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PaleoScan Eliis - новое поколение 3D сейсмического программного обеспечения интерпретации.

Автор: Гричуха Константин

Дата: 2024-01-06

Главная / ПО для геофизиков / Каталог /PaleoScan

PaleoScan Eliis


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Software Solutions in Seismic Interpretation.
Eliis is an international software provider in seismic interpretation for the oil and gas industry. Eliis - международный поставщик программного обеспечения в сейсмической интерпретации для нефтегазовой промышленности. Eliis is a french company founded in June 2007. Its office is located in Montpellier (France).
Through its experience in seismic imaging, geosciences and computer skills, Eliis has developed PaleoScan™, a new generation of software, which optimizes drastically the seismic interpretation process.
PaleoScan™ has already been used on various areas worldwide and has shown successful results used in the E&P decisions. Thanks to a new approach based on a global minimization methods, PaleoScan™ aims to compute geological time model directly from the seismic information. This technology improves the quality of the interpretation and reduces drastically time cycle, compared to classical techniques. This changes the way to look at seismic data and takes interpretation a step further in the exploration and production process.


PaleoScan™ - новое поколение 3D сейсмического программного обеспечения интерпретации, где специалисты в области наук о Земле строят геологическую модель, интерпретируя сейсмические объемы. Это включает все необходимые инструменты для полного технологического процесса интерпретации, от погрузки данных до поколения горизонтов, ошибок и geobodies в полностью интегрированной 2D и 3D окружающей среде.
PaleoScan™ Core is the new generation of seismic interpretation platform. It includes all the necessary tools for a complete interpretation workflow, for data I/O, horizon and fault interpretation, rapid data screening and navigation in a fully integrated 2D and 3D environment, running on Windows®.
Integrated 2D and 3D seismic environment
Rapid data screening
Horizon, fault interpretation (picking, tracking, mapping)
Well/log management, culture data, etc
Parallel computing with latest multi core technologies
CPU/GPU acceleration
Multi survey and session management
Geologic Time Model
This method uses a comprehensive approach which consists of a three-step computer aided workflow. Our algorithm first tracks first every possible horizon within the seismic volume and assigns relative geological ages automatically. Then the interpreter edits the relationships between horizons and updates the model in real time to obtain the optimum solution. Based on the horizon grid, a geological time volume is computed from the seismic.
Global method, semi automatic
Geological Time model generation while interpreting
Manage peak, trough, zero crossing and inflection points
Multi scale (exploration to reservoir)
Manage fault/horizon intersection
Fast and interactive
Real time model preview
2D Global Interpretation
The Relative Geological Time (RGT) method is now adapted to 2D seismic lines. A 2D horizon patch grid is created over multiple seismic lines. Thanks to a user friendly interface environment, multi 2D lines can be interpreted in a comprehensive way using an innovative workflow. Mis-ties effect between the lines are managed by computing a global variant shift function.
Single and multiple 2D interpretation
Mis-tie correction with dynamic shift
2D Model-Grid, 2D Geomodel, 2D Horizon Stack
Horizon picking and 2D tracking
Pseudo 3D Geomodel creation
Interpret quickly and accurately various type of horizons. In addition to all classical tools for traditional horizon interpretation, an unlimited number of horizons, also called "horizon stack", is derived from the geologic time model to explore seismic volumes beyond the seismic resolution.This horizon slicing is widely used for data reconnaissance, detection of prospect leads and comprehension of reservoirs at a fine scale. A flattening option on horizon is also available.
Interactive auto-tracking
Powerful editing options
Horizon stack generation
Attribute mapping
Full volume stratal slicing
Automatic Fault Extraction
Thanks to interactive and intuitive tools such as Automatic Fault Extraction, dip/azimuth filtering and Fault Merge Assistant, interpreters are now able to handle dense and complex fault networks.
Automatic Fault Extraction process
Interactive tool to manage fault interpretation
Semi automatic merging/splitting of fault patches
High resolution throw mapping
Fault viewer with cross navigation
Dip/Azimuth filtering
Spectral Blueing
Spectral Blueing method helps the interpretation of seismic areas with too low amplitude values. It is a quick technique which can be easily applied on seismic data and improves the vertical resolution of seismic volumes. Following the same workflow as Coloured Inversion, this method is based on reflectivity time series computed from acoustic impedance well logs. It defines an operator used to increase the vertical resolution of seismic data.
Average seismic spectrum estimation
Wells reflectivity spectra in a log/log scale
Wells impedance spectra in a log/log scale
Fitting of a trendline through these spectra
Coloured Inversion
Inversion of seismic data to acoustic impedance often requires time and expertise. Despite the benefit of such a process, inverted data are only used in a limited number of cases. To overcome this, Coloured Inversion is a quick technique which can be easily applied on seismic data and performs a simple understandable inversion process.
Well Correlation
Build interactively a geological correlation panel across well log data, at any location along the trajectory by slicing horizons and creating 3D geological layers. Well tops and horizon interpretation are checked and vertical differences automatically quantified in an interactive table. Fine well to well correlation can be done with the horizon stack, in both depth and time domains. Flattening options on markers or horizons are also available.
Interactive display of logs and markers
Correlation of logs using the horizon stack
Well markers QC table
Highlight well-seismic miss-ties
Interactive cross plotting of attributes is a fundamental tool for rock type classification, AVO analysis and understanding fluid substitution effects. Comprehending the intricacies and selection of attributes is essential for successful reservoir analysis in quantitative interpretation
Cross plotting of volumes
Interactive facies classification
Automatic classification using SOM and K-Mean
Applied on horizon and horizon stack
Geobodies extraction
Facies volume generation
Spectral Decomposition
Spectral decomposition is an innovative technique relying on the transformation of each individual 1D seismic trace, into a 2D time-frequency representation using Short Time Fourrier Transform (STFT) or Continuous Wavelet Transform (CWT). It provides high resolution imaging of reservoir detail, geological discontinuities and produces very informative maps of thin beds, especially in clastic successions with sharp impedance contrasts.
Instantaneous time-frequency transformation
Short time Fourrier Transform
Continuous Fourrier Transform
Real time RGB blending

Add-On Modules

Advanced interpretation is a module for high resolution stratigraphic analysis. It includes complementary tools for sequence boundaries modeling, visualization with color blending and automatic geobodies extraction and provides a powerful way to exploit the stratigraphic information from the geological time model.

