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GEOSTRU SOFTWARE от компании GeoStru

Автор: Гричуха Константин

Дата: 2024-01-04

Главная / ПО для гидрогеологов, гидрологов, инженерных геологов / Каталог/ GEOSTRU

GEOSTRU SOFTWARE от компании GeoStru


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Software for: engineering, geotechnics, geology, geomechanics, geophysics, In situ soil testing, topography, hydraulics and hydrology.

В последние годы на рынке программного обеспечения для геологов и смежных профессий стала лидировать компания GeoStru. Программное обеспечение (ПО) этой фирмы используют более чем в 50 странах мира.
Ее компьютерные программы применяют в своей деятельности инженеры-строители, геотехники, геологи, геомеханики, гидрологи и специалисты, занимающиеся деградацией почв.
Программное обеспечение выполнено по современным технологиям. Оно поддерживается производителем в ходе эксплуатации. В настоящее время ПО функционирует на нескольких языках (английский, итальянский, испанский, французский, румынский, турецкий, польский). Также, ПО допускает перевод его на любой язык потребителем. Ну и, как сообщили на фирме, сочетает баланс цены и качества.

GeoStru Software develops technical software for engineering, geotechnics, geology, geomechanics, hydrology and soil testing.
Attention to customer service and the development of software using modern technologies allowed us to become one of the strongest companies in the field on international markets. The software – currently translated into five languages – is compatible with international computation rules and it is one of the most used in over 100 countries worldwide.
Working with GeoStru is more than just buying software – it means having beside you a team of professionals willing to share their knowledge and experience for excellent results.

В состав GEOSTRU SOFTWARE ( GeoStru.Products.MegaPack) входят следующие программы : GEOSTRU GDW , GEOSTRU GeoUtility , GEOSTRU LoadCap , GEOSTRU MDC , Geostru Slope , Geostru Static Probing , Geostru Stratigrapher , GeoStru Dynamic Probing ,GeoStru.Hydrologic.Risk, GeoStru.GeoRock2D , GeoStru.GeoRock3D , GeoStru.CVSoil ,GeoStru Easy MASW , GeoStru Paratie / SPW (sheet pile wall design), GeoStru GFAS и другие...


. Geostru 365 may be used directly through your browser. If you do not wish to purchase a sofware and, instead, just use it for a brief period, this might be the appropriate solution for you. The software will have no limitation in comparison with the commercial one and will be able to: import, process, print and export.
With Geostru 365 the user will no more need to install, configure, update the software. Instead, the user can simply connect to the portal and use the software of his choice. The cost will be approximately 49 € / month on an annual contract.
Multi-platform; files created will be compatible with the desktop versions; file archiving and sharing through Google Drive or Dropbox; file partition; document printing.
Included in GEOSTRU 365
Software Description

Loadcap ,DeepFound ,Downhole, Geostru Formula,Geostru PS Advanced,GDW,
HYDROLOGIC RISK, Liquiter, MDC,Pile and Micropile – MP,CVSoil, Pumping tests – WTA, Easy MASW,Static Probing, EASY HVSR,Rock Mechanics,Slope stability analysis – Slope, Easy Refract,RockPlane, Dynamic Probing, SPW,Earth Small Dams – ESD, Risposta Sismica Locale III – RSL III

Geoapp is a service by GeoStru, Welcome!

The greatest web suite for online calculations
The applications available in Geostru Geoapp were developed to support the individual towards the solution to multiple professional cases.
It contains:
GeoStru PS
GeoStru Maps
La maggior parte delle applicazioni sono gratuite, altre necessitato di una sottoscrizione mensile o annuale.
Most of the applications are free, others require a monthly or annual subscription.

Geodropbox is a cloud platform for document management for professionals and public management.

With geodropbox : access the platform, localize the work area on the map, check all the required data, archive and share each document related to the project.
Locate the work area via satellite map also through mobile devices.
Upload files
Upload files: Technical report, files of the software used to make the elaborations, graphic elaborations.
Search and visualize any kind of file through dynamically organized archives.
Share and Collaborate
Share files and folders to optimize team work.

