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Компания Tecplot, разработчик популярных систем визуализации данных.

Автор: Гричуха Константин

Дата: 2024-01-06

Главная / ПО для отрасли нефть-газ Oil & Gas / Каталог / Tecplot



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Компания Tecplot, разработчик популярных систем визуализации данных.
Tecplot specializes in visual data analysis software that boosts productivity, integrates into engineering workflows and cuts time in understanding computational fluid dynamic (CFD), simulation and experimental results.
Thanks to decades of technological innovation and over 47,000 satisfied customers worldwide, Tecplot has become a trusted name in visual data analysis.
Our flagship product, Tecplot 360, continues to meet the growing need for fast, reliable, easy-to-use, memory efficient post-processing software that helps scientists and engineers effectively analyze, understand and communicate their results to others. In 2002, Tecplot RS reservoir visualization & analysis software was released to meet the needs of the oil & gas community.
Tecplot is an operating company of Toronto-based Vela Software, a global provider of software solutions to a number of vertical markets. As an operating group of Constellation Software, Inc., Vela acquires, manages, and builds specific software businesses that provide specialized, mission-critical software solutions.
Tecplot has been awarded numerous Small Business Innovation Research contracts from DOD, NASA, DARPA, and the National Science Foundation. In 2012, the company was named a Red Herring Top 100 Americas Award winner.

Программные продукты:

Tecplot 360

Tecplot 360 – мощная инженерная программа с широким функционалом XY, 2D и 3D. Программа Tecplot 360 создана для измерения эксплуатационных данных, построения тестовых данных, математического анализа, и для инженерного построения в целом.

Tecplot 360 поддерживает возможность написания скриптов на языке Python. Эта возможность была создана специально для инженеров, которым требуется дополнительный анализ (FFTs, сплайны, статистические функции и т.д.)
Visualization & Analysis Software
CFD engineers are running more simulations, grid sizes are getting larger, and data sets are being stored remotely. It’s essential that you have the right tools to effectively analyze your results.Tecplot 360 is a suite of CFD visualization and analysis tools that can handle large data sets, automate workflows, and visualize parametric results. You’ll be able to quickly make engineering decisions and communicate your results with integrated XY, 2D, and 3D plotting.
In 2017, Tecplot 360 was extended to include the ability to automate workflows with Python scripts (PyTecplot), access data remotely (SZL Server) and explore a parametric design space (Chorus). These additional capabilities are built into 2017 and later releases of Tecplot 360 and are available to customers with TecPLUS maintenance service.
Analyze Complex Results
Load your data with support for 27 CFD, FEA, structural analysis, and industry-standard data formats.
Unique multi-frame environment with multiple pages for reporting and comparing solutions.
Understand XY, Polar, 2D and 3D plots using unique linking capabilities.
Animate and step through transient solutions with video player-style controls like forward, backward, loop, bounce, and throttle control.
Explore with interactive slicing, iso-surface, and streamtrace tools.
Automatically extract key flow features such as vortex cores, shock surfaces.
Explore Billion Cell Models with SZL Technology
Leverage multi-core desktop systems with multi-threaded capability.
Dramatic performance improvements for large finite-element data:
Load times up to 23 times faster.
Peak memory usage reduced up to 93%.
Files sizes compressed up to 70%.
Analyze large finite-element data sets quickly and easily on a typical engineering laptop.
Verify Engineering Designs
Assess your grid quality with 28 grid quality functions including aspect ratios, Y+, skewness, orthogonality, and stretch factors.
Validate computational output with experimental data in by a single plotting environment.
Estimate the order of accuracy of your numerical solutions with Richardson extrapolation analysis.
Interactively explore and sweep through flow field to check that flow features align with the grid.
Compare multiple models simultaneously, including Fluid-structure Interaction (FSI) visualization.
Communicate and Publish Reports
Copy and paste images directly into Microsoft Office applications.
Export professional, presentation-quality vector and raster formats.
Present multiple, time-linked views of your plots with Tecplot 360’s unique multi-frame layout workspace.
Optimize animations for PowerPoint and the Web.
Create reports using unique multipage layouts.
Automate Routine Tasks
Instantly apply a plot’s style attributes and layouts to a different set of data with layout and style files.
Leverage over 180 macro functions to automate common analysis and plotting tasks.
Create human readable text based macros by recording on screen actions.

ZL Server
Remote Data Access for Tecplot 360*

SZL Server is a lightweight application that is installed on your HPC, data server or remote file store (including cloud resources like Amazon’s AWS). Data transfer is fast and secure.
The server side leverages our SZL technology to transfer only the data required to generate a specific plot. Simulation results must be converted to SZL file format (.szplt). See compatible CFD Codes.
Lightweight data server – no graphics rendering and fewer CPU and RAM resources required than when the rendering is done on the server.
Fast model manipulation – The rendering is done locally which means zooming, translating, and rotating are just as fast if the data had been local.
Secure data transfer – Encrypted data transfer via SSH is an option to keep your data secure.

Tecplot Chorus
A parametric design space analysis tool, Chorus is included* with Tecplot 360 and later versions.

Chorus has a unique set of features that help scientists and engineers explore large data sets from multiple simulations, compare results and evaluate overall system performance. Included with the 2017 release of Tecplot 360, Tecplot Chorus helps engineers who run and generate many simulation or test data sets. The most common applications are:
Optimizing your designs.
Developing aero databases.
Predicting performance over the operating envelope.
Investigation an engineering problem.
In all these scenarios engineers need to manage their solution data, discover the trends and anomalies in output variables, and understand the underlying physics that cause these variations.
Tecplot Chorus can easily analyze from one to a thousand simulation cases at the same time. It incorporates an easy-to-use simulation data management system for both test and computational data. Tecplot Chorus integrates analysis and quality assurance processes with flexible features that are designed to manage, analyze, and visualize large collections of simulation cases, identify trends and anomalies in performance outputs, and link them to the underlying physics. This can result in more rapid prototyping of design concepts for faster time to market.

