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MIKE Software - Superior tools for modelling water environments. Инструменты для моделирования водной окружающей среды

Автор: Гричуха Константин

Дата: 2024-01-04

Главная / ПО для гидрогеологов, гидрологов, инженерных геологов / Каталог/ MIKE Software

MIKE Software от DHI


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MIKE Powered by DHI: Water.Environment.Health is a part of DHI ( https://www.dhigroup.com/), the global organisation dedicated to solving challenges in water environments worldwide. MIKE Powered by DHI was not invented yesterday – our track record in water speaks for itself. For more than 25 years, water professionals have trusted us to deliver technology and tools that help them find optimal solutions to water challenges everywhere.
MIKE Powered by DHI is a range of software products that enable you to accurately analyse, model and simulate any type of challenge in water environments.

Our products
Superior tools for modelling water environments. Инструменты для моделирования водной окружающей среды
MIKE Software

Основной пакет программного обеспечение - платформный продукт.

The world's leading modelling package for 2D free surface flow, waves, sediment transport, and environmental processes. The true work horse of estuarine and coastal modelling with a wider range of facilities and modules than any similar package.
A complete 3D modelling package for estuaries, coastal areas, and seas. It covers a wide range of hydrodynamic, environmental, and sediment transport processes.
An integrated modelling system for littoral processes and coastline kinetics. It covers the modelling of non-cohesive sediment transport in waves and currents, littoral drift, coastline evolution, and profile development along quasi-uniform beaches.
The world's leading professional engineering software tool for 1D simulation of hydrology, hydraulics, water quality and sediment transport in estuaries, rivers, irrigation systems and other inland waters.
An integrated hydrological modelling system, which covers the entire land phase of the hydrological cycle.
A dynamically linked one-dimensional (MIKE URBAN or MIKE HYDRO River) and two-dimensional (MIKE 21) flood modeling package. For installation, please refer to the instructions given in the release note.
The common platform for some of the Water Resources products. Includes MIKE HYDRO Basin for Water Resources planning and management studies and MIKE HYDRO River for 1D hydrodynamic river modeling.

The fully integrated, GIS-based package for modeling urban drainage, collection, and distribution systems.
Integrated urban water modelling. Интегрированное городское водное моделирование.
MIKE URBAN is the urban water modelling software of choice when important parameters for model selection are stability, workflow, openness, flexibility, GIS integration and physical soundness. MIKE URBAN covers all water networks in the city, including water distribution systems, storm water drainage systems, and sewer collection in separate and combined systems.
MIKE URBAN is the modelling software package for all urban water modelling activities. You can maximise your productivity and fully leverage your investment in GIS and water modelling software tools.
All GIS licences and components required are embedded in the MIKE URBAN licence.
MIKE URBAN is available in many languages and we provide local support in more than 30 countries.
Regardless of which engine you choose or which model you build, all your data is stored in one database.
Master planning
System rehabilitation and pressure optimisation
Leakage analysis and reduction
Fire flow analysis
Water quality risk analysis
Master planning
Capacity management and operational maintenance
Wet weather management and overflows, rainfall dependent inflows and infiltration mitigation
Emergency response planning for urban flooding
Evaluation of storm water best management practices and low impact development
Design and optimisation of real-time controls
Sulphide gas formation analysis

