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QPS-Quality Positioning Services - Программное обеспечение для навигации и позиционирования

Автор: Гричуха Константин

Дата: 2024-01-05

Главная / ПО для гидрогеологов, гидрологов, инженерных геологов / Каталог / QPS

QPS-Quality Positioning Services


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QPS- программное обеспечение для сферы: Гидролокация-Гидрография
In late 2012, the HITT group of companies became a wholly owned subsidiary of Saab AB and so a member of the Saab group of companies, for further details, click here
Quality Positioning Services BV (QPS), headquartered in Zeist, The Netherlands, is an independent software design company founded in 1986. QPS subsidiary offices are located in Portsmouth USA, in Fredericton Canada, and in Banbury UK.
QPS is focused on system integration of survey sensors and the development of software applications used for hydrographic surveys, sea-floor mapping, portable pilot units and Electronic Navigation Charts (ENC) production. QPS is seen as market leader in these fields. The key technology of QPS is based on precise navigation, the collection and presentation of large volumes of navigation and depth data. This also includes new techniques for 3D visualization of the underwater environment. QPS navigation and positioning software is used on board offshore construction vessels, pipe-lay barges, drilling rigs, seismic research vessels and hydrographic survey vessels. QPS has a fast growing market share in the offshore oil and gas industry, dredging industry and port communities.
Initially oriented towards navigation and positioning consultancy, QPS evolved to development of integrated navigation system software embracing real-time quality control/quality assurance functionality, missing at that time in contractor software. When survey contractors began purchasing QPS software, the company emerged as a full-time software house. In 1996 QPS moved from MS-DOS to start the development of a new Windows based software package named QINSy (Quality Integrated Navigation System). Sales started in 1997 and today many vessels use QINSy for navigation and positioning, data collection and processing. This product is based on a "no limits" design criteria whereby hardware (computers and sensors), rather than software, would be the limiting factor. The structure facilitated almost unlimited additional software developments to be made. QINSy is the cornerstone of QPS' present strong market position.
Concurrent to QINSy development, derivatives and supporting products have been developed. In 2000 QPS introduced Qastor, an ECS software package to operate with portable pilot units. Qastor is used by pilots during docking large oil and gas tankers, as well as other general purpose navigational tasks.
Over time QPS has expanded its suite of software to encompass the entire survey data flow, from acquisition of raw data to data processing to map and chart production, including software like Qomposer for electronic chart editing.
In 2011 QPS acquired IVS3D, thereby strengthening its product range with the industry-leading Fledermaus software suite. Developments are ongoing to ensure a smooth and seamless data flow between QINSy and Fledermaus. 2012 - QPS becomes under SAAB AB. The HITT group of companies of which QPS was a part of becomes a wholly-owned subsidiary of SAAB AB, a global leader in technology and innovation. 2013 - Port of Rotterdam Innovation. The port adopts the ESRI PortMaps solution integrated with QPS products for surveying, charting, and piloting, for unprecedented 1-3 day survey-to-pilot turnaround. 2015 - The Qimera revolution begins
Qimera revolutionizes hydrographic data processing with an intuitive and easy to use design that still contains the most advanced and innovative tools.QPS is part of Total Specific Solutions since August 2020.

Программное обеспечение:

QINSy (Quality Integrated Navigation System) is a hydrographic data acquisition, navigation and processing software package. The suite of applications can be used for various types of surveys, ranging from simple single beam surveys up to complex offshore construction works. Качественная Интегрированная Навигационная Система (QINSy) ПО QPS для навигации и позиционирования : используется на строительных судах, трубоукладочных баржах, буровых платформах, сейсмических и гидрографических судах. QPS владеет быстро растущим рынком, связанным с нефтегазовой индустрией на море, дноуглублением и обслуживанием портов.
Области применения:
Side Scan Sonar
Pipe Inspection
Seismic application
QC display.

Fledermaus – лидер в области 4D геопространственной обработки и анализа.

