth, SubSea, or Seismic Two-Way Time
Create Unique Header Templates that can include Logos, Maps, etc.
Output to Plotters and many file formats (TIF, JPG, BMP, etc.)

FIT Presssure Analysis

The Wireline Tester (RFT/MDT) pressure analysis program allows you to define Water, Oil, and/or Gas Gradients over any depth interval for either one, or any grouping of multiple wells – specifically those wells that are in pressure communication and share common fluid gradients and contacts. Oil, Gas, and Water gradients can be established from regression fits, interactively drawing the gradient line, or in-situ fluid density entry. After these gradients are established, the program calculates the gas and fluid contacts. Fluid contacts (GWC, GOC, and OWC) can be displayed in the Petrophysics programs where it can be very useful for calibrating the analysis.

TOC Calculations
Multi-well Dipmeter Analysis
Full Integration of Mudlog Data

Seismic Synthetics
A suite of Seismic functions which includes the following primary features:
Time – Depth functions from Checkshots and Sonic Log Integration.
Multi-well composite Time-Depth compilation in a map mode.
Extract “pseudo” Sonic and Density Logs from a petrophysical analysis. These logs can then be used in the Synthetics. The advantages are better vertical resolution, elimination of "bad-hole" effects, and reduction of the statistical noise inherent in the density log. This innovative approach brings geology and geophysics together in the borehole.
Create Density Logs from Sonic using formation-specific Gardner Equation Coefficients.
Create Density Logs from Resistivity.
Stacking Velocity utilities, including Pore Pressure prediction.
Seismic Synthetics;
Ricker Zero Phase Wavelet
Butterworth Minimum Phase Wavelet
User Defined Wavelet
Integration of the Sonic log with the Time-Depth function
RMS and Instantaneous Gain Control (AGC)

Quick Mapping and Data Extraction
Pore Pressure Analysis

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Просмотров: 1402

Добавил: Людмила Алешина (aleshinann@bk.ru) в 24 Apr 2012 15:03:45
Какая роскошь, оказывается здесь у Вас, Константин!

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