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Программы для GPS-GNSS преобразований (Program Package for GNSS Positioning )

Автор: Гричуха Константин

Дата: 2024-01-19

Главная / ПО для топографов, геодезистов / Каталог /GPS-GNSS

Программы для GPS-GNSS преобразований (Program Package for GNSS Positioning )

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Bernese GNSS/GPS Software

Оф сайт - http://www.bernese.unibe.ch/

The Bernese GNSS Software is a scientific, high-precision, multi-GNSS data processing software developed at the Astronomical Institute of the University of Bern (AIUB). It is, e.g., used by CODE (Center for Orbit Determination in Europe) for its international (IGS) and European (EUREF/EPN) activities. The software is in a permanent process of development and improvement.
This website provides information on the features of the software and how to obtain it. Please refer to the support page for information on the tested platforms, bug fixes, and how to reach us for technical support.
The Bernese GNSS Software is used all over the world
Currently, nearly 600 institutions from all over the world are registered in the user database of the Bernese GNSS Software. The locations of these institutions are indicated in the map below.Bernese GNSS программное обеспечение является научным, высокой точностью, multi-GNSS программное обеспечение обработки данных, развитое в Астрономическом Институте Бернского университета (AIUB). Это, например, используется КОДЕКСОМ (Центр Определения Орбиты в Европе) для его международного (IGS) и европейца (EUREF/EPN) действия. Программное обеспечение находится в постоянном процессе развития и улучшения.
Этот веб-сайт предоставляет информацию об особенностях программного обеспечения и как получить его. Пожалуйста, обратитесь к странице поддержки для получения информации о проверенных платформах, исправлениях ошибок, и как достигнуть нас для технической поддержки.
Bernese GNSS программное обеспечение используется во всем мире
The Bernese GPS Software is a high performance, high accuracy, and highly flexible reference GPS/GLONASS post processing package. State of the art modeling, detailed control over all relevant processing options, performant automatization tools, the adherence to up to date internationally adopted standards, and the inherent flexibility due to a highly modular design are characteristics of the Bernese GPS Software.Typical users:Scientists for research and education
Survey agencies responsible for high-accuracy GPS surveys (e.g., first order networks)
Agencies responsible tmaintain arrays of permanent GPS receivers
Commercial users with complex applications demanding high accuracy, reliability , and high productivityThe Bernese GPS Software is particularly well suited for:Rapid processing of small-size single and dual frequency surveys
Automatic processing of permanent networks
Processing of data from a large number of receivers
Combination of different receiver types, taking antenna phase center variations into account
Combined processing of GPS and GLONASS observations
Ambiguity resolution on long baselines (2000 km and longer)
Ionosphere and troposphere monitoring
Clock estimation and time transfer
Generation of minimum constraint network solutions
Orbit determination and estimation of Earth orientation parameters


Оф сайт - http://bowie.mit.edu

GAMIT и GLOBK - всесторонний номер люкс программ для анализа измерений GPS прежде всего, чтобы изучить деформацию коры. Программное обеспечение было развито MIT, Учреждением Scripps Океанографии и Гарвардским университетом с поддержкой со стороны Национального научного фонда.The Department of Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) is funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF) to support investigators using the GAMIT and GLOBK processing software. MIT's efforts include training for investigators and their overseas collaborators, and improving the capability, reliability, user interfaces, and documentation of the software.GAMIT and GLOBK are a comprehensive suite of programs for analyzing GPS measurements primarily to study crustal deformation. The software has been developed by MIT, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, and Harvard University with support from the National Science Foundation.GAMIT is a collection of programs used for the analysis of GPS data. It uses the GPS broadcast carrier phase and pseudorange observables to estimate three-dimensional relative positions of ground stations and satellite orbits, atmospheric zenith delays, and earth orientation parameters. The software is designed to run under any UNIX operating system.GLOBK is a Kalman filter whose primary purpose is to combine various geodetic solutions such as GPS, VLBI, and SLR experiments. It accepts as data, or "quasi-observations" the estimates and covariance matricies for station coordinates, earth-orientation parameters, orbital parameters, and source positions generated from the analysis of the primary observations. The input solutions are generally performed with loose a priori uncertainties assigned to all global parameters, so that constraints can be uniformly applied in the combined solution.GAMIT/GLOBK made be obtained without written agreement or royalty fee by individuals, universities, and government agencies for any non-commerical purpose. To obtain the download password and be added to the mail list for future updates, please send e-mail to Dr. Robert W King (rwkchandler.mit.edu). You must include in the e-mail the full name, address, and telephone and fax numbers of your institution.For processing support, contact Bob King (rwkchandler.mit.edu), Tom Herring (tahmtglas.mit.edu), or Simon McClusky (simonchandler.mit.edu) by e-mail or access the GAMIT/GLOBK Web at http://bowie.mit.edu.

