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Программные продукты фирмы Aquaveo

Автор: Гричуха Константин

Дата: 2024-01-04

Главная / ПО для гидрогеологов, гидрологов, инженерных геологов / Каталог/ Aquaveo



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Aquaveo - пионер основанных на GIS программных продуктов для гидравлического, моделирования грунтовой воды и гидрологического. Мы предоставляем решения для моделирования и визуализации грунтовой воды & гидрологии поверхностной воды и гидравлики.
Our name is synonymous with visualizing water. We provide solutions for modeling and visualizing groundwater & surface-water hydrology and hydraulics. Clients around the world rely on Aquaveo's software solutions and consulting services to efficiently complete today's demanding water resources projects. Our software is being used by over 12,000 consulting firms, universities and government agencies in over 120 countries.
Company Profile
Aquaveo is a pioneer of GIS-based software solutions for hydraulic, hydrologic and groundwater modeling. Our products have been refined over two decades to create the most advanced environmental modeling and visualization software available. In addition to interfacing with industry standard numerical models, we develop custom desktop and cloud-based applications tailored to specific needs.
Additionally, Aquaveo provides training and consulting services in the field of water resource engineering, hydraulics, and hydrologic engineering. Aquaveo has ongoing software development and consulting contracts with federal and local government agencies such as the US Army Corps of Engineers, the US Federal Highway Administration, Los Angeles County, the USGS, the US Department of Energy, and the USEPA.

Software Products

Modeling Software
State-of-the-art environmental modeling software used to create groundwater, surface-water, and watershed simulations.
GMS - Groundwater Modeling System
Aquaveo GMS - комплексная среда моделирования подземных вод с системой предварительной графический обработки информации. Aquaveo GMS легко взаимодействует с MODFLOW и рядом других моделей по моделированию подземных вод и предоставляет расширенные графические возможности для просмотра и калибровки результатов моделирования.

Create 3D models with speed & simplicity using. GMS - the most intuitive & capable platform
for groundwater & subsurface simulations.

SMS - The Complete Surface-water Solution
Surface-Water Modeling System
Aquaveo SMS является ведущим программным решением для моделирования водостока. Поддерживается все, начиная от импорта топографических и гидравлических данных, и заканчивая системами визуализации и анализа решений. Aquaveo SMS взаимодействует с огромным спектром цифровых моделей, в том числе для анализа речного стока, в т.ч. его загрязнения стока; наносов; наводнений; эстуариев; прибрежных циркуляции; волновых моделей.

Access a full range of coastal and riverine solutions with SMS - the leading application for surface-water modeling.

WMS - The All-in-one Watershed Solution
Watershed Modeling System
Aquaveo WMS является ведущим решением для 1D-гидрологического , 1D-гидравлического и 2D-распределенного гидрологического моделирования. Aquaveo WMS содержит мощные инструменты для топографической обработки данных, автоматизированного разграничения бассейна, расчета геометрических параметров.

Harness the entire spectrum of watershed analysis tools with WMS - the all-in-one hydrologic and hydraulic solution.

GIS Software
ArcGIS extensions used to display, analyze and archive groundwater & subsurface data.

Arc Hydro Groundwater (AHGW)
ESRI и Aquaveo рады привести Вам Arc Hydro Groundwater Tools, чтобы помочь Вам лучше управлять своей грунтовой водой и данными недр в ArcGIS.
ESRI and Aquaveo are pleased to bring you the Arc Hydro Groundwater Tools to help you better manage your groundwater and subsurface data within ArcGIS.
Based on the Arc Hydro Groundwater data model, the tools will enable you to take advantage of the ArcGIS platform to archive, manage, and visualize your groundwater information.
Expand your ArcGIS software with groundwater and subsurface geoprocessing tools developed in collaboration with ESRI
Georeference subsurface data including boreholes, sketched cross sections, and geovolumes
Reduce the need for multiple applications - visualize model data inside of ArcGIS
Store, georeference, and create GIS maps of MODFLOW model input and solution data
Additional information on the data model can be found at the Arc Hydro Groundwater wiki.
Visit the Hydro Resource Center, an online community center with resources for implementing ArcGIS in a wide array of hydro applications.

Web Applications
Software as a Service (SaaS) solutions for water resources.
CityWaterCityWater® is the premier EPANET web application for water distribution management. The intuitive, interactive presentation and access-anywhere convenience of CityWater allows you to unlock the data in your EPANET models and add value to the everyday operations of your distribution system. Plus, the subscription-based pricing means you don't need to pay for expensive software you don't use.
Visualize the distribution of pressure, head, velocity, flow and other important variables on an interactive web map. Present model results anywhere and at a moment's notice using your phone, tablet, or laptop. Look up any network property or model result on the go by accessing CityWater on your phone. Plot how model results like pressure or velocity change over time and export the plot to an image to share with contractors or place in a report. Enhance your understanding of your network and quickly identify inefficiencies with the conceptual schematic view and analysis tools.

Online web application for creating, running, and viewing GSSHA watershed models.

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