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Автор: Гричуха Константин

Дата: 2024-01-23

Главная / ПО для геологов, горняков, буровиков / Каталог / Datamine



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Datamine во главе с опытной и специальной командой добывающих профессионалов. Мы стремимся обеспечивать ведущие технические инструменты и самые высокие стандарты обслуживания клиентов к глобальной горнодобывающей промышленности.

Datamine is a world leading provider of the technology and services required to seamlessly plan and manage mining operations. With operations in thirteen countries, Datamine provides solutions ranging from exploration data management and orebody modelling to mine planning and operations to over 1,400 companies worldwide. Our software solutions integrate with our consulting and training services to ensure that we provide our clients with industry-leading support and expertise.

Mineral exploration software

Mining Compliance
LandTrack Systems’ software is designed to provide solutions to help you acquire, protect, manage, report, and track mineral title compliance, tenure related agreements and environmental conditions. It allows you to effortlessly wrap compliance and business processes around your tenure management.
LandTrack Systems also delivers practical tenure compliance training designed to grow your knowledge and skill set, so you are more confident, effective, and efficient in preserving a company’s key assets; providing Directors further confidence with tenure security.
Exploration GIS suite
The ever-popular Discover exploration software is now compatible with two of the industry leading GIS platforms MapInfo Pro and ArcGIS Pro. Both versions are fully integrated with the must-have field mapping app Discover Mobile.

Geology Software

Studio Mapper.
Face Mapping
Datamine Geology Mining Software - Solution Face Mapping
Datamine Studio Mapper, together with Studio RM, is the only integrated mine mapping and structural modelling solution delivered on the same platform, with a consistent user experience. Designed for both touch and desktop devices, Studio Mapper stores field data in a managed but flexible database that encourages controlled data capture, storage, sharing and processing. As the definitive digital field book, Studio Mapper builds on the strengths of Datamine’s core Studio engine whilst delivering a versatile, feature-rich application for all field geologists.
OP / UG Mapping & Analysis
Datamine Geology Mining Software - Sirovision Solution
Sirovision is developed in collaboration between Datamine and the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO). It allows for the remote and safe capture of geological and geotechnical features while avoiding costly disruption to production activities. Mapping of both geological and geotechnical features is supported, along with automatic recognition of mineralogy. Further analysis tools for wedge detection and slope stability provide valuable inputs to geotechnical support designs and for identifying safety hazards in open pits and underground environments.
Datamine PixPro.
Datamine Geology Mining Software - PixPro Solution
Datamine PixPro is an advanced Photogrammetry software utilising data capture from drones and a range of other captures. Designed to provide fast data-driven insights, Datamine PixPro provides the most efficient, sustainable and cost-effective solution. Easy integration with Sirovision, Studio Survey and other Datamine products.
Geological Data Management Solution
Datamine Geology Mining Software - Fusion Solution
Fusion is the ultimate database solution that provides you with all the necessary tools for quick, safe and accurate data collection. This ensures that there is one location for all exploration and production data. It’s scalable to the size of your business, and effortlessly customisable by your own company personnel, enforcing your business rules by immediately validating data while the information is being captured. A truly innovative approach that allows users to work remotely and collaborate with others. Governance and security features are built-in, with only authorised users able to retrieve, update and query data from Fusion.
Advanced Geostatistics

Created by Geologists for Geologists, Supervisor relieves the stress of resource estimation by providing a suite of powerful, interactive statistical tools specially designed with resource geologists in mind. Billions of dollars are invested in projects based on resource estimates. Biased data or invalid domains generate unreliable results with dramatic downstream economic implications. Supervisor provides everything you need to optimise your resource estimate and deliver to the highest standard.
Invaluable tool for resource estimation professionals
Supervisor is backed and developed by leading geology consultants to fully support the resource estimation process, suited to the way geologists work and think – it is designed by geologists for geologists. As the benchmark for routine geostatistical modelling software, Supervisor is utilised by the worlds leading mining and consultancy companies, who depend on the software for their geostatistical modelling requirements. With a wide range of graphing and visualisation tools, and an ever expanding offering of advanced geostatistical solutions, Supervisor offers resource estimators the ability to produce higher quality estimates without the frustrations associated with typical mining software.
Simple intuitive interface and workflow
Geostatistics Made Accessible

