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Автор: Гричуха Константин

Дата: 2024-01-04

Главная / ПО для гидрогеологов, гидрологов, инженерных геологов / Каталог/ Watercom



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Программное обеспечение для специалистов по водоснабжению, распределению и дренажу. Для гидрогеологов и экологов.
Welcome to Watercom's customer support service. Watercom Pty Ltd is a Consulting Engineering and software development company based in Wooli, Australia specialising in water supply and distribution and drainage. This web site is intended to provide information and support for our programs PIPES, PIPES++ and DRAINS.

About the Programs

The PIPES program calculates flows and pressures in a pressure pipe network. Typical uses of PIPES include watermain design for subdivisions, fire mains, irrigation systems, cooling water systems, pipework and plumbing systems in buildings.

The PIPES++ program is an extended version of the PIPES program and is intended for analysis of larger town water supply systems where the user is interested in monitoring reservoir levels, pump operating times etc over an extended time period (eg 24 hours) with system demands varying with time. It also includes water quality simulation which can be used to predict how chlorine and fluoride concentrations vary with time throughout the network.

DRAINS is a Stormwater Drainage System design and analysis program. It provides a much enhanced successor to the ILSAX program which has been widely used for urban stormwater system design and analysis in Australia and New Zealand. It is co-developed by Watercom and Dr. Geoffrey O'Loughlin, developer of the ILSAX program.
The demo versions of the programs are limited to a maximum of 5 pipes. There is no limit to the size of network which the full programs will analyse. The only limit might be imposed by the amount of RAM in your computer. However, as a machine with 4 MB of RAM can handle thousands of pipes it is most unlikely that your network will be too large for your machine.
Like the PIPES programs, DRAINS provides a Windows graphical interface. Users can draw drainage system components such as sub-catchments, pits, pipes and overflow routes. Right clicking on a component will display a pop-up menu from which you can choose to enter data or view results in various formats. Design rainfall patterns can be entered separately. Results such as runoff hydrographs are displayed graphically and can be pasted into other Windows programs such as spread sheets and word processors. A demo version of the DRAINS program is available for download.
The DRAINS program will perform hydraulic grade line analyses, design stormwater drainage systems and produce summary graphs and tables, and pipe long section drawings. The movie shown above is an animation produced by DRAINS after an analysis using the unsteady flow engine. DRAINS is a Stormwater Drainage System design and analysis program. It provides a much enhanced successor to the ILSAX program which has been widely used for urban stormwater system design and analysis in Australia and New Zealand. It is co-developed by Watercom and Dr. Geoffrey O'Loughlin, developer of the ILSAX program. DRAINS has recently been updated to 64-bit computing and to operate with ARR 2016 rainfall inputs and design procedures. DRAINS offers:
Design procedures for urban drainage systems using initial and continuing loss model, ILSAX, rational method and storage routing hydrology with unsteady flow hydraulics;
Connections to spreadsheet, CAD, DTM and GIS programs, including Civil Site Design (Previously Advanced Road Design), 12d and MX;
A simple and effective user interface, a detailed Help system, manual, in-built design data for inlet pits and other devices, and a free Viewer; and
Responsive support and regular training.

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