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GEOSYSTEM programs

Автор: Гричуха Константин

Дата: 2024-01-04

Главная / ПО для гидрогеологов, гидрологов, инженерных геологов / Каталог/ GEOSYSTEM

GEOSYSTEM programs


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Программное обеспечение для геотехнических и инженерно-геологических расчётов. Аналог - Bentley gINT , Bentley GeoStructural Analysis и GEO5.
We've been in the business of producing geotechnical data reduction, boring log drafting and cement products test reporting software since 1984. Our product line is rigorously tested (every new LOGDRAFT program update, for example, is compared against over 700 existing report samples to guard against newly-introduced reporting problems) and documented so that our users can perform their own calculation checks.Short Description Geosystem Software for plotting boring log, monitoring well installation and test pit logs, for reducing and reporting results from common geotechnical tests and for storage, reporting and analysis of concrete and cement products strength test results. GEOSYSTEM programs are designed to support current ASTM, AASHTO, ACI and state DOT standards. Краткое описание программное обеспечение Geosystem для нанесения скучной регистрации, контроля хорошо установка и испытательные регистрации ямы, для сокращения и сообщения о результатах общих геотехнических тестов и для хранения, сообщения и анализа результатов испытаний силы продуктов бетона и цемента. Программы GEOSYSTEM разработаны, чтобы поддержать текущее ASTM, AASHTO, ACI и государственные ТОЧЕЧНЫЕ стандарты

Software Products

Complete Product List

Subsurface Exploration Logging
Boring and test pit logs, monitoring well installation logs, 2d cross-sections, tabular summary reports

Cement Products Software
Complete statistical mix performance analysis following ACI 214, 301 and 308

À la Carte Soils Testing Programs
Grain Size Distribution
#200 wash, sieve and hydrometer test support per ASTM and AASHTO standards
Triaxial shear, direct shear and unconfined compression tests
Swell and consolidation tests with time-rate support (ASTM D2435 and D4546)
California bearing ratio tests (ASTM D1883 and VTM-8)
Resistance R-value (ASTM D2844) with CT-301 test support
FM 5-515 Limerock bearing ratio tests
Moisture-Density (Proctor) test support

Soils Testing Packages
Sieve, hydrometer and Atterberg tests, soil classification
CLSuite plus Proctor test support
Enterprise Suite
Sieve, hydrometer, Atterberg, Proctor, triaxial and direct shear, unconfined compression, swell/consolidation, California bearing ratio, resistance R-value, field density test reports

Field Density Reporting
Calculate and report field density test results

We sell programs and packages to reduce and report the data from all common geotechnical tests, cement products test reporting and statistical analysis, along with a boring log package that can be used as a standalone program or in concert with our laboratory test report programs.

Use LOGDRAFT as a standalone boring log program or in concert with one or more GEOSYSTEM for Windows laboratory testing modules (Grain Size, LabSuite, Consolidation, California Bearing Ratio, R-VALUE, SHEAR or Field Density). The software is designed to meet the needs of geotechnical, geological and environmental professionals, while remaining easy to learn and use, even in the hands of the novice, non-technical user.
LOGDRAFT is completely user-customizable, featuring user-designed boring log reports, data entry screens and stratigraphy symbols. More than 40 borehole log, monitoring well installation log, rock core log, test pit log and cross-section report formats are shipped with the package, and government forms are posted to our web site upon request.
Data browser allows you to rapidly view selected portions of your project's results
Supports US, SI and mixed units
Test results calculated by GEOSYSTEM for Windows lab. test modules may be automatically added to drilling logs
Completely compatible with files created by older LOGDRAFT versions
No copy-protection — no hardware lock. Install and use from a network
Exports data to CAD, spreadsheet and word processing programs
Just type 2 characters and the graphic patterns for a stratigraphy layer are selected, or pick from an illustrated table
Calculations such as moisture and density may be performed by the program as data are entered
Spelling checker
Comprehensive undo/redo, just like a word processor
New licenses come with one free log form custom designed to your specifications. Additional stock forms are also included. (Click here for some samples)
State DOT and other government forms are available for free downloading.
Reports may include explanatory legends or they can follow as attachments
Graph the test results from multiple borings onto a single page

LabSuite reduces and reports the data from sieve and hydrometer, Atterberg limits and Proctor (moisture-density) tests and automatically classify soils via USCS, AASHTO, USDA, Burmister and DOT-specific methods.
Reports can be exported to .PDF files
Raw testing data can be exported to XML files which can be imported into Excel
The software features both submittal-quality chart reports and textural reports listing raw testing data.
Multiple report chart report formats are available for reporting particle size, Proctor and Atterberg test results.
Calculated results (e.g., percent gravel, sand, silt and clay, LL, PL and PI and USCS soil classification) are available for inclusion on LOGDRAFT boring log reports.

Cement products (cylinder, cube, prism and beam) strength test reporting
The GEOSYSTEM Quality Control - Concrete (QC-Concrete) program maintains strength and property testing data on cement products, including concrete cylinders and beams, and mortar and grout cubes. It delivers client submittal and in-house tracking reports and lets you print lists of all specimens to be broken on a given day. Reports comply with all applicable ASTM and AASHTO reporting requirements.
Supported tests: Cylinders, center point beams, third point beams, cores, mortar cubes, grout cubes, prisms and cylinders, sawed beams, mortar cubes and cylinders, masonry block, and masonry block prism
The program can calculate area, strength, percent of required strength, and other specimen parameters
Files can be imported from Forney, TestMark, ELE, Admet and AMTD break machines
In addition to daily break reports, the software generates lists of samples to be tested on a given day and historical summaries of tests performed on a per-project or per-mix basis, as well as mailing labels
All reports can be be exported as .PDF (Adobe Acrobat) files
More than 50 configuration options allow you set the program up to work the way you do
Tab-delimited test data files can be exported for further analysis in spreadsheets (sample)

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Просмотров: 1490

Добавил: caty (cosettes.malinowski@gmail.com) в 07 May 2014 15:51:27
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