Sequence Stratigraphy
Build a chrono-stratigraphic framework and understand the spatial evolution of the deposits, the relative sea level changes and depositional sequences. Transform interactively seismic data in the wheeler domain to understand stratigraphic evolution and define sequences and lithology, in real time, by using logs and markers.
Interactive Wheeler Transform
Interpret depositional sequences
3D sequence creation
Create geological cross sections with lithology
Isochores and optimized horizon stacks creation

GeoCellular Grid
Building a geological model is a key step to understand reservoir properties and dynamic behaviour of fluids. PaleoScan™ enables to carry out all the different stages of the geomodeling workflow to create a static model such as building stratigraphic units from the RGT model, gridding the model with various patterns, populating cells with seismic facies or petrophysical properties.
Use RGT model to drive the geometries
Corner point grid generation with stair stepped faults
Seismic facies modeling
Upscaling of well/log properties

Watertight Model
A sealed geological model can be obtained by converting the Relative Geological Time (RGT) volume into a watertight model. This process is realized interactively using stratigraphic layers from the RGT volume. The sealed model is meshed in 3D, using these geological boundaries, where intersections between faults and horizons is managed. It can be used for various applications in geomodeling.
Interactive layering
Remodeling of faults and horizons
Creation of fault polygons
Allan diagram for analysis of sealing properties

Color Blending
Color Blending allows to decompose image in 3 different color channels and play with the image contrast. By assigning attributes or frequency decomposition to each channel, it drastically improves visualization and facilitates the imaging of geological events throughout the seismic.
Various blending methods are proposed, such as RGB (Red, Green Blue), CMY (Cyan, Magenta, Yellow), HSV (Hue, Saturation, Value), HSL (Hue, Saturation,Lightness).
Real time attribute and frequency blending
Apply to Volumes, Arbitrary lines and Horizons
Improve geological events imaging
2D and 3D Display

Properties Modeling
Rock physics information measured or calculated from well log data can be propagated in the seismic volume. This module includes several propagation methods, based on the geological time model, and the relative and absolute coloured inversion process.
Well log information can be populated in the seismic volume using the geologic time model as guideline. Various methods of propagation, such as inverse distance, kriging and co-kriging, are proposed in an intuitive interface offering real time preview on surface or cross section along wells.
This unique workflow constrained by the geology has numerous domains of application such as seismic inversion, reservoir characterization, geological correlation, velocity model building and synthetic seismic generation.
Propagate well log properties guided by geological time model
Methods: inverse distance, kriging or co-krigingPredict rock physics distribution
Forward modeling (synthetic seismic generation)
Acoustic Impedance a priori model
Rock type Prediction
Interval velocity model generation
Real time preview
Intuitive and useful for Quantitative Interpretation applications

Various methods to manage and/or convert data from time to depth domain are proposed in this module such as interactive seismic-well tie with a comprehensive method, intuitive logs depth adjustment and real time seismic depth stretching. This process is involved in many applications for reservoir characterization and velocity modeling.

Seismic-Well Tie
The seismic-well tie tool is simple and interactive, including all the required processes for sonic calibration, wavelet extraction and synthetic seismogram generation. Time shift, stretch and squeeze can be applied in real time with useful editing options to perform a quick and precise calibration. Moreover, synthetic seismic volumes can be computed in real time thanks to the geological time model and multi-well constraints.

Depth Conversion
Seismic image can be stretched in real time from time to depth domain by assigning velocity models. Interpretation can be done in both domains interactively because the display of all objects are transformed within the viewer. This tool proposes various domains of application to check velocity cubes, seismic-well tie and also save horizons and volumes in the depth domain.

Velocity Modeling
Build interactively a velocity model by defining intervals from the RGT model and convert the seismic in depth instantaneously. Various methods to compute velocity values are proposed: constant, linear or from the wells. The depth conversion in real time allows adjusting the velocity model accordingly. The interpretation can be done in both domains interactively since the display of all objects is transformed within the viewer.

Data Link

The PaleoScan™ data link is an essential module for users who wish to maximize benefits from their PaleoScan™ interpretation. Thanks to a plug-in extension, users can take advantage of PaleoScan™ functionalities by exchanging interpretation results directly between various platforms such as Petrel®*, OpenWorks ®** and GeoTeric®***. In just a few clicks, it enables seamless data exchange with PaleoScan™. Data are fetched from one application and sent to the other on-demand.

Petrel® Link*
Data type: Volume, 2D line, horizon, fault, well (logs and markers), geobody, multi-z, culture data.
OpenWorks® link*
Data type: Volume, horizon, fault, well (logs and markers)
GeoTeric® link*

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Просмотров: 2346

Добавил: xenarra (xenarra@gmail.com) в 28 Apr 2018 17:47:33
hello konstatin, I stumbled your website on a journey looking for paleoscan application. i find it interesting when i saw it on youtube. Can you provide this software for me?

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