Isatis.neo is a powerful, intuitive, and highly customizable geostatistics software solution. It provides easy access to an exclusive set of geostatistical and machine-learning techniques for geologists, mining engineers, and resource teams to deliver robust and accurate resource models and confidently make effective decisions. The software results from decades of experience in geostatistics software development. It offers the latest generation of tools that resource geologists can use to gain high-level insight into their projects and the broadest range of estimation and simulation functions available on a single desktop application in the market. Isatis.neo delivers peak performance with a user-friendly interface and cutting-edge algorithms, constantly optimized to boost user efficiency.
Studio RM.
Resource modelling and evaluation

Datamine Geology Mining Software - Studio RM Pro Solution
Studio RM represents an industry standard for geological modelling, geostatistical analysis, resource estimation and evaluation. With a long and proven track record of generating trusted and accurate results from exploration all the way through the mining value chain, geologists can be assured that Studio RM is, without doubt, the best geological modelling package. Studio RM’s highly adaptable workflow supports modelling in any geological setting or commodity, and easily handles big data.
Geological modelling
Stratigraphic Modelling

Datamine Geology Mining Software - MineScape Geology Solution
Specifically developed to meet the mining industry’s rigorous demands, MineScape is used at more than 200 of the world’s most complex mining operations from nickel phosphate mining in Russia to coal mining in Indonesia. It is a suite of integrated solutions designed for open cut and underground mining operations for coal and metalliferous deposits. MineScape delivers extensive geological modelling and mine design functionality, making it a leading mine planning solution globally.

Mine Planning Software

Studio NPVS
Pit Optimisation, Pushback Design & Strategic Scheduling

Datamine Mine Planning Software - Solution Studio NVPS
The physical design and production schedule of a mine are inextricably linked. Studio NPVS is unique in the mining industry as the only strategic mine planning system that optimises both of these elements in the search for maximum NPV. As a complete strategic open pit mine planning system – Studio NPVS has functionality spanning data preparation, pit optimisation, pushback generation, cut-off grade optimisation, scheduling, haulage analysis and stockpile management. In addition, the Studio NPVS family of products have the full power of a general mining package delivered by Datamine Studio’s core platform. The advanced system caters for alternative techniques beyond NPV for pit optimisation to take account of material blending requirements, or to maximise mine life. The innovative pushback generator delivers the most practical pushbacks of any competing product and the scheduling capability includes optimisation techniques that look ahead to the entire life of the mine as opposed to considering just one period at a time.
Strategic & Operational Mine Planning Software

Datamine Mine Planning Software - Solution Minemax
Minemax Scheduler is a best-in-class mine schedule optimization software that jointly optimizes mine schedules and associated mining, processing and transport infrastructure to deliver optimal strategic mine plans that meet all project constraints. With Minemax Scheduler, you can model all aspects of your mine schedule at once, including trucking, waste dump sequence, cut-off and cut-over grades, material destinations, leach processing, and CAPEX to achieve maximum value for your business.
Solving complex problems with competing options
Minemax Tempo
Generate detailed plans to follow your strategic plan.

Tempo is an easy-to-use solution to quickly develop practical open pit mine schedules that satisfy mining, processing and trucking constraints and that align with strategic plans. Tempo‘s intuitive workflow make the schedule setup simple and straightforward. With its choice of powerful scheduling engines, Tempo is a highly functional tool for detailed mine planning that addresses real challenges facing mine planners in their operations. To create a detailed schedule in Tempo, mine planners can bring in polygons, regularized block models or translate blocks into bench polygons. They can also use outputs from strategic scheduling software like Minemax Scheduler to guide their detailed planning.
Easy-to-use interface
Studio OP
Open Pit Design & Scheduling

Datamine Mine Planning Software - Solution Studio OP
Studio OP is a complete design and scheduling product for short– and medium-term planning of open pit mines. Packed with functionality for automated reserve generation, pit design and scheduling, Studio OP makes generating and comparing alternative mine plans a breeze. Studio OP uses sophisticated algorithms and data management throughout. Its innovative rules-based automated design sets a new standard for designing open pits and dramatically increases the number of alternative designs and layouts that can be considered. When it comes to scheduling with minimal manual intervention, Studio OP’s Auto Scheduler can be used to produce practically achievable schedules with desired financial outcomes, product blend specifications and realistic equipment movement. Schedules can be optionally exported to EPS for communication, reporting or further manipulation with its intuitive Gantt chart interface. Whether you have responsibility for producing medium-term plans and budgets or detailed short term operational schedules, Studio OP can help achieve the best possible outcomes for your organisation.
Studio UG
Comprehensive Underground Toolkit

