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Baker Hughes - JewelSuite™ Subsurface Modeling

Автор: Гричуха Константин

Дата: 2024-01-06

Главная / ПО для отрасли нефть-газ Oil & Gas / Каталог / Baker Hughes

Программное обеспечение от Baker Hughes


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Baker Hughes - ведущий поставщик услуг месторождения нефти, продуктов, технологии и систем к международной промышленности нефти и природного газа.
A top-tier oilfield service company with a century-long track record, Baker Hughes delivers solutions that help oil and gas operators make the most of their reservoirs.
Collaboration is the foundation on which we build our business. We listen to our clients to understand their unique challenges and then develop solutions designed to help manage operating expenses, maximize reserve recovery, and boost overall return on investment throughout the life of an oil or gas asset.
Baker Hughes is a leading supplier of oilfield services, products, technology and systems to the worldwide oil and natural gas industry. The Company’s 32,000 employees today work in more than 80 countries helping customers find, evaluate, drill, produce, transport and process hydrocarbon resources.
Our history of technology innovation is a cornerstone of our success. Local teams are supported by global centers of excellence where scientists push the boundaries of value-adding technology to find solutions for progressively more complex technical challenges.
At dedicated innovation centers, scientists conduct applied and game-changing critical research. We collaborate with customers to jointly develop technology for specific industry needs at regional technology centers. Engineers and scientists at our product centers work on next-generation products and services for drilling and evaluation, completions and production, and fluids and chemicals.
At Baker Hughes, we are looking forward to the next 100 years of working side by side with our customers to continue expanding the limits of oil, gas and alternative energy drilling, completion and production through innovation problem solving.

Программное обеспечение:
Technical Software

JewelSuite™ Subsurface Modeling
Subsurface Modeling. Моделирование недр. Improve project performance with powerful software workflows from subsurface to wellhead
Quickly build and update complex reservoir models accurately. With our geomechanic and hydraulic fracturing software, we build targeted workflows for unconventional plays.
JewelSuite Geologic Modeling
Build accurate 3D models, regardless of the reservoir’s structural complexity. Regional and local structures are captured without need to compromise. Easy, fast, accurate.
JewelSuite Reservoir Engineering
Integrate accurate geologic models, without losing any structural detail, directly in your reservoir simulation.
JewelSuite Viewer
The viewer allows you to query, analyze, and visualize JewelSuite projects in 3D and in standard data filtering views.
Microseismic Analysis Add-in
Quickly perform QC analysis of processed microseismic data on consistency and quality.

JewelSuite™ GeoMechanics
Geomechanics. Геомеханика.

Unique solutions to quickly and easily understand and minimize the geomechanical risks associated with developing your fields.
Intuitively and easily take control of your geomechanical challenges
Exploration and production continues to shift toward more challenging oil and gas prospects, where recoverable volumes are low compared to the complexity of the geology and the high costs of production. Now more than ever, you need to optimize your well plans and proactively prevent potential rock mechanical challenges. These challenges, if undetected, can cause a lot of high risk and costly problems.
As a pioneer of petroleum geomechanics, Baker Hughes offers unique solutions that allow you to quickly and easily understand and minimize the risks associated with developing your fields.
JewelSuite GeoMechanics
JewelSuite™ GeoMechanics software is composed of powerful well-centric and reservoir-centric applications for geomechanical modeling and wellbore stability analysis.
GMI Geomechanics
Understanding how geomechanics affect the entire reservoir life cycle enables you to make the best decisions.

MFrac™ Suite
Hydraulic Fracturing. Гидроразрыв.

