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Автор: Гричуха Константин

Дата: 2024-01-18

Главная / ПО для топографов, геодезистов / Каталог /MicroSurvey



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Землеустроители, профессионалы конструкции и инженеры-строители, использующие общие станции, GPS и коллекторы данных, используют наше настольное и карманное программное обеспечение, чтобы увеличить эффективность и производительность. MicroSurvey, part of Hexagon, is a world leader in software development, providing market specific solutions and services for surveyors, engineers, public safety and mapping professionals. Specializing in the development of industry specific solutions since 1985, MicroSurvey produces mobile software for use with total stations and GPS, as well as a full compliment of desktop solutions to increase efficiency and productivity in the office. From single user applications to country wide government implementations, MicroSurvey solutions are used around the globe for Land Surveying, Engineering, Mapping, Law Enforcement, Forensic and Accident Reconstruction. Решения от MicroSurvey - от приложений для одного пользователя до государственных внедрений по всей стране - используются по всему миру для геодезии, проектирования, картографирования, правоохранительных органов, судебной экспертизы и реконструкции аварий.


MicroSurvey CAD
MicroSurvey® CAD – полнофункциональный программный комплекс для обработки данных геодезических съемок и проектирования, разработанный для изыскателей, строителей и инженеров-проектировщиков. MSCAD включает в себя всё необходимое для полного цикла обработки данных изысканий, и для его работы не требуются дополнительные модули и приложения.
MicroSurvey CAD is a calculation-focused CAD platform for land surveyors and engineering professionals, designed to maximize efficiency and value by supporting many workflows and data formats in a single program. MicroSurvey CAD - это ориентированная на расчеты САПР-платформа для геодезистов и инженеров-профессионалов, разработанная для максимальной эффективности и ценности за счет поддержки множества рабочих процессов и форматов данных в одной программе. Land Surveying is a competitive industry! We understand that finding ways to increase efficiency and help you save time in the office makes a big difference to the bottom line. MicroSurvey CAD’s “Field to Finish” process allows easy drawing creation directly from fieldwork. Whether you use a total station, GNSS, UAV, scanner or photogrammetry, we can help you turn your data into a deliverable. “AutoMap” is the feature that provides all the customization features you need to process incoming fieldwork. Added flexibility, facilitated by database connected CAD entities, makes fieldwork revisions quick and painless. Since MicroSurvey CAD is an “all in one” CAD and calculations package, you can publish final or interim results directly from your software without exporting to another CAD program for finishing and plotting.

SurveyTools™ for BricsCAD®
SurveyTools™ for BricsCAD® is an all-in-one solution for surveying specific workflows, combining industry-leading technology that accelerates productivity while ensuring data integrity. Survey Tools ™ для BricsCAD ® - это универсальное решение для съемки конкретных рабочих процессов, сочетающее в себе передовые в отрасли технологии, которые повышают производительность и обеспечивают целостность данных.

MicroSurvey embeddedCAD и inCAD
MicroSurvey embeddedCAD is a Standalone CAD Desktop Software Powered by Autodesk Technology™. MicroSurvey embeddedCAD - это автономное программное обеспечение для настольных САПР, основанное на технологии Autodesk Technology ™
MicroSurvey is a subscription-based plugin designed to apply efficient survey tools, calculations, and workflows to your existing Autodesk product subscriptions. MicroSurvey inCAD - это основанный на подписке плагин, предназначенный для применения эффективных инструментов опроса, расчетов и рабочих процессов к существующим подпискам на продукты Autodesk.
There are many CAD software choices on the market, including dedicated engineering packages that allow you to perform survey drafting tasks, but few that are dedicated to that task. Survey-centric tools are where embeddedCAD or MicroSurvey inCAD stand out from other CAD offerings. EmbeddedCAD is an all-in-one tool that allows you to design and create your drawings in a current Autodesk environment for seamless exchange with other engineering disciplines, and without fear of compatibility issues. If your business is standardized on an Autodesk product, using inCAD inside your existing AutoCAD or Civil3D platform places all the tools you need to use just a few clicks away in dedicated survey tool menus. In both cases, all your work can be done quickly and easily without having to navigate complex or cumbersome software routines and features that are intended for other engineering disciplines. Use purpose-built tools designed by surveyors, for surveyors, and stop using CAD work-arounds for survey calculations. Let us provide you with solutions developed specifically with the geomatics industry in mind.

Data Collection SOFTWARE

FieldGenius - FieldGenius for Android
FieldGenius не зависит от бренда и содержит драйверы для поддержки наиболее распространенного оборудования, доступного на рынке сегодня, а также вчера. FieldGenius - это зрелое, профессиональное и полнофункциональное программное обеспечение для полевых исследований, которое к тому же отличается простотой в использовании.
A reality of the surveying industry is that it’s likely you’re going to have a house full of different brands of hardware. FieldGenius is brand neutral, with drivers to support most common hardware available in the market today, as well as yesterday. FieldGenius is a mature, professional and full featured field survey software that also happens to be easy to use. Skilled employees time is highly valued and training new employees is expensive. Enabling these employees to be at their most productive with robust field software is a worthwhile investment. If you don’t make this investment, things such as travel time to and from jobs becomes a burden. Crews need to revisit the office for calculations or for troubleshooting. MicroSurvey FieldGenius has evolved over the last two decades to include all the tools the crew needs to resolve issues on site with all parts of the job from pickup, to layout to as builts. Be reassured that investing time training employees to use these tools will help them perform at their most efficient. These skills will also be fully applied the next time you need to invest in new equipment or switch to another instrument manufacturer as FieldGenius will be able to work with your crew from one product to the next. Invest in a workflow, instead of being married specific hardware that will become obsolete or brand specific software preventing you from being able to use all your gear.

Squares software

MicroSurvey’s STAR*NET
STAR*NET от MicroSurvey является наиболее признанным в мире программным обеспечением для корректировки методом наименьших квадратов. STAR*NET заслужила репутацию простого в использовании, высокоточного и надежного поставщика решений для корректировки методом наименьших квадратов. MicroSurvey’s STAR*NET is the world’s most recognized least squares adjustment software. STAR*NET has earned a reputation for being simple to use, powerfully accurate and reliable as a provider of least squares adjustment solutions. STAR*NET’s results serve as the benchmark for the industry, and is legislated as the mandatory adjustment package in some jurisdictions when used in plan submissions! Users often tell us that when they decided to add least squares adjustment to their workflow, implementing STAR*NET was the next logical step. Let STAR*NET help you improve both the precision of your work and your confidence; by using our world class least squares adjustment software, you can trust that you’ve got it right!

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