HYFRAN-ПЛЮС (Гидрологический Частотный анализ ПЛЮС DSS) программное обеспечение, используемое, чтобы соответствовать статистическим дистрибутивам. Это включает много мощных, гибких, удобных для пользователя математических инструментов, которые могут использоваться для статистического анализа экстремальных явлений. Это может также, более широко, выполнить основной анализ любого временного ряда Независимых и Indentically Распределенные данные (IID). ОПИСАНИЕ: HYFRAN-ПЛЮС доступно в двух французах языков и англичанах. Несмотря на то, что это было первоначально разработано для частотного анализа экстремальных явлений, HYFRAN-ПЛЮС может использоваться в любом исследовании, которое требует адаптации статистического распределения к Независимому и Тождественно Распределенному ряду данных. Применение найдено в различных технических областях, таких как разработка, среда, метеорология, медицинские науки, и т.д.
Hyfran Plus (HYdrological FRequency ANalysis-INRS-ETE) is a software used to fit statistical distributions. It includes a number of powerful, flexible, user-friendly mathematical tools that can be used for the statistical analysis of extreme events. It can also, more generally, perform basic analysis of any time series of Independent and Indentically Distributed data.
Le logiciel HYFRAN-PLUS permet d’ajuster un nombre important de distributions statistiques a une serie de donnees qui verifient les hypotheses d’independance, d’homogeneite et de stationnarite (cf. Publications sur le SAD). Un Systeme d’Aide a la Decision (SAD) a ete developpe pour permettre de choisir la classe de distributions la plus adequate pour estimer le quantile de periode de retour elevee. HYFRAN a ete developpe par l'equipe du Pr. Bernard Bobee titulaire de la chaire en hydrologie statistique (1992-2004).
D'autres developpements sont en cours pour des sous classes de distributions par rapport a leurs comportements asymptotiques, sur les outils de discrimination et l'estimation des evenements extremes dans un cadre stationnaire et non-stationnaire.
Equipe de Recherche : Ce projet est effectue en collaboration avec le Professeur Bernard Bobee (Professeur Emerite a l'Institut National de la Recherche Scientifique, Centre Eau-Terre et Environnement INRS-ETE, Quebec). GENERAL INFORMATION:
HYFRAN-PLUS software contains all HYFRAN tools and procedures. It now replaces HYFRAN which is no longer available. In addition, a DSS (Decision Support System) is included in HYFRAN-Plus to help the user choose the most adequate distribution to fit a set of Independent and Identically Distributed (IID) data.
HYFRAN-PLUS (HYdrological FRequency ANalysis PLUS DSS) is a software used to fit statistical distributions. It includes a number of powerful, flexible, user-friendly mathematical tools that can be used for the statistical analysis of extreme events. It can also, more generally, perform basic analysis of any time series of Independent and Indentically Distributed (IID) data.
Decision Support System (DSS) to help selection of the most appropriate class of distributions, with respect to extreme values.
DESCRIPTION: HYFRAN-PLUS is available in two languages French and English. Although it was initially designed for frequency analysis of extreme events, HYFRAN-PLUS can be used in any study that requires fitting of statistical distribution to an Independent and Identically Distributed data series. Applications are found in various technical areas such as engineering, environment, meteorology, medical sciences, etc.
Advanced Functions
Verification of statistical hypotheses:
• Independence of data series
• Homogeneity of data series (series time step, statistical hypotheses, seasonal effect)
Large number of statistical probability distributions
• Exponential
• Generalized Pareto
• Generalised Extreme Value (GEV: EV2, EV3)
• Gumbel (EV1)
• Weibull (2 parameters)
• Halphen type A (HA), Halphen type B (HB), Halphen type Inverse B (HIB)
• Normal
• Lognormal 2 (LN2) and 3 parameters (LN3)
• Gamma (G)
• Generalized Gamma (GG)
• Inverse Gamma (IG)
• Pearson type 3 (P3)
• Log Pearson type 3 (LP3)
• Compound Poisson exponential (lois des fuites)
Mixed distribution
Lognormal and Weibull, modified to take null values into account.
Several fitting methods
• Method of Moments
• Probability Weighted moments
• Generalized Method of Moments (WRC, SAM, BOB)
• Method of Maximum Likelihood
• Estimation of quantiles XT of return period T with confidence intervals at different levels.
-- User-friendly interface (Windows)
-- Object oriented approach
-- Specialized graphic outputs:
Time series
Probability paper plots
Fitting with confidence intervals
Comparison of fitted distributions (2 to 5)
Decision Support System (DSS)
• Log-normality test : Use the (Cv,Cs) diagram and then the Jarque-Bera test if it is recommended (version 2.2); (Martel, B., S. El Adlouni et B. Bobee (2012). Comparison of the power of Log-Normality tests with different right tail alternative distributions. Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, (ASCE), Accepted, January 2012)
• Class C (regularly varying distributions): Frechet (EV2), Halphen type Inverse B (HIB), Log-Pearson type 3 (LP3), Inverse Gamma (IG);
• Class D (sub-exponential distributions): Halphen type A (HA), Halphen type B (HB), Gumbel (EV1), Pearson type 3 (P3), Gamma (G);
• Class E (Exponential distribution).