Fledermaus is the industry leading interactive 4D geo-spatial processing and analysis tool. With the release of Version 7.0 we have moved this to the next dimension: the addition of a fully integrated time reference allowing users to work in a true space and time environment.
Commercial, academic and government clients use the Fledermaus software worldwide. They use the software to interact with massive geographical datasets of numerous data types for ocean mapping and land-based projects. The intuitive 4D display and interaction allows clients to rapidly gain insight and extract more information from their underlying data. This provides our clients with added value in data processing efficiency, quality control accuracy, data analysis completeness, and project integration, that promotes clear communication.
A wide variety of industry standard formats are supported for direct import of data to the 3D scene, and Fledermaus also allows data from remotely operated vehicles, ships or other entities, to be visualized in real-time.
The extensive functionality of Fledermaus allows its use across many phases of a project from the planning, processing and QC, through to analysis and production of images, plots and animations.
The Fledermaus suite of software comes in a number of bundles and has been packaged to meet the requirements and workflows of our customers.
Области применения:
Academic Research
Coastal Zone Mapping
Habitat Mapping
Large Immersive Visualization
Marine Construction

Qastor Программа для точной навигации, лоцманских проводок и швартовых операций, изначально созданная для лоцманских проводок с использованием электронных карт. Qastor также полезен при ходовых испытаниях, позиционировании буровых платформ, речной навигации, паромных переправ, подходов танкеров, буксирных операций и т.д.

Qastor is a precise navigation, piloting and docking software application that was first released in 2000. Although primarily designed as an ECS for piloting operations, Qastor has also proven to be a useful navigation tool in several other fields including Ship Trials, Oil Rig Positioning, Inland River Barges, SPM Approaches, Ferry Operations, Oil and Gas Tanker Approaches and Docking, Patrol Vessels and Tugboat Operations. Using wired or wireless methods, Qastor interfaces to most devices outputting NMEA data strings to AIS transponders/receivers and to the QPS Connect Server, which is currently supplying meteorological data to Qastor users, but also capable of distributing other types of information.
Области применения:
Docking & Lock Approach

Qimera - Hydrographic Processing Evolved.Qimera - Гидрографическая развитая обработка.

We’ve taken the core technologies of QINSy and Fledermaus and joined them together in a new platform…
Qimera Version Options;
The simplest but also the most advanced multibeam bathymetry processing software
Full sonar processing data in the following formats: QINSy DB, Kongsberg ALL, RESON/Norbit S7K, Hypack HSX, GSF, Edgetech JSF, ELAC XSE
Bathymetry processing for all survey platforms: Vessel, ROV, AUV, USV
Point Cloud cleaning for data in the following formats: LAS, QINSy QPD/QTM, Caris HDCS, Hypack HS2 & HS2X, GSF, ASCII, FAU, PDS, FBT, HTF, Neptune *.depth, Atlas SURF
Guided workflows with minimal user input to reduce human error and training requirement
64-bit multi-platform compliant – works with Windows, MacOS, Linux
Qimera Live - Near real-time data processing – just a button not a separate package
Qimera Midwater – Fast, accurate Water Column processing for wrecks and other hard targets in the following formats
QINSy DB, Kongsberg ALL, RESON/Norbit S7K – (an Add-on to Qimera and Qimera Pro)
FMGT for backscatter processing (an Add-on to all Qimera versions)
Easy to use multibeam calibration (Patch Test) tool.
Problem data solving using the unique Wobble Tool.
Post processed navigation/inertial data support
Automated data cleaning routines: Spline filter, CUBE filter, Blocking filters

Bathymetric ENC production.

Maximise navigable waters.
Rapid, automated ENC production from high resolution source bathymetry. The tool of choice to enhance port operations.
Increase data throughput, maximise port operations.
Qarto is ENC production software. Built for rapid and automated product turnaround, Qarto is the tool of choice for some of the largest ports in the world, ensuring timely products and safe operation on those busy waterways within them.

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Просмотров: 4512

Добавил: Михаил (1962@mail.ru) в 28 Feb 2016 18:45:43
Хорошая тема для гидрологов и гидрографоф, пользую несколько лет, не хужее Хайпака.
Добавил: Шурик-Саша (snur62@mail.ru) в 24 Jun 2015 12:31:30
Вещь хорошая,альтернатива дешёвок,гораздо круче и всё есть.Раздача работает,получил.

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