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Maplesoft - филиал Cybernet Systems Group.

Автор: Гричуха Константин

Дата: 2024-01-06

Главная / ПО для отрасли нефть-газ Oil & Gas / Каталог / Maplesoft



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Математическое программное обеспечение для моделирования процессов.
Maplesoft has provided mathematics-based software solutions to educators, engineers, and researchers in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) for over 25 years.
Maplesoft’s flagship product, Maple, combines the world’s most powerful mathematics engine with an interface that makes it extremely easy to analyze, explore, visualize, and solve mathematical problems. Building on this technology, the product line includes solutions for online assessment, system-level modeling and simulation, and online STEM courseware. Maplesoft products provide modern, innovative solutions to meet today’s challenges, from exploring math concepts on a smartphone to enabling a model-driven innovation approach that helps companies reduce risk and bring high-quality products to market faster. Maplesoft products and services are used by more than 8000 educational institutions, research labs, and companies, in over 90 countries.
Maplesoft is a subsidiary of Cybernet Systems Group.
Maplesoft обеспечивал основанные на математике программные продукты педагогов, инженеров и исследователей в науке, технологии, разработке и математике (ОСНОВА) больше 25 лет.
Ведущий продукт Maplesoft, Клен, комбинирует самый мощный механизм математики в мире с интерфейсом, который делает чрезвычайно простым проанализировать, исследовать, визуализировать и решить математические проблемы. Основываясь на этой технологии, производственная линия включает решения для онлайновой оценки, моделирования системного уровня и моделирования, и онлайн ОСТАНОВИТЕ программное обеспечение автоматизированного обучения. Продукты Maplesoft предоставляют современные, инновационные решения, чтобы справиться с сегодняшними проблемами от исследования математических понятий на смартфоне к включению управляемого моделью инновационного подхода, который помогает компаниям снижать риск и поставлять высококачественные продукты на рынок быстрее. Продукты и услуги Maplesoft используются больше чем 8000 учебных заведений, научно-исследовательских лабораторий и компаний, в более чем 90 странах.
Maplesoft - филиал Cybernet Systems Group.

Программные продукты:

Maple-The Essential Tool for Mathematics

Maple is math software that combines the world's most powerful math engine with an interface that makes it extremely easy to analyze, explore, visualize, and solve mathematical problems.
Solve math problems easily and accurately, without worrying that you've lost a minus sign somewhere
Solve math problems quickly that you could never do by hand (or that you wouldn't want to do by hand because life is too short!)
Solve problems from virtually any branch of mathematics or field that relies on mathematics, such as calculus, algebra, differential equations, statistics, control design, linear algebra, physics, optimization, group theory, differential geometry, signal processing, special functions, number theory, financial modeling, etc. etc.
Gain insight into your problem, solution, data, or concept using a huge variety of customizable 2-D and 3-D plots and animations
Keep problems, solutions, visualizations, and explanations all together in a single, easy-to-follow document, so you don't have to waste time reconstructing your thought processes
Develop complex solutions using a sophisticated programming language designed for mathematics, so your code is shorter, easier to write, easier to debug, and easier to maintain
Create interactive applications for yourself, your students, or your colleagues, without having to be an expert programmer, and share them over the web

MapleSim-Advanced System-Level Modeling

From digital twins for virtual commissioning to system-level models for complex engineering design projects, MapleSim is an advanced modeling tool that helps you reduce development risk, lower costs, and enable innovation.
Rapid creation and testing of initial concepts
By enabling quick prototyping and testing of design concepts, MapleSim allows you to try out more ideas in less time, getting you on track quickly and energizing the creative design process.
Natural environment for modeling multidomain systems
With MapleSim, you model your entire system inside a single environment, so you can track down design flaws arising from unexpected interactions between different domains, and even prevent these problems from occurring in the first place.
Computationally efficient models
MapleSim produces high fidelity, computationally efficient models suitable for in-the-loop simulations, controller design, and activities such as optimization, sensitivity analysis, and parameter sweeps, where many simulations are required to get results.
MapleSim helps you capture, deepen, preserve, and leverage your engineering knowledge so you can make your system-level modeling projects a success.

Maple T.A.
Maple T.A. MAA Placement Test Suite

Easy Administration, Instant Results & Flexible Scheduling
Find out how the Maple T.A. MAA Placement Test Suite helps you place incoming students in the right mathematics courses quickly and painlessly
Transforming the University of the Virgin Islands' Placement Testing Process using Maple T.A.
Partnering with the MAA to Revolutionize Placement Testing
Place your incoming students in the right mathematics courses quickly and painlessly using the renowned Mathematical Association of America (MAA) placement tests offered online exclusively through the Maple T.A. testing environment.
Easy to administer. Deliver tests online, without the logistical headaches of room scheduling, paper copy delivery, marker hiring, marathon marking sessions, and manual mark entry.
Instant results. Results are available as soon as the student has completed the test.
Placement before scheduling. Because tests are taken online, placement testing can be done before students arrive on campus, over the summer or even at the end of the previous school year when the concepts are fresh in students' minds. Class scheduling can then be done using the placement information.
Flexible delivery. Tests can be offered multiple times, or over a period of time, to accommodate everyone's busy schedule. Tests can even be administered more than once to the same students throughout the license period, to validate improvements during and after the course and to determine placement for additional subjects.
Trusted content. MAA placement tests are created by experts and statistically validated.

Online courseware environment that puts STEM first!

Mobius is a comprehensive online courseware environment that focuses on science, technology, engineering, and mathematics.

MapleMBSE lets you take advantage of a Model Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) approach to requirements management and validation, without requiring every engineer on the project to be an expert in complex MBSE tools. With more people feeding into the process, you can create, maintain, and validate your requirements and systems models more efficiently and with fewer errors, allowing you to close the gap between systems engineering and model-based design.
In the world of Model Based Systems Engineering, specialized tools help define high-level system requirements that are used throughout the design chain. Most engineers don't have the training needed to use these complex tools, but their input into system requirements remains vital. With customization by the Maplesoft Engineering Solutions team to meet your specific needs, MapleMBSE makes collaboration on requirements accessible to all stakeholders, providing streamlined interfaces for each task in your MBSE project. By giving more engineers an easy connection to MBSE tools, you can work faster, reduce errors, and ensure a system-wide collaboration on your next project.

Maplesoft Engineering Solutions
Maplesoft Engineering Solutions experts can help you with your design projects.

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