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OOO «Аналитика»

Автор: Гричуха Константин

Дата: 2024-01-18

Главная / ПО для топографов, геодезистов / Каталог /Delta Digitals

OOO «Аналитика»


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OOO «Аналитика» занимается разработкой и производством оборудования и программного обеспечения для цифровой фотограмметрии и землеустройства. ГНПП «Геосистема» занимается разработкой и производством оборудования и программного обеспечения для цифровой фотограмметрии и картографии. "Analytica" in cooperation with "Geosystem" develops and produces color photogrammetric scanners and digital photogrammetric stations. We have more than twenty years experience in this field.
Since 1987 we have developed five models of analytical photogrammetric stations and produced more than 200 such instruments.
In 1995 we finished the development of digital photogrammetric station with high precision scanner. Since 1998 we have been producing color photogrammetric scanners with automatic roll film scanning. We have produced and sold hundreds of scanners and digital photogrammetric stations.

Delta - Программное обеспечение ЦФС «Дельта» НПП Геосистемы

DPS «Delta» Software
Supports full photogrammetric production started from triangulation/adjustment to final symbolized map/ortho output.
Based on the «Digitals» mapping engine with stereo-plotting possibilities.
Allows to create nice-looking digital maps and orthophotos from areal or satellite images. Works in stereo mode with stereoscope or OpenGL shutters, works in mono/mono+ mode without an additional hardware.
Optionally uses handwheels/footdisk equipment: full DPS «Delta» workstation.
Orientation software
Processing aerial, close range and satellite images from various sensors.
Managing cameras and ground/control points.
Importing absolute orientation elements from different formats.
Semiautomatic orientation of stereo models and single photos.
Total error control and correction at every orientation stage.
Mapping software
Operates both with stereo models and with single photos (using DEM).
Three-dimensional superimposition of vector data on raster images.
Can be used for vectorization of orthophotos and scanned maps.
Allows to customize layers, symbols, object parameters and other map attributes.
Uses templates of standard object types to simplify data collecting.
The panel of favorite most used layers.
Automatic 2D/3D snap at points and lines with indication.
Automatic and semiautomatic DEM extraction, building and interpolation of contourlines.
Raster maps and photos in TIFF (including JPEG and ZIP compressed), RAW, JPEG and BMP formats can be used.
Operates with huge black-and-white and color raster images on a standard computer.
Supports popular vector formats: DWG, DXF/DBF, Shape, DGN, MID/MIF, ASCII, etc.
Real-time coordinates exchange with other programs via TCP/IP, OLE and COM-port.
Orthophoto mosaicking
Creation of a mosaic of any number raster polygons from different photos.

Mapping and cartography software «Digitals»
The mapping software is designed for creation/revision of topographic and special maps, map publishing, urban cadastre and land management, solving special tasks.
Provides unlimited possibilities for creating/editing/revising of digital maps.
Supports 3D-input from DPS «Delta» and external formats.
Basic cartographic engine supports
Unlimited list of layers that define the appearance of objects: line and fill attributes, associated cartographic symbol and other properties;
Unlimited number of object parameters (database fields) and a possibility of arbitrary placement of their values on the map as captions
Editable library of vector cartographic symbols that contains ordinal, linear, linear-oriented, linear-scalable and areal symbols;
Changeable order in which layers or single objects are displayed;
WYSIWYG mode: the map is displayed on the screen just as it will be output on a printer, plotter, to BMP file;
Saving maps along with its attributes in a single file.

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