Receive real-time 3D fracture geometry, including data on acid fracturing, wellbore heat transfer, proppant transport, and perforation erosion.
Increase oil and gas recovery
When you’re working with deep oil and gas reservoirs with low porosity or permeability, the hydraulic fracturing job must be faultless. Using Baker Hughes hydraulic fracturing software allows you to fully visualize even the most complex fracture geometries and distributions. We have a complete suite of software tools for detailed history matching and fracture optimization studies. Receive real-time 3D fracture geometry, including data on acid fracturing, wellbore heat transfer, proppant transport, and perforation erosion.
MFrac™ Suite is a complete suite of proven programs covering a wide range of stimulation and petroleum engineering applications, including hydraulic fracturing, minifrac analysis, well production analysis, and real-time data acquisition. Available since 1985, our MFrac Suite is the industry’s most reliable fracture stimulation software. Get the insight you need to target the most productive zones, determine effective fracture treatments, and monitor reservoir stimulation in real time.
MFrac Design and Evaluation Simulator
The fully coupled proppant transport and heat transfer routines enable you to use the application for fracture design and treatment analysis.
MShale Natural Fracture Simulator
Predict fracture propagation and extent in fractured and naturally fractured reservoirs.
MPwri Produced Water Reinjection Simulator
This application was specifically designed for evaluating the effects of injecting large volumes of fluid over long periods of time with fracture efficiencies approaching zero.
MWell Wellbore Hydraulics Simulator
Calculate surface and/or bottomhole pressures, gravitational head, restrictions, transport times, and hydraulic power requirements in the wellbore.
MFast Fracturing Simulator
The methodology used in the simulator is comparable to a lumped analogy: The simulator uses constant coefficients derived from our design and evaluation simulator.
MView Data Management
Share real-time data or replay the dataset with four of our other hydraulic fracturing applications.
MNpv NPV and ROI
This application forecasts fractured well NPV and ROI for maximizing well profitability.
MinFrac Design and Analysis
The application examines rate/pressure data during/after injection, including pump-in/shut-in test stress determination, step-rate interpretation, and pressure decline analysis.
MProd Production Modeling
Our single-phase production simulator assesses the production for a variety of treatment scenarios using a comparison with unfractured wells.

JewelSuite FluidPulse™
Fluid Analysis and Characterization. Жидкий анализ и характеристика.

JewelSuite FluidPulse™ fluid analysis and characterization tool provides petroleum and reservoir engineers with accurate pressure/volume/temperature (PVT) modeling and analysis.
Accurate PVT models for optimal development planning
Successful development planning and management of oil and gas operations relies heavily on a clear understanding of fluid phase behavior and fluid characteristics. These properties play a crucial role in all aspects of field development, from predicting reservoir economics through production flow assurance.
Our JewelSuite FluidPulse™ fluid analysis and characterization tool provides petroleum and reservoir engineers with accurate pressure/volume/temperature (PVT) modeling and analysis. This application offers both black oil and equation of state (EoS) modeling capabilities. Workflows implemented within the library include tuning both black oil models and critical properties of pseudo components in EoS modeling to measured data. Users can also manually group components (lumping) into a smaller number of pseudo components in order to increase calculation speed without compromising predictive capability in many use cases including compositional reservoir modeling. Among its capabilities are also creating fluid properties and phase envelope calculation with quality lines at desired intervals.
A modern user interface combines functionality with well-organized intuitive layouts. Support for unit systems makes it easy to adjust the application to your requirements. Comparative visualization of data/results empowers users to rapidly gain knowledge and quickly make decisions.

Completion ArchiTEX™
3D Completion Design. 3D дизайн.

The Completion ArchiTEX™ 3D completion design software helps our engineers de-risk complex design by delivering enhanced models of the well trajectory, casing, tubing, and completion sub-assemblies.
Completion ArchiTEX™
With innovative drilling technologies increasing the depth, reach, and complexity of today’s wells, a more effective way to optimize completion design and operations takes shape.
Completion ArchiTEX™ (CTX™) 3D completion design software offers a new class of design integrity assurance that bridges the gap between enhanced visualization, design verification, process adherence, and collaboration.
Improving efficiencies
Using CTX, engineers derisk complex design by delivering accurate, high resolution 3D models of the well trajectory, casing, tubing, and completion sub-assemblies, set in the context of the subsurface environment. The CTX software also makes it easy to share pertinent subsurface data, design concepts, and engineering parameters with the right people, at the right time.
To ensure the quality of the design, the assembly of parts within CTX is governed by smart rules that automatically provide dimensional validation and flag incorrect or inappropriate use of components.
CTX also addresses the need for standardization of the completion and improving completion operational efficiency. Using a comprehensive catalogue of high definition, parameterized completion parts, CTX enables completion teams to speed up approval cycles, reduce parts inventories, and decrease the need for engineering of custom parts.
Our 3D completion design software simplifies the completion design process by facilitating a collaborative, interactive, and governed environment. This environment enhances design decisions, captures design changes, promotes best practices, and provides an auditable design-assurance trail that spans the complete planning and execution process.
With CTX, you can work leaner, faster and smarter to deliver operating excellence though:
Enhanced design quality and cost effectiveness
Greater operating efficiencies
Improved organizational performance
Contact your Baker Hughes representative today, or visit bakerhughes.com/CTX to find out how Completion ArchiTEX 3D software can decrease costs, reduce non-productive time (NPT) and improve operational performance.

