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Автор: Гричуха Константин

Дата: 2024-01-07

Главная / ПО для топографов, геодезистов / Каталог /CADware


https://www.topolt.com/ https://www.cadware.ro/

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CADWARE Engineering is a Romanian company founded in 2008, activating in software sale for various fields such as architecture, interior design, construction, topography and cadaster, being a real support for architects, designers, engineers, builders and surveyors. CADWARE Engineering company consists in a team of specialists in technical fields, with training and international certifications. In the over 12 years of activity, the company treated each client with professionalism and earnestness, managing to align the results with the clients’ expectations, thus becoming a reference name on the Romanian market and beyond. What products and services we offer CADWARE Engineering is one of the most important software providers in Romania. Continuously learning and always being up to date with the news, the company’s specialists offer counseling to customers in choosing the most appropriate software, but also about how to use it for exceptional results. Our company offers to the surveying, cadaster, design and construction companies high-performance programs such as TopoLT, ProfLT, TransLT, helping specialists in these fields to work accurately and quickly for the best results.

Software - Программное обеспечение:

TopoLT - прикладное предложение инструменты для 2D и 3D заявлений и функциональностей, полезных для всех те, кто проектирует топографические или кадастровые планы в цифровом формате, кто разрабатывает 3D модели ландшафта и контуры, заполняет и сокращает расчет объемов, растровую географическую привязку изображения и автоматическую печать.

TopoLT is an application offering tools for 2D and 3D aplications and functionalities useful for all those who design topographical or cadastral plans in digital format, who develop 3D terrain models and contours, fill and cut volumes calculation, raster image georeferencing and automatic printing.
The author of TopoLT is 3D Space, a company with rich experience in geodetic projects and software design.
TopoLT is an indispensable tool for topography and cadaster, meeting all the requirements of the field and office work. The program is available in multiple languages and can be translated in any language by the user, and the functions can be configured for a wide range of situations.
TopoLT is running on AutoCAD or other CAD platforms (IntelliCAD), using the drawing functions of AutoCAD and adding specific functions necessary to create topographical and cadastral plans in digital format.

ProfLT is a program which offers functionalities for configuring, drawing and modifying longitudinal terrain profiles and cross sections.ProfLT - программа, которая предлагает функциональности для формирования, рисования и изменения продольных профилей ландшафта и поперечных сечений.

The author of TopoLT is 3D Space, a company with rich experience in geodetic projects and software design.
Begining with version 9.0 the program was designed to work in AutoCAD or IntelliCAD environment in order to take advantage of the CAD application functionalities.
ProfLT application allows the insertion of points from a coordinates file, and based on the codes or on the 3D model the program generates longitudinal or cross profiles. The configuration options allow the user customization of the profile templates and saving of new templates, so all users can personalize the program depending on the their requirements.

Геокалькулятор.TransLT разработан, чтобы вычислить параметры преобразования, и преобразование координат между двумя системами координат - быстрый и практический путь. Программное обеспечение нацелено на специалистов, которые используют технологию GPS, чтобы выполнить геодезические работы.

TransLT is designed to calculate the transformation parameters and the transformation of coordinates between two coordinates systems is a fast and practical way. The software is aimed at specialists who use GPS technology to perform geodetic works.
TransLT is an application which offers the following three major functionalities:
The calculation of transformation parameters between two coordinates systems;
The transformation of coordinates between two coordinates systems;
Drawing of polygons, paths or points in Google Earth.
To make it easy to operate with the multitude of existing reference coordinates systems, TransLT contains a module that extracts information from EPSG database.
The program interface is intuitive, easy to use, the data can be imported from txt or csv files, and it allows saving the modification for each step of the transformation.

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Просмотров: 1132

Добавил: Администратор (kot1231962@mail.ru) в 02 Nov 2013 10:13:55
Моя ссылка расположена в самом конце статьи , там где я предлагаю самсофт для сравнения , а к остальному администрация сайта отношения не имеет...С моей точки зрения ГИС немного , мягко говоря , сыровата и требует доработки , но лучше Вам самим сравнить и высказаться на страницах сайта. Пишите...
Добавил: Эдуард (gornyak_05@mail.ru) в 28 Oct 2013 10:43:46
Уважаемые господа , Гричуха Константин и Шолох С.Н. Просмотрев вашу статью немного ошарашен , где конкретно показана оптимизация по Surpac,кроме таблички , как можно критиковать и сравнивать другие пакеты , если в них не работали , я понимаю что продвижение своего пакета , это хорошо , но скажите пожалуйста где и на каких объектах в Украине, вы использовали свой оптимизатор .

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