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Hexagon GIS, imagery analysis and data management: ERDAS IMAGINE®, GeoMedia®,ImageStation®,ERDAS® Apollo ,ER Mapper и др.

Автор: Гричуха Константин

Дата: 2024-01-04

Главная / ГИС/GIS / Каталог / Hexagon Geospatial

Hexagon GIS, imagery analysis and data management


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Product groups by the Safety, Infrastructure & Geospatial division
Explore solutions that improve the resilience and sustainability of critical services and infrastructure by transforming complex data about people, places and assets into meaningful information and capabilities for better, faster decision-making.

Hexagon GIS, imagery analysis and data management
Our industry-leading GIS, remote sensing, photogrammetry and data management software products are used across the world to collect, process, manage and deliver location intelligence to a variety of users.



ERDAS IMAGINE®. полнофункциональная растрово-векторная ГИС для работы с данными дистанционного зондирования Области применения охрана окружающей среды, военные приложения, геология, геофизика, кадастр, лесное хозяйство, телекоммуникации, инженерные коммуникации, океанография и др.
The world’s preferred remote sensing software package
ERDAS IMAGINE, the world’s leading geospatial data authoring system, supplies tools for all your Remote Sensing, Photogrammetry and Geospatial Analysis needs. Geographic imaging professionals need to process vast amounts of geospatial data every day — often relying on software designed for other purposes and add-on applications that create almost as many problems as they solve. Save both time and money, leverage existing data investments, and improve your image analysis capabilities with ERDAS IMAGINE.
ERDAS IMAGINE provides true value, consolidating remote sensing, photogrammetry, LiDAR analysis, basic vector analysis, and radar processing into a single product.

ERDAS IMAGINE Add-Ons. Дополнительные модули и программное обеспечение .
Computer cluster-enabled automatic surface modeling.
IMAGINE Terrain Editor
An extensive toolset to edit your terrain data draped directly over a stereo image pair.
IMAGINE Photogrammetry (formerly LPS)
Efficiently transform raw imagery into accurate and reliable ortho images, terrain models or point clouds with dozens of rigorous and RPC models.
IMAGINE Expansion Pack
Advanced tools for realistic 3D, NITF support, radar DEM extraction, stereo feature collection, wizard-based change detection, and automated image to image registration.
IMAGINE GeoPDF Publisher
Create geospatially-enabled GeoPDF maps and access in Adobe Reader.
Easily reduce atmospheric effects from your imagery to normalize multi-date imagery.
IMAGINE Objective
Intuitive Object Based Classification to identify and extract feature data from imagery.
IMAGINE SAR Interferometry
Advanced radar interferometry including coherence change detection, time series change analysis, displacement mapping, and DEM extraction.
ERDAS Engine
Expand your processing power by distributing demanding, resource-intensive processes to more cores and workstations.
IMAGINE Developers' Toolkit
Extend the capabilities of ERDAS IMAGINE to meet your specific project needs.
IMAGINE Defense Productivity Module
Use data formats, sensor models, and workflows common in the US defense and intelligence community. Sold by Intergraph Government Solutions.

GeoMedia® is a flexible and dynamic GIS package for creating, updating, managing and analyzing your valuable geospatial information. Generate and update vector layers. Perform dynamic spatial analysis and generate reports. Automatically create and update maps. Manage data and map production more efficiently. Назначение- универсальная ГИС, позволяющая напрямую (без конвертации) подключаться и работать с геоинформационными БД большинства индустриальных форматов, эффективно интегрировать геоданные в единую информационную систему масштаба от рабочей группы до предприятия, полнофункциональная ГИС
Области применения ввод, сопровождение и администрирование геоинформационых БД, ГИС-анализ, тематическое картографирование, другие функции любого уровня для различных областей использования: правительство всех уровней; кадастр и управление территориями; экология; инженерные коммуникации; телекоммуникации; транспорт; добывающая и перерабатывающая промышленность; военное применение; планирование и маркетинговые исследования в коммерции, политические исследования и др.
Структура системы центральный модуль (объектное ядро) содержит основные ГИС-функции и полностью интегрируется в операционную среду Windows, что делает его доступным для всех приложений; имеются десятки дополнительных прикладных модулей.

Leverage your geospatial data with GeoMedia for GIS and mapping
Your flexible and dynamic GIS management solution. Maps present data visually, allowing you to visualize location and gain other information from your data. Making the information-gathering process easier—making a good map—requires powerful analytical tools and clear symbolization. Whether updating land and tax records, analyzing traffic flow and accidents, or determining the best locations for evacuation centers, GeoMedia combines tabular and geographic data to produce actionable information.
GeoMedia is a powerful, flexible GIS management platform that lets you aggregate data from a variety of sources and analyze them in unison to extract clear, actionable information. It provides simultaneous access to geospatial data in almost any form and displays it in a single unified map view for efficient processing, analysis, presentation, and sharing. GeoMedia's functionality makes it ideal for extracting information from an array of dynamically changing data to support informed, smarter decision-making.

