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Hydrographic от Eye4Software B.V. - Professional hydrographic survey software.

Автор: Гричуха Константин

Дата: 2024-01-05

Главная / ПО для гидрогеологов, гидрологов, инженерных геологов / Каталог/ Eye4Software

Hydrographic от Eye4Software B.V.


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Professional hydrographic survey software.
Hydromagic Survey

Hydromagic Survey is an easy to use, professional single beam hydrographic survey software package for Windows.
Using an echosounder and a positioning system like a RTK receiver, it is possible to perform hydrographic surveys on job sites to check for instance the progress of the dredging process, or to create bathymetric maps.
When the survey process has been finished, raw data can be edited, corrected and processed to regular spaced data points, which allows you to create a coloured depth map and depth contours. By comparing two soundings, you can create a report on the amount of volume dredged or moved.
Hydromagic Dredging
Hydromagic Dredging is an extension on the Hydromagic Survey package and allows you to monitor dredging operations.
The data collected during the dredging process can be loaded into Hydromagic Survey to process the data, and generate volume reports, depth maps and more.
Because the software can be extended through plugins, we can support a wide range of hardware allowing us to create a solution for almost every dredging vessel around.
Hydromagic является профессиональным гидрографические пакет опрос, который может быть использован для отображения глубины области с помощью эхолота.
Программа очень доступным и обучение будет очень коротким. Вы можете начать создавать свой первый звучание в течение одного дня!

Record sounding data using a (hydrographic) echo sounder and GNSS (RTK) receiver;
Calculate volumes of river sections, pits, ponds, lakes and reservoirs, for instance in the mining industry;
Create depth contours and save them as AutoCAD DXF or Google Earth, ESRI Shape or KML/KMZ files;
Create a regularly spaced grid(s) from sounding data, and export it as DXF, KML or ASCII file;
Calculate tide levels using a RTK receiver, using a provided antenna height and loaded geoid model;
Use the built in coordinate calculator to convert hydrographic data files between different map projections.
Very affordable and easy to use

Hydromagic is a professional hydrographic survey package,which can be used to map depth areas using an echosounder.
With the Hydromagic dredging software, you can monitor and record dredge progress on hopper, cutter and excavator dredgers.
Some application examples
Record sounding data using a (hydrographic) echosounder and GPS or RTK receiver;
Calculate volumes of river sections, pits, ponds, lakes and reservoirs, for instance in the mining industry;
Create depth contours and save them as AutoCAD DXF or Google Earth KML/KMZ files;
Create a regularly spaced grid(s) from sounding data, and export it as DXF, KML or ASCII file;
Calculate tide levels using a RTK receiver, using a provided antenna height and loaded geoid model;
Use the optional dredging software module to monitor dredging operations.
Support for GPS and RTK receivers
The software can communicate with almost any (NMEA0183 compatible) GPS or RTK receiver to retrieve your current position and height, and show it on one of the support raster or vector maps. In addition, with a RTK receiver, you can calculate tide levels in real-time.
Support for other sensors
Besides GPS and echosounder, also other hardware, such as a tide receiver, magnetometer, motion or tilt sensor, heading sensor (compass) or an AIS receiver can be connected. for a full list of supported echosounders and other hardware click here.
Support for echosounders
Hydromagic offers support for a wide range of professional single and dual frequency hydrographic echosounders from popular brands like CEE HydroSystems, Odom, STN Atlas, SyQwest and more.
To display a part of the globe on a display, a map projection is needed to prevent distortion of the map data. The software is shipped with a database containing over 5000 predefined local and global map datums and grids.
Top 10 tools and features
Built in raw data editor. Correct your raw data with echogram editor, position editor, table editor, filtering, latency correction and more;
Generate one or more depth contours as map overlay; Map contours can be exported as both AutoCad DXF and Google KML files;
Generate regularly spaced XYZ data (matrices) using triangulation and interpolation (TIN);
Create channel designs and show channel cross-sections;
Calculate volumes using DTM's (Digital Terrain Models) or cross sections;
Automatic (RTK) or manual tide correction;
Built in map downloading tool; Download maps for the survey area from Google Earth, Bing Maps or OpenStreetMaps;
Map calibration, to use your own downloaded or scanned GIF, PNG, BMP, JPG and TIF maps;
Dataview to display all incoming information retrieved from GPS, echosounder and other sensors;
Shoreline editor; Manually enter soundings or levels for places you cannot access with a boat;

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