NovAtel GrafNav/GrafNet Inertial Explorer

Официальный сайт: http://www.novatel.com/products/software/

Краткое описание
-Возможность использования точных эфемерид, параметров часов и моделей ионосферы;
-Прямая, обратная и комбинированная обработка, позволяющая повысить точность и быстрее выявить проблемные сегменты данных;
-Вывод более 30 графиков для анализа;
-Поддержка большинства исходных геодезических дат, эллипсоидов, картографических проекций и возможность создания локальных пользовательских систем координат;
-Поддержка всемирных, национальных и пользовательских форматов экспорта результатов.

For applications requiring highly accurate postmission position, velocity or attitude, postprocessing is an ideal solution. Post-processing maximizes the accuracy of the solution by processing previously stored Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) and Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) data forward and reverse in time, and combining the results. The position, velocity and attitude solution can be smoothed and output at the required data rate and in the coordinate frame required. This process also provides the ability to assess the solution reliability and accuracy.The GrafNav and Inertial software packages are available as a USB-key secured license or optionally as a machine-portable digital license. The products are also available as a perpetual license or as a time-limited term license. A Software Development Kit (SDK) is available to allow developers to customize the entire processing workflow to suit their customers or application.
- See more at: http://www.novatel.com/products/software/#sthash.2MV4hq7O.dpufGrafNav is our static/kinematic baseline processor
Inertial Explorer -Expands on the powerful features of GrafNav by adding support for loosely coupled and tightly coupled GNSS/Inertial processing
GrafNav Static is a network adjustment software package


Официальный сайт- http://javad.com/jgnss/

Justin - это офисное ПО, предназначенное для решения задач, связанных с постобработкой ГНСС измерений: основные геодезические работы, аэро- и топосъемка, строительство, мониторинг инженерных и подвижных объектов. Особенностью программы является многофункциональный ГИС-интерфейс, предоставляющий возможности работы в картографическом окне, включая растровые и векторные карты, оформление карт с помощью стилей и подписывания объектов, сохранение результатов в виде векторных карт, создание новых слоев на основе выборок, привязка растров.
Justin software is an indispensable tool for wide range of geodetic and surveying tasks. It combines high performance, flexibility for post-processing GNSS observations with GIS interface and features. The Justin software discloses all advantages of the JAVAD technology and has been optimized to deal the highest precision with the least amount of operator invention.

Ещё можно использовать Free GPS software

GPSTk :An Open Source Program Package for GNSS Positioning

http://www.gpstk.org/bin/view/Documentation/WebHome http://sourceforge.net/projects/gpstk/

The goal of the GPSTk project is to provide an open source library and suite of applications to the satellite navigation community--to free researchers to focus on research, not lower level coding.GPS users employ practically every computational architecture and operating system. Therefore the design of the GPSTk suite is as platform-independent as possible. Platform independence is achieved through use of the ISO-standard C++ programming language. The principles of object-oriented programming are used throughout the GPSTk code base in order to ensure that the code is modular, extensible and maintainable.The GPSTk suite consists of a core library, auxiliary libraries, and a set of applications. The GPSTk provides awide array of functions that solve processing problems associated with GPS such as processing or using standard formats such as RINEX. The libraries are the basis for the more advanced applications distributed as part of the GPSTk suite.The GPSTk is sponsored by Space and Geophysics Laboratory, within the Applied Research Laboratories at the University of Texas at Austin (ARL:UT). GPSTk is the by-product of GPS research conducted at ARL:UT since before the first satellite launched in 1978; it is the combined effort of many software engineers and scientists. In 2003 the research staff at ARL:UT decided to open source much of their basic GPS processing software as the GPSTk.