Datamine Mine Planning Software - Solution Studio UG
Leading the way for integrated underground design and scheduling – Studio UG is the comprehensive toolkit that has a unique, single-step process to generate all scheduled activities from source data in seconds. Data preparation is completely automated to achieve an extremely efficient and robust system for delivering underground design data to your scheduling environment. Mine standards are incorporated in templates, saving you time, whilst multiple users can work on portions of the mine simultaneously, eliminating the potential for doubling up of work or unnecessary redundancies. It can robustly handle larger datasets, multiple synchronised views and full block model display including slices, blocks and point cloud representations. Data processing can now be completed in one step as Studio UG processes all the data types with a single click. New sequence rules created using attributes deliver an additional method to generate sequence links, and the integrated scheduling features mean a schedule can be rapidly updated with design changes without any loss of previous manual interventions within the schedule.
Produce multiple underground designs
MineScape Engineering
Mine Planning & Design

Datamine Mine Planning Software - Solution Minescape Engineering
MineScape Surface Engineering is a suite of solutions designed for open-cut mining operations for coal and metalliferous deposits. It delivers the functionality of automation, and analytical mine design, making it a leader in open cut mine planning solutions globally.

Mining Operations Software

Studio Survey
Mine Surveying

Datamine Mining Operations Software - Studio Survey Solution
Studio Survey is a software solution exclusively designed for the needs of Mine Surveyors. It is not a module inside a complex product but is a dedicated mine surveying product that simplifies and streamlines the processing of everyday survey tasks in mining operations of any commodity with the use of dedicated and automated reporting functionality. If increased efficiency is your biggest goal, then Studio Survey will surely be your biggest asset.
Open Pit Drill & Blast

Datamine Mining Operations Software - DataBlast Solution
DataBlast is a multi-user system covering the entire open pit drill and blast process from design to in-field operations. Electronically transfer data, respond to changes in real-time, and generate reconciliation reports. Identify trends and improve blasting performance over time. Effectively design and implement your blasting plans to achieve consistent high-quality results every time.
Ore Controller
Ore Control & Dilution

Datamine Mining Operations Software - Ore Controller Solution
Regardless of the commodity that your business is in, each load of ore could be worth over $10,000. It is critical that each truck goes to the right place. Your grade control system provides the last opportunity to decide what happens to the material being loaded, and therefore must use sophisticated techniques to get the best result. Ore Controller is an intelligent ore control system that fits seamlessly into your mine’s existing operations and processes. Using a central database and customisable workflow, Ore Controller breaks up grade control tasks into clearly-defined activities, and guides each user through their day-to-day work. Implemented stand-alone or in combination with a blast movement monitoring system, Ore Controller can deliver tens of millions of dollars annually to your mine’s bottom line.
Fleet Management

Exceeding productivity targets without increasing costs is hard work. New technology innovations make it easier for miners to boost productivity by identifying root causes of key issues and eliminating them with relative ease. Addressing issues from the top of the value chain — from drilling and blasting through loading and hauling — can add up to more compliant payloads and lower cost-per-ton.
AssayNet LIMS
Designed by Miners for Miners

AssayNet LIMS contains all the features you would expect in an industrial-strength LIMS. From sample reception, logging and preparation through analysis and reporting, the program has been designed to work the way you do. Its intuitive, menu-driven interface is easy to learn, yet feature rich, providing access to a complete QC program, quotations and invoicing, stock levels and inventories, sample storage and more.
Underground Surveying

Datamine Mining Operations Software - Amine Solution
The most advanced AutoCAD-based mine design software – Amine is the perfect tool for all underground mine surveyors. It includes a comprehensive suite of underground surveying tools including mining instruction function, automated CMS solids and underground monthly reporting summary. It simplifies and streamlines daily survey tasks whilst providing a more efficient and time-saving EOM reporting process. Amine can deliver automated workflows that align with your company’s current processes and needs, with the integrated ability to be fully customisable for each individual. It is flexible enough to be used for any commodity, ore body and mining method, whilst being intuitive enough for you to easily learn and adopt.
Underground ring design

The ultimate solution for providing interactive and automated underground drill and blast design. AEGIS has a multi-faceted system, allowing users to rapidly compare different scenarios and generate ring layouts, charging plans, and blast designs to paper or directly to compatible drill rigs using IREDES. Our break model can determine an optimal blast pattern suitable for the rock and explosive properties that can generate fragmentation suitable for the haulage equipment reducing costs. These solutions can automatically lay out your entire stope in seconds while being incredibly flexible, allowing easy design adjustments – a few rings, individual holes or charges. Additionally, the AEGIS Drop Raise Editor allows slot raises to be designed, sequenced, and inserted into the drilling plan.
Shift Deployment Planning