Integrated Production Operations. Интегрированная производственная деятельность.

Baker Hughes FieldPulse™ real-time production monitoring and model-based predictive analytics for the digital oilfield.
FieldPulse™ real-time production monitoring and model-based predictive analytics for the digital oilfield
FieldPulse analytics software helps improve well performance, increase operational efficiency and reduce lift costs through a model based management by exception approach and predictive analytics.
FieldPulse excels in large well count fields where large volumes of data can be overwhelming and maintaining accurate line of sight into field performance can be challenging.
Specifically designed for digital oilfield initiatives, FieldPulse automates well centric workflows by seamlessly integrating field data, well models and predictive analytics. The standard workflows contain petroleum engineering methods that can help identify underperforming wells.
KPIs, predictive warnings and alerts help reduce downtime and provide actionable data to help with decisions relating to well activities, crew movements and reduce expenses relating to well remediation.
Predict and mitigate problems before they happen
Using well-centric predictive analytics, FieldPulse will help identify problem wells before the problems occur. KPIs such as rate decline, model deviations and instrumentation/data anomalies are constantly monitored by FieldPulse. Warnings and alerts are displayed along with the supporting data to help identify the cause.
FieldPulse also generates a candidate opportunity index to help find wells that may have the most opportunity for production efficiency gains. High value producers take precedence. The software benchmarks performance to enable continuous improvement.
Utilize your existing investments
There’s no need for new investments in sensors, gauges, or databases since FieldPulse can integrate data from your existing production databases, data historians and completion databases.
FieldPulse can integrate with industry leading well modeling software and steady-state multiphase flow simulators to detect production deviation from model, integrate test data to perform model re-calibration, and use well models as the basis for virtual metering. FieldPulse also has its own built in nodal engine which allows real time integration between field data and well models without the need for additional well modeling software.
Optimized for real-time operations centers (RTOC’s)
FieldPulse is designed for large form displays and touch screen technology. FieldPulse can also be viewed on tablet devices, touch enabled laptops as well as conventional laptops and desktops.
Realize value immediately
It takes minutes to set up a well within FieldPulse and value can be realized within hours. FieldPulse supports all OPC compatible data historians, well models from most major vendors and each installation can be scaled to over 1000 wells. FieldPulse can be applied across any asset type.

JewelEarth™ Development Platform
Develop proprietary software tools to enhance workflows. Разработайте собственные программные инструменты, чтобы улучшить потоки операций.

The Baker Hughes JewelEarth™ software development platform is an easy-to-use programming environment based on the Microsoft™.NET framework. All JewelSuite applications are built on the JewelEarth platform which enables users to easily exchange data between the different applications through shared files, or by dragging and dropping data between applications. The JewelEarth software platform also enables seamless connectivity to third-party industry applications and databases to enhance your technology portfolio. JewelEarth enables you to easily build your own differentiating software applications; build your own workflow standards through set workflow panels; and connect to proprietary databases or other subsurface applications by using the JewelEarth SDK. This software development kit (SDK) enables you to quickly build your own plug-ins or add-ins. Standard templates and user interface controls are provided with this SDK to accelerate the delivery of technology. This mature software development kit was developed with the first releases of JewelSuite software more than six years ago. Baker Hughes uses this software development kit in-house to support customers on their reservoir projects and in cooperation with R&D partners.

Plug-ins Дополнительные плагины для популярных систем
Impala MPS Add-in
ECLIPSE™ Reservoir Simulator
IMEX™ Reservoir Simulators

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Просмотров: 2785

Добавил: Baouche Rafik (R_baouche@yahoo.fr) в 29 May 2024 20:14:15
Need Software Jewel suite please

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