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Sercel is a leading provider of technology-driven geoscience solutions to the global oil & gas industry.

Автор: Гричуха Константин

Дата: 2024-01-05

Главная / ПО для геофизиков / Каталог /Sercel



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В 2022 году Sercel приобретает подразделение программного обеспечения ION Geophysical Corporation (“ION”) Geocomp Corporation , специализирующееся на услугах и продуктах для управления геотехническими рисками и мониторинга инфраструктуры, и Morphosense (2022), решение для разрушительного мониторинга состояния конструкций (SHM) / управления структурной целостностью (SIM).
Sercel is part of CGG Group , a global technology and HPC leader that provides data, products, services and solutions in Earth science, data science, sensing and monitoring. Sercel represents the Sensing and Monitoring business of CGG.

Products экс.ION Geophysical

ION’s Marlin Marine Optimization Software increases safety, security and efficiency with full operational awareness in challenging environments.

Improving operational efficiencies while managing risk are priorities for every operation where multiple offshore assets are involved. Operators in Oil & Gas, Ports & Harbors, Offshore Construction and Offshore Windfarm environments need to manage vessel movements and scheduling and maintain awareness of all operations in close proximity. Marlin transforms offshore management, maximizing coordination while reducing downtime in congested offshore environments. Real-time digital visualization ensures that all parties have full situational awareness of current and planned activities of every other asset in the area.
Situational Awareness for Marine Operations
Marlin is a Rule Based Software Solution that combines temporal planning with spatial awareness. The platform uses real-time data to improve operational efficiency, reduce costs and strengthen overall safety performance. It is a scalable, data-driven solution suitable for all types of offshore operations and logistics. Marlin Smartport Manage your port’s digital transformation with Sercel’s innovative port management solution.

MESA is a leading-edge software package that provides a comprehensive set of tools for optimizing onshore, offshore, and transition zone survey design and planning.
MESA, стандартный в отрасли программный продукт для проектирования съемок 2D, 3D, 4D и многоволновых съемок, позволяет вырабатывать сценарии полевых работ в переходных (транзитных) зонах и при регистрации данных в смешанном режиме.
MESA is a leading edge software package that provides a comprehensive set of tools for optimizing onshore, offshore and transition zone survey design and planning.
Data acquisition is the foundation of the seismic lifecycle. It is, therefore, critical that accurate decisions are made from the start of the acquisition design process. In order to meet the challenges that come with the planning process, companies require flexible and robust survey design tools that provide accurate analysis to effectively image their subsurface targets.
ION’s MESA software addresses those needs for both land and marine projects by streamlining the survey design & planning process.
Key Benefits:
Provides advanced survey design and subsurface coverage analysis for land, marine and OBC survey designs, including multi-component and VSP surveys
Optimizes survey effectiveness through the analysis of a broad spectrum of geophysical attributes and field operation challenges
Offers fast and simple geologic modeling, ray tracing and target illumination analysis
MESA Suite of Software Packages
MESA Field – ideal for advanced 3D acquisition planning capability with a basic analysis package
MESA Professional – provides an extensive set of 3D acquisition tools for land, marine and OBC design, production tracking, geometry QC, design comparison, and GIS integration
MESA Expert – the ultimate 3D survey design tool with geologic modelling and raytracing, aperture calculations, including VSP design and downhole geometries.
MESA SimSurvey is an add-on module to MESA. Seismic operations teams use MESA SimSurvey for performing time, motion, and cost analysis on seabed, towed streamer, and hybrid seismic surveys.

Orca is the industry standard in towed streamer command and control software. It is utilized on 2D, 3D, high-resolution and multi-vessel programs.?

Drawing on over 30 years in-field expertise and installed on a significant majority of vessels worldwide, Orca is the industry leading integrated system that centralizes and automates the command and control of all on-board and in-water systems. Orca has proven track record with oil companies and seismic services providers across the globe. Orca delivers efficiency improvements in today’s acquisition environment, from 2D and 3D to complex, multi-vessel programs including 4D and WATS.
Operational Planning
Orca’s planning functionality combines obstacle information, ocean current models, coverage and repeatability into operational plans to derive the most efficient acquisition plan. It produces clear, concise work schedules for distribution to multiple vessels and third parties within the survey area.
Command & Control
At the heart of the instrument room, Orca’s reliable interfacing provides control and synchronization of the critical systems in the instrument room whatever acquisition is being undertaken. Real-time diagnostics, automated QC, robust logging and reporting give the operators, and clients, the confidence that the highest quality production is being achieved.
In-field Optimization
Orca provides intelligentmodelingof ocean currents, through the use of tidal data, third party and internally calculated models, providing decision makers with enhanced feather predictions, modelled coverage and line prioritization guidance. This ensures that the most beneficial lines can be acquired at the optimal time, thereby increasing efficiency and quality for the survey being undertaken.
Navigation Processing
Orca’s navigation processing is automatically carried out whilst online, with fully processed deliverables available only minutes after end of line. The Near Real Time (NRT) engine automatically processes the navigation data, providing consistent results with minimal operator input. If required, the processing system allows the user to focus on automatically identified key problem areas and recalculate final positions quickly and efficiently. Full re-processing is possible, but typically not necessary.
Binning and Spatial Coverage
Orca’s coverage functionality is trusted by E&P and seismic companies to provide binning of coverage, attributes and repeatability deliverables. Real-time displays ensure that maximum coverage and repeatability can be achieved online. Offline coverage plots and detailed attribute reports are produced, allowing optimal infill decisions to be made.
Field QC & Analysis
Orca’s powerful field QC and analysis functionality provides comprehensive but clear reporting of data quality in real-time and offline. Real-time the focus is on quality assurance (QA) and automatically identifying problem areas, rather than relying upon manual review. Orca’s central database architecture means disparate survey data sources are logged, from which an extensive array of data sources can be queried and QC’d thus allowing meaningful reports to be produced.

Products Sercel

S-scan, Sercel’s new and innovative solution, has been designed for demanding customers who want to identify and monitor anomalies and changes in near-surface, underlying subsoil to detect and anticipate deformation and collapse (cavities, sinkholes, subsidence or landslide). It’s a full geophysical solution comprising survey design, acquisition solutions and processing to deliver results to the asset owner.

Seapro design
SeaPro Design is a versatile tool for generating pre-plots for 2D, 3D and advanced marine seismic surveys. It contains all the functionality required to quickly define any survey from simple rectangle to complex geometry.

iSite Central
iSite Central is compatible with data collection from multiple sources, such as robotic total stations, data loggers, and mechanized equipment. It can fuse and deliver project site information from natural and manmade environments at remote locations, including laboratory test results and other pertinent project reports, within the same platform.

И многое другое...

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Добавил: Руслан (malish124@mail.ru) в 04 Dec 2022 20:12:25
Доброго времени суток! Мне бы хотелось ....Заказать и получить вылеченную от чрезмерной жадности программу MESA Админ: Ответил на мыло...
Добавил: Владимир (masvol@mail.ru) в 14 Jul 2021 11:43:28
Доброго времени суток! Мне бы хотелось "....Заказать и получить вылеченную от чрезмерной жадности программу MESA ("https://www.iongeo.com) ...." Администратор; Ответил на мыло..

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