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NC LLC - Petroleum Engineering Software

Автор: Гричуха Константин

Дата: 2024-01-06

Главная / ПО для отрасли нефть-газ Oil & Gas / Каталог /NC LLC-Petroleum Engineering Softwar

NC LLC - Petroleum Engineering Software


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Nations Consulting LLC-Gas-Lift Design, Jet-Pump Design, Nodal Analysis, Troubleshooting Services, & Training. Well Performance (NODAL) Software for the Oil & Gas Industry Gas-Lift Design, Analysis & Troubleshooting; and Jet Pump Design available for

Petroleum Engineering Software

Программное обеспечение для нефтяной & газовой промышленности; дизайн Газового Лифта, анализ & поиск неисправностей; и дизайн струйного насоса

SNAP™ is a tool designed to conduct well performance predictions using nodal analysis. With SNAP™, you can analyze relationships between the reservoir, well bore, and surface equipment to determine a well's production capacity. This analysis is called nodal analysis because these areas are segmented into nodes to better define their relationships. SNAP™ includes a Gas-Lift design and troubleshooting module and a Jet Pump design module.
Well Performance (nodal) Software for the Oil & Gas Industry; Gas-Lift Design, Analysis & Troubleshooting; and Jet Pump Design
SNAP™ is a tool designed to conduct well performance predictions using nodal analysis. With SNAP™, you can analyze relationships between the reservoir, wellbore, and surface equipment to determine a well's production capacity. This analysis is called nodal analysis because these areas are segmented into nodes to better define their relationships.
SNAP™ provides the tools to optimize well production rates, estimate reservoir variables from production history and predict a well's future production schedule with pressure transient results.
SNAP™ contains all the features of the most expensive commercial nodal packages with the exception of compositional hydraulics. Interface and features are completely designed around the needs of the user, including rigorous, multi-layer IPRs, multi-segment, horizontal well modeling, Ansari, OLGA and MONA hydraulics correlations, extensive database access features for effortless access to tubular, gas lift and reservoir performance mechanical details as stored on an ODBC Database.
SNAP™ qualifies for export under: ECCN code 5D992 HTSUS 8523.49.2010 CCATS G031433

FORECAST© разработан, чтобы смоделировать сложное снижение. FORECAST© включает ARPS, WOR, P/Z, Крайний GOR и Нефтяной/Водный/Газовый Анализ Arps.

FORECAST© is designed to model complex decline. FORECAST© includes ARPS, WOR, P/Z, Marginal GOR and Arps Oil/Water/Gas Analysis.

Production Rate Forecasting Model. Модель прогнозирования производительности

PROCAST© provides the tools for predicting rate performance and optimizing field-wide production. PROCAST© facilitates ease of data entry and provides a capacity to track a variety of development scenarios. Also, the program uses system analysis, material balance concepts, and reservoir and well data to forecast reservoir performance. It gives flexibility in scheduling, grouping, and tracking reservoir and well data. Lastly, it illustrates predictions.

Pressure Transient Analysis Tool. Аналитический инструмент переходного процесса давления

The most common usage of the PTA© program is for analysis of pressure transient data from buildups, drawdowns, falloffs, and DST’s. Multiple analysis options are available to analyze test periods which include multiple straight line analyses techniques, (Horner, Infinite Acting Radial Flow, Pseudosteady State, Radial Superposition, Fracture Linear Flow, Fracture Bilinear Flow, and Spherical Flow), automatic type curve matching using non linear regression, and manual type curve matching. In order to aide in accurately determining appropriate testing procedures PTA© includes a Design section. The Design section will allow you to simulate test responses using estimated reservoir properties to obtain optimum test duration and flow rate prior to or during the test. PTA© also has the ability to analyze gas well deliverability tests.

Reservoir Performance Analysis & Prediction Tool. Исполнительный анализ водохранилища & инструмент предсказания

TANK© is a powerful analytical tool for reviewing and predicting the performance of combination drive oil and gas reservoirs. TANK© couples a general form of the material balance equation with a choice of analytical aquifer models, allowing it to handle a wide range of hydrocarbon fluid types and reservoir drive mechanisms. Given a reservoir’s performance history, TANK© can be used to estimate original hydrocarbons in place and aquifer size and strength. Once these parameters have been quantified, TANK© may be used to review and predict reservoir and aquifer performance using a variety of analytical techniques.

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