PyTecplot is included* with Tecplot 360 and later versions.
Take advantage of the power of the Python scripting language, and gain direct access to your data with PyTecplot. PyTecplot integrates fully with other Python-compatible tools, making Tecplot 360 part of your engineering ecosystem.

Tecplot Focus
Tecplot 360 есть тот же самый Tecplot Focus только с поддержкой CFD-анализа.

Engineering Plotting & Analysis Software
ecplot Focus gets you answers faster. It enables you to quickly plot all your engineering and test data exactly the way you want. Analyze and explore complex data sets, arrange multiple XY, 2D and 3D plots, and then communicate your results to colleagues and management with brilliant, high-quality images and animations. Save even more time and effort by automating routine data analyses and plotting tasks. Available on Windows, Linux and Mac platforms, Tecplot Focus meets the needs of your multi-platform engineering group.
Easily Understand Complex Engineering Systems
Choose from an amazing array of XY, Polar, 2D and 3D plotting and animation tools–all in a single software package.
Apply multiple constraints to de?ne and create performance envelopes.
Control over 2,500 attributes of your plot.
View your work in multiple drawing windows and from different perspectives. (XY, 2D, and 3D) in Tecplot Focus’ unique multi-frame workspace.
Assign arbitrary independent axes for specialty plots
Create complex performance plots.
Plot irregularly spaced data.
Probe values over time.
Perform discrete Fourier transform (DFT).
Automate Plot Generation
Instantly re-create an old plot, or apply the same style attributes and layouts to a different set of data with layout and style ?les.
Automate your work with a powerful scripting language.
Create macros by recording or writing scripts.
Use the Quick Macro Panel to access macros easily.
Plot and print with batch processing.
Extend Tecplot functionality with the Add-on Developer’s Kit.
Get Recognized
Copy and paste images or animations directly into Microsoft Of?ce applications.
Export professional, presentation-quality images in vector and raster formats.
Make optimized animations for PowerPoint and the Web.

Tecplot RS
Tecplot RS (Reservoir Simulation) - интегрированный инструмент для моделирования месторождений нефти и газа.

Reservoir Simulation Visualization & Analysis Software
Tecplot RS поможет специалистам по разработке месторождений загружать данные из многочисленных источников и представлять эту информацию в виде двухмерных графиков или объемных представлений. В предлагаемой версии продукта реализовано множество востребованных пользователями усовершенствований, кроме того, Tecplot RS теперь интегрируется с популярным программным обеспечением VIP, выпускаемым компанией Landmark Graphics. Tecplot RS также допускает использование данных систем моделирования нефтяных и газовых коллекторов, предлагаемых сторонними производителями, а также информации, собранной в результате наблюдений, включая сведения о нормах выработки и результаты испытаний.
Oil and gas reservoir models are getting larger and more complex, and the need for effective analysis and communication is becoming vitally important.
Tecplot RS helps you manage and analyze large amounts of reservoir simulation data, uncover knowledge about reservoir model behavior, and communicate your results to colleagues and management with professional images and animations.
Quickly Validate Your Results
When you have finished running a reservoir simulation, you must be able to quickly validate your results, and make crucial decisions about your model. Visualization and analysis tools are crucial in the simulation workflow to help you fully understand your model.
Working closely with the reservoir engineers over the past 15 years, our team has carefully studied typical reservoir simulation workflows. We have designed Tecplot RS specifically to streamline processes so that you get to your answers in just a few mouse clicks.
Gain Crucial Insights through Powerful Analysis
Important information extracted from your model can give you fresh insights about reservoir behavior, leading to new discoveries. Tecplot RS has built in statistical analysis tools that pull out detailed reservoir model characteristics, for example, integrating the total oil in place for a grid solution. High quality graphics allow you to view your reservoir from many different perspectives.
Quickly Understand Your Data
Quickly get fresh insights about reservoir model behavior.
Load Simulation Data from Many Sources
Efficient methods for loading large data sets and an and easy-to-use interface help you quickly access the views you need to comprehend your data. As a full data visualization and analysis tool, Tecplot RS is compatible with many different sources of data. This industry compatibility makes it easy to standardize your results. It also facilitates cross team communication throughout the organization.
Load Data from Many Different Sources
Load data from many different sources into Tecplot RS.
Responsive Technical Support
Take advantage of new software releases twice per year. See what’s new in the latest release.
Get response from our technical support team in one business day or less.
Get help with installation, troubleshooting and workflow issues specific to your workplace.
View our Tecplot RS video tips, tutorials and webinars.
Advisory Council
Customer advisory council members (made up of our largest customers) have direct influence on the new feature design in Tecplot RS. Consulting with leaders in the oil and gas industry keeps us in sync with current issues in the industry.
The Tecplot RS Solution
Tecplot RS is an all-in-one XY, 2D and 3D solution. This one tool helps your team easily organize data results, have confidence in model predictions, collaborate across teams and communicate results to management. A short learning curve, full technical support and free online training, helps your team get up and running quickly.

High-end Postprocessing at its Best. The FieldView Postprocessor is the visualization and analysis tool of choice by engineers wanting to make better decisions quickly and with confidence. Our customers know they must deliver accurate results within ever tighter design cycles. CFD Engineers choose FieldView because it enables them to understand, communicate and automate their work.

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