A powerful tool for creating bathymetries and tidal information based on C-MAP by Jeppesen worldwide electronic chart database.Мощный инструмент для создания батиметрий и приливной информации на основе C-MAP Jeppesen глобальная электронная база данных диаграммы.
Model bathymetries made fast and easy
MIKE C-MAP provides access to an abundance of bathymetric data and, combined with an electronic chart database, it can make the setup of model bathymetries easy and consistent.
It is the MIKE Powered by DHI application, which is used to turn C-MAP data into model bathymetries for your MIKE models.
MIKE C-MAP works with data from digital nautical charts. With the correct charts, you can create a bathymetry of almost any coastal region in the world. You select the model area and a bathymetry is created directly in the internal digital MIKE format. In cases where more specific or precise data are available in parts of the bathymetry area, these can easily be added and taken into account in MIKE’s Mesh Generator.
If you are a professional MIKE 21 or MIKE 3 modeller facing tight budgets and deadlines, MIKE C-MAP is an almost indispensable tool in your toolbox.
Setting up the basic model bathymetries is normally a tedious and expensive part of coastal and marine modelling projects. MIKE C-MAP can reduce this task to minutes
For thorough and detailed model studies as well as quick estimates, MIKE C-MAP will enhance your productivity immediately.
Manual digitisation of model bathymetries is no longer required.
Easy access to a large digital database of charts
Many MIKE 21 and MIKE 3 modellers state that the time saved on just one project has more than paid their MIKE C-MAP licence.
In order to produce your model bathymetries, you need MIKE C-MAP and the relevant data from Jeppesen Norway.
C-MAP is the provider of sea chart information in digital form. This is the data, which is turned into your model bathymetries. C-MAP data are available in a number of packages. Prices vary depending on the size and location of the geographical area.
In addition to bathymetric data, C-MAP also provides tidal data. MIKE C-MAP extracts these tidal data and can turn them into the formats needed, for example, for tidal boundary conditions for MIKE 21.

WEST, the powerful and user friendly tool for dynamic modelling and simulation of wastewater treatment plants (WWTP). The extensive state-of-the art model and process library of WEST enables you to model and evaluate almost any kind of modern WWTP.
Modelling and simulation of wastewater treatment plants. Инструмент для динамического моделирования и моделирования очистных установок сточных вод (WWTP).
WEST is a powerful and user-friendly modelling software for dynamic modelling and simulation of wastewater treatment plants (WWTP) and other types of water quality related systems. It is designed for operators, engineers and researchers interested in studying physical, biological or chemical processes in WWTPs, sewer systems and rivers.
User-friendly and intuitive graphical tools
Extensive and transparent default model library
Limitless flexibility for developing customised model libraries
Easy implementation of control strategies
Customisable project documentation through inclusion of rich text notes and automated report generation
Fully customisable objective functions
Wide range of statistical criteria
Advanced tools for scenario analysis, sensitivity analysis, uncertainty analysis and parameter estimation
Software development kit (SDK) for integration with other software systems
Very high simulation speed
Engine installable on high performance computing (HPC) infrastructures
Multi-language support

FEFLOW is a powerful tool for groundwater modelling and a general simulation tool for a wide range of problems involving flow and transport of contaminants or heat in porous media.
FEFLOW - Программный продукт для гидрогеологического моделирования: движение грунтовых вод, перенос примесей и тепла в недрах земли.
All-in-one groundwater modelling solution
Groundwater projects are becoming more and more demanding - requiring modelling software with more sophisticated capabilities than ever before. FEFLOW provides best-in-class technology for groundwater flow, contaminant, groundwater age and heat transport simulations. With its efficient user interface and its yet unmatched range of functionality and flexibility, FEFLOW has become a standard in premium groundwater modelling over the last 35 years.
FEFLOW is a completely integrated package from simulation engine to user interface. Maximise your productivity and limit the time and effort spent for model setup, simulation runs and results evaluation
Flexible meshing strategies and the option to include time-varying geometries allow for an accurate spatial representation of the geology
Increase reliability of your model results with FePEST, our tool for model calibration, uncertainty quantification and sensitivity analysis
FEFLOW is designed to handle plug-ins for extended functionality or for automating workflows. Develop your own plug-ins, or let us customise the software for you
It is available in different feature levels to provide the functionality that match your project. Contact us to find the licence type that suits your modelling needs
FEFLOW includes a licence for WGEO, an excellent tool for quick and easy georeferencing and processing of spatially related raster data
Worldwide expert user support
Enhance your modelling skills through high-level software training from THE ACADEMY by DHI
Get our expert modellers on board for your consulting projects, either as a partner, to provide extended user support, or for model and project reviews