ORDO® is supervisor centric software that modernises traditional shift planning processes, facilitates the navigation of complex planning interactions, motivates supervisors to develop improved planning outcomes and engages the workforce through plan visualisation. Intuitive, touchscreen design supports easy adoption across all digital skill sets. Built for true customisation of user-defined functionality, nomenclature and workflows, ORDO® can support shift planning applications across many industries.
Short Term Production Planning & Reporting

Datamine Mining Operations Software - SIMS Solution
Laboratory Information Management System

Datamine Mining Operations Software - CCLAS Solution
CCLAS helps laboratories manage their samples and data more efficiently by automatically registering samples, printing barcode labels, capturing weights from balances, integrating with instruments, performing automatic calculations, creating reports and invoices and integrating with external systems.

Mining Intelligence Software

Your project single source of truth

Scenario is a central hub having all your project information, documents, communications and processes. Our digital platform enables you to bring together all the vital information for your portfolio of projects which is securely digitised, giving you ownership of information while ensuring data consistency and transparency for intelligent analysis and insights.
MineMarket provides the broadest coverage for managing the mining value chain by combining comprehensive material tracking, logistics management, and complex sales and marketing capability into a single solution. Through connecting operational data and its relationships from mine-to-customer, MineMarket maximises commercial outcomes by optimising logistics, charting the impact of sales, and tracking and identifying operational bottlenecks. It minimises delays in data collection, ensuring the same data is visible across the organisation, which facilitates analysis, adjustment and reconciliation. MineMarket can be used in conjunction with other business systems, integrates seamlessly with other Datamine solutions, and provides sophisticated reporting and web service integration capabilities.
Mining Intelligence Software
Centric pulls together your entire enterprise into one integrated ecosystem that gives you a clear view of your mine’s performance. We eliminate inefficient processes related to data acquisition, reporting, and analysis that keep mines from realizing their full potential.
Metal Reconciliation
Reconcilor is a HTML5 web application and makes use of modern web technologies to deliver improvements to the reconciliation process, with subsequent results-driving value across the entire mining chain, from resource to mine to plant product and shipping. It is the culmination of years of experience and evolution, working on global mining reconciliation and optimisation projects. Reconcilor will give you confidence in your Resource, Ore Reserve and Grade Control Model estimates which will improve the accuracy of stock level tonnes, grade and metal availability for blending and supply chain opportunities.


Collaborative Platform

Realise the benefits of ESG in a sustainable way for your organisation. ZYGHT is a software as a service for safety, occupational health and environmental risk management, helping to improve regulatory compliance through best practices and standard processes, customizable for each company using cutting-edge technology provided from the cloud, mobile applications and data analysis with the ability to integrate with other software.
Sustainability Software Platform

With iSystain almost every aspect of running a business responsibly can be measured. Find your baseline performance, than set targets to continuously improve. We’ve worked hard to make our platform both easy to use and flexible enough to deal with the ever changing mandatory and voluntary legislative requirements and international standards.
Medical Record Management

Datamine ESG Software - Qmed Solution
Developed in collaboration with the best in class medical practitioners, QMed delivers efficiency gains and improved security through direct integration with medical equipment such as x-ray machines, spiro and audio recording equipment and more, and boasts biometric logon for patient verification.

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Добавил: Владимир (vovka-mel@yandex.ru) в 13 Apr 2017 15:58:00
Здравствуйте.Наши коллеги из Европпы работают в datamine 3,отставать от них не хочется, вот и обратился к Константину.Получил все версии, мануалы(правда много не русского) теперь осталось разобраться.Константину огромнейшее спасибо за помощь,обращусь еще
Добавил: Евгений Викторович (ev.e42@mail.ru) в 11 Oct 2013 18:52:35
Здравствуйте! ...надоело сидеть на пенсии,попробовал устроиться на работу(горный инженер подземщик,разработчик),работодателя устраивает мой опыт производственника,но на сегодняшний день он хочет,чтобы я был опытным пользователем DATAMINE или MICROMINE,а я про них только слышал,ну и моленько видел как работают,иот если бы эти программы были у меня,а еще лучше и обучающие материалы... Может чем-нибудь поможете? Спасибо за уделенное внимание.Евгений Викторович Егоров.
Добавил: Валерия (valer1@mail.ru) в 24 Aug 2012 10:37:32
Нашла только Здесь-Datamine3 штука дорогая , спасибо раздающему . Оставлю свой коммент и в гостевой . 3000 р. за такую вещь , практически бесплатно . Автор - ты продешевил наверное , бери больше .

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