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GEOVIA Dassault Systemes (ех.Gemcom's Software)

Автор: Гричуха Константин

Дата: 2024-01-24

Главная / ПО для геологов, горняков, буровиков / Каталог /GEOVIA

GEOVIA Dassault Systemes (ех.Gemcom's Software)


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GEOVIA является частью Dassault Systèmes, предоставляя платформу 3D EXPERIENCE и вселенную 3D EXPERIENCE ® для изучения, моделирования и использования нашей природной и городской среды.
Model the Sustainable Planet. Моделируйте устойчивую планету
GEOVIA provides end-to-end software solutions for mining, infrastructure, and urban planning environments to drive productivity, efficiency, and sustainability. GEOVIA предоставляет комплексные программные решения для горнодобывающей промышленности, инфраструктуры и городского планирования, повышающие производительность, результативность и экологичность. Powered by the 3DEXPERIENCE platform, GEOVIA provides mine planning and geology modelling software that enable geoscientists, earth engineers, and urban planners to design, analyze, and simulate earth’s resources and automate processes helping to improve operational efficiency and optimize resource utilization. 3DEXPERIENCE GEOVIA- Efficiently Design, Plan, and Optimize Mining Operations and Urban Centres

Программное обеспечение для горного дела для геологов, инженеров, маркшейдеров, управления шахтами и многого другого.

GEOVIA Surpac. Comprehensive Mine Planning and Geological Modelling Software. Комплексное программное обеспечение для планирования горных работ и геологического моделирования.
GEOVIA Surpac™ -это наиболее популярный в мире горно-геологический пакет. Он обеспечивает эффективность и точность в работе за счет простоты в использовании, мощной трехмерной графики и возможности автоматизировать процессы.
GEOVIA Surpac™ Integrated Geology, Resource Modeling, Mine Planning and Production
GEOVIA Surpac™ is the world’s most popular geology and mine planning software, supporting open pit and underground operations and exploration projects in more than 120 countries. The software delivers efficiency and accuracy through ease-of-use, powerful 3D graphics and workflow automation that can be aligned to company-specific processes and data flows.
Surpac addresses all the requirements of geologists, surveyors, and mining engineers in the resource sector and is flexible enough to be suitable for every commodity, orebody and mining method. Its multilingual capabilities allow global companies to support a common solution across their operations.

GEOVIA MineSched. Advanced Tactical Mine Planning & Scheduling. Усовершенствованное тактическое планирование разминирования
GEOVIA MineSched™ - инструмент для долгосрочного и краткосрочного планирования для открытых карьеров и подземных рудников всех размеров и типов. Повышает производительность и качество планирования горных работ по сравнению с неавтоматизированным режимом.
GEOVIA MineSched™ is the most innovative scheduling software experience for mining puts you back in the driver’s seat to maximize productivity and profits.
GEOVIA MineSched™
Production Scheduler - Great Results with Proven Technology
The most innovative scheduling software experience for mining, GEOVIA MineSched™ puts you in the driver’s seat to maximize productivity and profits. Intuitive, rapid setup and guided workflows take the complexity out of scheduling, putting real decision-making power back in the hands of engineers and mining operations.

GEOVIA Whittle. Advanced Strategic Mine Planning. Продвинутое стратегическое планирование добычи полезных ископаемых.
GEOVIA Whittle™ - всемирно признанное программное обеспечение для стратегического планирования горных работ, используемое для определения и оптимизации экономической эффективности проектов открытых горных работ. GEOVIA Whittle™ is the world’s most trusted strategic mine planning software used to determine and optimize the economics of open pit mining projects.
GEOVIA Whittle™ Strategic Mine Planning - Optimize Mine Profits
When exploration and mining companies need to evaluate the financial viability and the optimal mine strategy for a deposit, they turn to the industry leading strategic mine planning solution – GEOVIA Whittle™. Companies depend on Whittle to help them determine their investment strategy and to deliver robust mine plans that maximize profitability by taking into account real mining constraints.
Whittle delivers trusted results and is used in scoping, feasibility, life-of-mine scheduling, and in the ongoing re-evaluation of mine plans throughout the production phase. Because pit optimization alone is not enough to unlock the full economic potential of your operation, Whittle provides mine optimization, which enables significant increases in project value over and above pit optimization. With its 64-bit platform, Whittle handles large data sets designed to optimize and run big models. To aid with these ever increase larger datasets, in addition to Lerchs-Grossmann, Whittle also includes the Pseudoflow algorithm which is renowned for the speed in which it generates pit shells, even for these large datasets.

GEOVIA GEMS. Интегрированное решение для геологии, моделирования ресурсов, планирования горных работ и управления добычей
GEOVIA GEMS™ предоставляет объединенные горно-геологические возможности для совместной работы групп различной специализации, вовлеченных в разведку, моделирование, проектирование, долгосрочное и краткосрочное планирование горных работ.
GEOVIA GEMS™ provides collaborative geology and mine planning capabilities that support cross-functional teams involved in exploration, modeling, mine design, long-term planning, and production scheduling.
Integrated Geology, Resource Modeling, Mine Planning and Production
GEOVIA GEMS™ is the leader in collaborative geology and mine planning solutions. GEMS provides the capabilities for open pit and underground mining professionals in exploration, modeling, mine design, long-term planning and production scheduling.

GEOVIA Minex. Единственное интегрированное программное обеспечение полного цикла для геологии и планирования добычи на угольных и других пластовых месторождениях
GEOVIA Minex™ предоставляет лучшие горно-геологические инструменты для угольных и других пластовых месторождений, обеспечивая точность оценки запасов и эффективность их отработки.
GEOVIA Minex™ provides the best geology and mine planning tools for coal and other stratified deposits, ensuring resources are evaluated accurately and mined efficiently.
The Only Integrated, End-to-end Geology and Mine Planning Solution for Coal and other Stratified Deposits
GEOVIA MinexTM is the recognized world leader of integrated geology and mine planning solutions for coal and other stratified deposits.

GEOVIA PCBC. Мощные и гибкие технологии блокового обрушения.
GEOVIA PCBC™ используется практически всеми крупными горнодобывающими компаниями, применяющими систему блокового обрушения, полагаясь на комплексную функциональность программы, помогающую при ТЭО, проектировании и управлении производством.
GEOVIA PCBC™ is used by virtually every major mining company involved in block caving who rely on its comprehensive functionality to assist with feasibility studies, design, and production management.
Power and flexibility for your block cave operation
PCBC is used by virtually every mining company involved in block caving who depend on it to improve profits through better mine plans, schedules and production management. PCBC clients realize substantial increases in deposit value through more accurate resource estimations and reports, while benefiting from better dilution management and geotechnical stability. PCBC has a proven track record for keeping production schedules current under the dynamically changing conditions at operating mines. With decisions based on a single source of data housed in a central database, PCBC users spend less time updating mine plans, evaluating scheduling options and running profitability scenarios.

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