An online modelling framework designed for water forecasting and operational control.Структура моделирования онлайн разработана для прогнозирования воды и оперативного контроля.
MIKE OPERATIONS is a software product designed for model-based forecast services and for online operational control of river systems, water collection systems and water distribution systems. MIKE OPERATIONS allows you to quickly and safely build simple real-time systems while offering flexible tools that help you deal with complexities within real-time modelling.
River basin authorities use MIKE OPERATIONS to establish flood forecast systems to provide timely and reliable flood warnings for rivers and lakes.
Cities and Water utilities use MIKE OPERATIONS to optimise their water distribution collection systems or to control their groundwater pumping schemes.
Harbour authorities use MIKE OPERATIONS to forecast waves and currents to support safe harbour navigation.
Dredging companies use MIKE OPERATIONS for operational planning, considering waves, currents and sediment deposition patterns.
Complete operational overview
Forecasting and early warning
Real-time system optimisation and control
Automated processes and alerts
Powerful spatial and temporal data processing capabilities through MIKE INFO
Flexible expandability options
Unparalleled software support and access to training courses via THE ACADEMY by DHI
MIKE OPERATIONS is a unique combination of a standardised out-of-the-box software product and an extremely flexible and open software framework. This means that you can get your system up and running safely and quickly while reserving the option to enhance your MIKE OPERATIONS configuration as your needs evolve. MIKE OPERATIONS builds on the MIKE Workbench data management framework. With MIKE OPERATIONS, you also get the full MIKE INFO capabilities. As such, MIKE OPERATIONS not only offers you online modeling capabilities but also a versatile data management system. The unique MIKE OPERATIONS features are made available through three complementary applications:
MIKE OPERATIONS Desktop – a user-friendly desktop client, designed for users who need a quick overview of the operational system status and who need to test operational alternatives. For example
MIKE OPERATIONS WEB – a web-client with a similar look-and-feel as MIKE OPERATIONS Desktop but with a subset of the functionality and a focus on data sharing.
MIKE Workbench – an advanced desktop client, designed for expert users who apply data analysis and process tools interactively and are able to configure automated workflows, scripts and custom-made data reports.

MIKE Tools
In addition to our software suite, you will find various useful tools and add-ons available here to enhance your productivity.
The tools available on this page are not a part of the official MIKE Powered by DHI software suite and many of these are not supported or quality checked by DHI.
If you have created a tool, a utility, a script, a useful spreadsheet or similar and would like to share this with other MIKE users, please send it to us. If possible, please submit your tool with source code – in the language of your choice. In this way, other users may adapt and improve these.
When you submit a tool, please include:
a short description for upload to the website. Longer user guides and documentation should be included as separate files
a statement of whether or not we are allowed to forward your contact details to other software users in case of questions (we will NOT publish your email on the website)
DHI is not obliged to publish all submitted tools and may remove any tool without notice. We do not accept submittals of demo versions or similar commercially oriented material. By submitting a tool, you accept that the submitted material is placed in a public domain.
Cities tools
MIKE URBAN Weather Radar Tool
MIKE URBAN Set Pump Critical Level Tool
Topography Adjustment Tool 2012
Hydraulic Condition Rating (HCR) Tool & Peak Flow Control (PFC) Tool
MOUSE Vertical Datum
Excel copy/paste
Excel copy/paste source code
Select Parallel Pipes
Select Parallel Pipes source code
Coast and sea tools
UAS to XYZ Converter
AutoCAD dxf files to xyz files applicable in MIKE Zero
Coordinate Conversion Tool
Quality Index Tool
Global Tide Model
Water resources tools
Velocity at Maximum Flow Tool
Hazard Map Tool
General tools
NetCDF Client
Shape2MIKE Tool
MIKE2Shape Tool
Res1d extraction tools
Shape to XYZ Conversion Tool
Groundwater and porous media tools
VaryingBC Plug-in
MinMaxHead Plug-in
RiverWaterDepth Plug-in
IfmLake Plug-in
OpenLoop Plug-in
BetaGamma Plug-in
VaryingSaltwaterHead Plug-in
WellTransportBC Plug-in

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Просмотров: 3371

Добавил: Гидрогеолог (zin_ruilova@mail.ru) в 29 May 2013 12:21:51
Редкая Софтинка , а ломанной я так и не нашла , только здесь . Спасибо автору за такое чудо!!!!

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