GeoMedia Add-Ons. Дополнительные модули и программное обеспечение .
GeoMedia 3D
An integrated 3D visualization and analysis environment supporting realistic, three-dimensional views of your geospatial data.
GeoMedia Advanced Collection
GeoMedia Advanced Collection supports data collection and map production workflows used by international mapping agencies, in particular for the Multinational Geospatial Co-production Program (MGCP) program. It enhances productivity when collecting and validating vector feature data.
GeoMedia GI Toolkit
GeoMedia GI Toolkit is a set of productivity tools designed to extend the capabilities of GeoMedia Professional. It supports data and map production workflows, including data collection, data integration and management and data dissemination.
GeoMedia Image
GeoMedia Image provides advanced image display and processing capabilities for GeoMedia Desktop.
GeoMedia Image Professional
GeoMedia Image Professional fully integrates Geospatial Information Systems (GIS) and Imagery Analysis (IA) functionality and workflows into a single solution package.
GeoMedia Mapping Manager
Enhanced cartographic capabilities for producing map products. Includes GeoMedia Map Publisher and GeoMedia Feature Cartographer.
GeoMedia Motion Video Analyst Professional
A high-productivity environment for analysis of motion video taken from UAVs and other moving vehicles.
GeoMedia Objects
An advanced toolkit consisting of GIS and cartographic functions that allow custom-built GIS solutions based on the GeoMedia platform.
GeoMedia PDF
GeoMedia PDF is an add-on to GeoMedia Desktop that allows you to create highly intelligent georeferenced PDF files from map sheets in the layout window of a GeoMedia GeoWorkspace.
GeoMedia Transportation Manager
Helping transportation professionals efficiently analyze and maintain your linear features and infrastructure.
GeoMedia Viewer
A complimentary GIS application for displaying, analyzing, and printing map data.
GeoMedia VPF
GeoMedia VPF provides a production environment for the generation of digital map products.
Image Scout
Contains all the necessary tools you need for a complete geospatial exploitation workflow. Includes GeoMedia Professional, GeoMedia Image Pro, GeoMedia GeoDEX, and GeoMedia 3D (Image Scout 3D).
Incident Analyst
Incident Analyst provides an intuitive, user-friendly mapping environment for analyzing and understanding any type of event-based information.

Over 40 years of photogrammetric technology development goes into ImageStation, starting with analytical stereoplotters and progressing through the current full suite of software applications. ImageStation has applications for your entire production workflow including project creation, automatic triangulation, GIS- and CAD-based stereo feature and DTM collection and editing, automatic DTM and digital surface model (DSM) generation, and automatic orthophoto production and editing from aerial and satellite imagery.
ImageStation is designed with a high degree of automation for high-volume photogrammetry and production mapping customers who need to process large quantities of raw spatial information rapidly and accurately into an actionable format. ImageStation® позволяет цифровые производственные технологические процессы фотограмметрии, включая создание проекта, ориентацию и триангуляцию от воздушных и спутниковых образов. Это также обеспечивает сбор особенности СТЕКЛА стерео и редактирование и коллекцию цифровых моделей ландшафта (DTM) и редактирование, а также orthophoto производство и редактирование. ImageStation особенно разработан для фотограмметрии большого объема и производственных клиентов отображения, которые должны переместить большие количества сырой пространственной информации к преступному или годному для использования формату.

ERDAS® Apollo
ERDAS® APOLLO is a comprehensive data management, analysis, and delivery system. It enables organizations to organize and deliver massive volumes of data, and consistently delivers geospatial data faster and with less hardware than competing server-based products.
ERDAS APOLLO - решение направленное на устранение границ между понятиями ГИС, фотограмметрией и дистанционным зондированием Земли. Задача продукта – распространение геопространственных данных для бизнес приложений. APOLLO обеспечивает для пользователя единую геопространственную платформу, с помощью которой производится управление и обслуживание больших массивов данных. Используя сервис – ориентированную архитектуру (SOA), пользователю достаточно легко настраивать свои «правила» для публикации и контроля доступа к данным.

ECW Compression
Shrink Big Data With Enhanced Compression Wavelet (ECW)GeoCompressor

A stand-alone, high performance geospatial image and point cloud compression application designed to simplify the creation of ECW, JPEG2000 and HPC formats.
Empowering software developers to integrate high performance image compression and decompression directly into their applications. Available in read-only or read-write versions, for desktop, server, and mobile platforms.
ERDAS ECWP Browser Plugin
Rapidly stream ECW imagery over the web into your browser.
ECW for ArcGIS Server
Enable Esri ArcGIS for Server to read and serve ECW imagery via standard web services.
ERDAS ECW Plugin for ArcGIS Desktop
Extend the significant viewing and streaming advantages of ECW into the Esri desktop environment.
ECW Plugin for AutoCAD
Greatly improve AutoCAD raster handling with ECW compression.

IMAGINE Photogrammetry
IMAGINE Photogrammetry is offered within the PRODUCER SUITE.

Geospatial Portal
Geospatial Portal is offered within the PLATFORM SUITE .

ER Mapper
ERDAS ER Mapper technology saves time and disk space with revolutionary algorithm processing and other geoprocessing tools.ERDAS ER Mapper предоставляет пользователям дополнительные возможности для анализа и сжатия изображений, используемых в различных отраслях промышленности, например, поиске и разведке нефтегазоносных месторождений, месторождений других полезных ископаемых. ERDAS ER Mapper обладает полным набором инструментов для визуализации, улучшения качества и комбинирования изображений с целью последующего их использования в широком круге программных приложений. Извлекая необходимую пользователю количественную информацию, ERDAS ER Mapper делает собранные данные более значимыми для решения бизнес задач.

ERDAS Extensions for ArcGIS
?ERDAS Extensions for ArcGIS unlocks the power of remote sensing and stereo photogrammetry inside your ArcGIS environment.
Spatial Modeler SDK
Hexagon Geospatial Developer Network subscription provides a C++ toolkit for building, modifying, and running workflows on geospatial data.
PRO600?PRO600 provides stereo viewing and terrain editing inside of a MicroStation environment.
ORIMA supplies engineering-grade aerial triangulation for ADS and frame sensor imagery

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