RTKLIB: An Open Source Program Package for GNSS Positioning


RTKLIB is an open source program package for standard and precise positioning with GNSS. RTKLIB consists of a portable program library and several application programs (APs) utilizing the library. The features of RTKLIB are:(1) Supports standard and precise positioning algorithms with:GPS, GLONASS and SBAS (Galileo and QZSS are supported but disabled in current versions)(2) Supports various positioning modes with GNSS for both real-time and post-processing:Single-point, DGPS/DGNSS, Kinematic, Static, Moving-baseline, Fixed, PPP-Kinematic * and PPP-Static *(3) Supports many standard formats and protocols for GNSS:RINEX 2.10, 2.11, 2.12 OBS/NAV/GNAV/HNAV, RINEX 3.00 OBS/NAV, RINEX 3.00 CLK, RTCM v.2.3, RTCM v.3.1, NTRIP 1.0, RTCA/DO-229C, NMEA 0183, SP3-c, ANTEX 1.3, NGS PCV and EMS 2.0 (see Release Notes for supported RTCM messages)(4) Supports several GNSS receivers' proprietary messages:NovAtel: OEM4/V, OEM3, OEMStar, Superstar II, Hemisphere: Eclipse, Crescent, u-blox: LEA-4T, LEA-5T and SkyTraq: S1315F (see Release Notes for supported messages)(6) Supports external communication via:Serial, TCP/IP, NTRIP, local log file (record and playback) and FTP/HTTP (automatic download)(7) Provides many library functions and APIs for GNSS data processing:Satellite and navigation system functions, matrix and vector functions, time and string functions, coordinates transformation, input and output functions, debug trace functions, platform dependent functions, positioning models, atmosphere models, antenna models, earth tides models, geoid models, datum transformation, RINEX functions, ephemeris and clock functions, precise ephemeris and clock functions, receiver raw data functions, RTCM functions, solution functions, Google Earth KML converter, SBAS functions, options functions, stream data input and output functions, integer ambiguity resolution, standard positioning, precise positioning, post-processing positioning, stream server functions, RTK server functions(8) Provides GUI and console (command line) APs:- RTKNAVI, RTKRCV: real-time positioning
- RTKPOST, RNX2RTKP: post-processing analysis
- RTKPLOT: visualization of solutions and observation data
- RTKCONV, CONVBIN: RINEX translator for RTCM and receiver raw data log
- STRSVR, STR2STR: communication utility
- NTRIPSRCBROWS: NTRIP source table browser
- Other positioning utilitiesAll of the executable binary APs for Windows are included in the package as well as whole source programs of the library and the APs.



GIPSY-OASIS, or GIPSY, is the GNSS-Inferred Positioning System and Orbit Analysis Simulation Software package. GIPSY is developed by the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL), and maintained by the Orbiter and Radio Metric Systems (ORMS) group.

Features include:

Analysis of data from Global Navigation and Satellite Systems (GNSS), including:
Global Positioning System (GPS)
French DORIS
Satellite Laser Ranging (SLR) system
Precise centimeter-level GNSS-based positioning and timing for fixed and moving platforms:
Terrestrial (ground) stations, static or moving
Space platforms, including low-Earth orbiters and the constellation of GNSS satellites
Time transfer
Single high-level user interface supports a vast majority of precise positioning applications
Single-receiver ambiguity resolution using JPL's orbit and clock products for the GPS constellation (Bertiger et al., 2010)
Documentation in the form of man and help pages accompanying software modules, and online help
Training at annual GIPSY user group classes, and online
Over 100 active research and educational licenses, with hundreds of global users in more than 20 countries
Builds on more than 25 years of JPL experience with GPS data analysis



Download Ntrip Client and Ntrip Caster software.
Networked Transport of RTCM via Internet ProtocolOpen Source NTRIP software is available from the Subversion server software.rtcm-ntrip.org. This includes POSIX ntripclient/server programs, multi-stream BKG Ntrip Client/Server programs, an RTCMv3 encoder/decoder for observations and proposed RTCM State Space Representation messages, and a RTCMv3 to RINEX converter. A bug tracker system allows you to inform authors about software problems that you may detect when using these resources.The BKG Ntrip Client (BNC, see below) is an Open Source multi-stream client program designed for a variety of real-time GNSS applications.

TEQC — The Toolkit for GPS/GLONASS/Galileo/SBAS Data


Teqc: The toolkitTeqc (pronouced "tek") is a simple yet powerful and unified approach to solving many pre-processing problems with GPS, GLONASS, Galileo, and SBAS data:translation: binary data reading/translation of native binary formats (optional RINEX file creation for OBS, NAV, and/or MET files or optional creation of BINEX)
editing and cut/splice: metadata extraction; editing, and/or correction of RINEX header metadata; or BINEX metadata records; as well as cutting/splicing of RINEX files or BINEX
quality check: quality checking of GPS and/or GLONASS data (native binary, BINEX, or RINEX OBS; with or without ephemerides)These three main functions (from which teqc gets its name: translation, editing, and quality check) can be performed altogether, in pairs, or separately.

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Добавил: Denis (vorodefsined@mail.ru) в 04 Jun 2024 17:11:17
Bernese GNSS/GPS Software

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