Программное обеспечение по сфере применения:

Bearing capacity and settlments - Loadcap
Earth Small Dams - ESD
Gabion walls, gabion and concrete weirs - GDW
Geological and Geotechnical formulas - GeoStru Formula
GeoMechanical Survey - G.M.S.
Geostru PS Advanced - Pericolosita sismica di base e di sito
Geotechnical characteristic parameters - CVSoil
GeoUtility - Collection of support software
GFAS - Geotechnical and F.E.M. analysis system
Ground Investigation Testing - GIT
Mechanically Stabilized Earth - MRE
MP - Pile and Micropile
Progettazione impianti geotermici - GHP DESIGN 3D
Retaining walls software - MDC
Risposta sismica locale - RSL III
Road Pavement Design - RPD
Sheet pile wall design - SPW
Slope stability analysis - Slope
Soil liquefaction analysis - Liquiter
Stratigraphic columns - Stratigrapher
Texture - soil textures
Topography software - TriSpace

Calcolo di sezioni in Cemento Armato - RC-SEC
Calculation of reinforced concrete sections according Ec - RC-SEC-EN
Fondazioni CA
Gabion walls, gabion and concrete weirs - GDW
GFAS - Geotechnical and F.E.M. analysis system
MP - Pile and Micropile
Retaining walls software - MDC
Risposta sismica locale - RSL III
Road Pavement Design - RPD
Sezioni rinforzate in c.a. - RC-SEC-FRP
Sheet pile wall design - SPW
Software calcolo strutturale Edifici in CA

Analysis of rocky elements - RockPlane
GeoMechanical Survey - G.M.S.
GeoRock 2D - Rock falls 2D
GeoRock 3D - Rock falls 3D
GeoUtility - Collection of support software
Ground Investigation Testing - GIT
RockLab - Failure criterion of a rock mass according to Hoek-Brown
Texture - soil textures
Topography software - TriSpace

In situ soil testing
Dynamic penetration tests - Dynamic Probing
Geotechnical characteristic parameters - CVSoil
Ground Investigation Testing - GIT
Static penetration tests - Static Probing
Texture - soil textures
Topography software - TriSpace

EASY HVSR - Software for HVSR processing
Ground Investigation Testing - GIT
Interpretation of seismic refraction tests - Easy Refract
Multi-Channel Analysis of Surface Waves - Easy MASW
Texture - soil textures

Hydrology and Hydraulics
Earth Small Dams - ESD
HYDROLOGIC RISK - Hydraulic-Hydrological risk
Pumping tests - WTA

Geotechnical software
Bearing capacity and settlments - Loadcap
Earth Small Dams - ESD
Fondazioni CA
Gabion walls, gabion and concrete weirs - GDW
Geological and Geotechnical formulas - GeoStru Formula
Geostru PS Advanced - Pericolosita sismica di base e di sito
Geotechnical characteristic parameters - CVSoil
GeoUtility - Collection of support software
GFAS - Geotechnical and F.E.M. analysis system
Ground Investigation Testing - GIT
Mechanically Stabilized Earth - MRE
MP - Pile and Micropile
Retaining walls software - MDC
Risposta sismica locale - RSL III
Road Pavement Design - RPD
Sheet pile wall design - SPW
Slope stability analysis - Slope
Soil liquefaction analysis - Liquiter
Stratigraphic columns - Stratigrapher
Texture - soil textures

Topography software - TriSpace

Progettazione impianti geotermici - GHP DESIGN 3D

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Просмотров: 3006

Добавил: Лабух (uyghfrd_op@mail.ru) в 24 Oct 2013 9:51:28
Кстати , эта прога не только для всяких олухов , но и для строителей и инженеров тоже . Сам пользуюсь и другим советую.
Добавил: Fantom (fan6785@mail.ru) в 21 Oct 2013 15:05:42
А чё по натуре нужная вещь братья геологи . Токо вот не юзают её у нас на Украине , да мне так кажется чё и в РФ её не знают... Беда право с нами , стыдно за нашу геологическую братию...
Добавил: Леонид (Len_Dyr@mail.ru) в 14 Jun 2013 14:55:28
Я о таком комплексе и не слыхивал.. Во дела ... Будем юзать , спасибо автору , побежал заказывать и себе таку вещицу !

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