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Geosolve- Software for earthworks and foundations design

Автор: Гричуха Константин

Дата: 2024-01-05

Главная / ПО для гидрогеологов, гидрологов, инженерных геологов / Каталог / Geosolve



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Geosolve was founded in 1983 by Dr Daniel Borin. He is the author of
the Geosolve suite of programs, SLOPE, WALLAP, and GWALL.
Geosolve customers are familiar with the high level of customer service
provided by Dr Borin. A prompt, efficient and expert response is the hallmark
of Geosolve customer support.
Brief history
The Geosolve SLOPE program was first released in 1982. In 1987 the powerful
Slope Stability Analysis capabilities were augmented with Reinforced Soil
Analysis and Design options. The first Windows version of SLOPE was released
in December 2003.
Geosolve's flagship product, the Retaining Wall Analysis program, WALLAP
was first released in October 1985. WALLAP grew rapidly in popularity and
with the release of the Windows version in February 2002 has confirmed
its place in the UK and many other countries as the de facto industry
Our programs are user-friendly and are supplied with comprehensive
User Manuals. An advisory and back-up service is provided. Geosolve - аналог GeoStab.

Состоит комплекс из трёх отдельных модулей:

Geosolve was founded in 1983 by Dr Daniel Borin. He is the author of
the Geosolve suite of programs, SLOPE, WALLAP, and GWALL.

GWALL Gravity and cantilever retaining wall analysis..GWALL Гравитация и консоль сдерживающий стенной анализ.GWALL analyses a wide range of retaining wall problems including gravity walls and cantilever walls with a base.
Methods of Analysis
GWALL carries out two types of analysis within the one program:
Limit equilibrium analysis for calculating factors of safety against sliding and overturning.
Calculation of bending moments and shear forces in the stem and base (including the effect of earth pressures due to compaction).
Wall Geometry
A wide variety of wall geometries can be analysed including variable heel and toe width, battered front and back faces and a shear key at any position.
Soil Properties
Up to 20 soil strata may be defined. For each stratum the following parameters may be specified:
Friction angle and cohesion
Earth pressure due to compaction
Earth pressure coefficients
The program will, if desired, calculate earth pressure coefficients from values of soil friction, wall friction, batter angle and backfill angle given by the user.
Water Pressures
Hydrostatic or non-hydrostatic water pressure profiles may be defined on both sides of the wall.
Applied Loads and Surcharges
Surcharges may be specified to act on or below the ground surface on the active side.
Vertical, horizontal and moment loads may be applied to the top of the wall. Horizontal and vertical components of anchor load may be applied to the face of the wall.
Data may be entered in any consistent set of units e.g. (kN,m), (lb,feet). All print-out from the program is automatically annotated in the appropriate units.
Printed output from the program consists of the input data followed by details of the forces, factors of safety, wall pressures, bending moments and shear forces.
Interactive graphics
Graphical display of the data shows the shape of the wall, the soil profile, ground water levels, applied loads and anchor position (if present).
The data can be edited interactively by clicking and dragging.
Results are displayed in the form of bending moment, shear force and wall pressure diagrams.

SLOPE is a program for analysing the stability of slopes. НАКЛОН - программа для анализа стабильности наклонов.The program is also applicable to earth pressure and bearing capacity problems. Optional facilities are available for the analysis and design of reinforced soil.
Key Features
SLOPE is a computer program for analysing the stability of slopes. The program is also applicable to earth pressure and bearing capacity problems. Optional facilities are available for the analysis and design of reinforced soil.
Analyses natural and cut slopes
Designs reinforced earth slopes, embankments and walls
Automatically generates slip surfaces to find the critical failure mechanism
Surcharges and anchor loads modelled
Multiple water tables or piezometric surfaces modelled
Choice of circular slip surfaces or wedge analysis
Earthquake forces modelled
Import slope profiles from DXF or DWG files
Graphical output of data and results
Reinforced soil options:
- Designs the optimum arrangement of reinforcement
- Choice of fabric, grid or strip reinforcement or soil nails
- Calculates reinforcement forces according to DTp procedures
Analysis Options
The program provides a choice of methods of analysis including the following:-
Swedish Circle (or Fellenius') method
Bishop's method
Spencer's method
Janbu's method
The various methods make different assumptions about the equilibrium distribution of forces within the slipping mass. The result of each analysis is expressed as a factor of safety. In routine slope stability problems the factor of safety is calculated with respect to the strength of the soil along the slip surface. There is an option to calculate the factor of safety with respect to surcharge loads. This option is applicable to bearing capacity problems and earth pressure calculations.
Strata Profile and Groundwater Conditions
The ground can be described in terms of up to nine soil strata with different strength properties. In simple cases pore pressures are calculated from the position of the water table but in more complicated flow conditions (e.g. the presence of an aquifer or pore pressures due to construction), local values of pore pressure can be defined. Perched water tables and artesian pressures can be modelled by specifying additional piezometric surfaces associated with individual strata.
Where detailed information about the pore pressure distribution is lacking, the pore pressures in any individual stratum can be expressed as an Ru value. For fine grained soils which sustain negative pore pressures, the maximum suction can be specified. Submerged slopes can be analysed by specifying a water table above ground level.
Strata profiles and water tables can be imported from DXF and DWG files.
Surcharge Loads & Earthquake forces
External forces (due to buildings or strut forces in excavations) can be applied to the ground surface. Earthquake forces can be modelled in a quasi-static manner by specifying horizontal and vertical acceleration factors.
Slip Surfaces
Circular and non-circular slip surfaces can be analysed. A group of circular slip surfaces can be analysed by defining a rectangular grid of centres. For each centre a number of different radii can be specified. Alternatively the circles can be made to pass through a common point or touch a common tangent.
Two and three part wedges can be analysed. A group of wedges can be analysed by defining a rectangular grid of wedge nodes. For each wedge node a number of different wedges can be analysed by specifying ranges of wedge angles and toe positions.
General non-circular slip surfaces are specified individually by the user.
Reinforced Soil Options (SLOPE version 12R only)
Horizontal layers of reinforcement can be included in the soil profile. The program is equally applicable to reinforced Slopes and reinforced soil Walls. There is no fundamental difference in the treatment of Slopes and Walls. The required degree of stability for each type of structure is achieved by the selection of appropriate factors of safety in each case.The program can be operated in Analysis or Design Mode and can provide designs conforming to most codes of practice. The program caters for a variety of types of reinforcement
Design Mode - reinforced slope or embankment on a stable foundation
The program selects appropriate types, lengths and spacings of reinforcement layers to achieve a required Factor of Safety for both internal and external stability of the given slope profile.
This design option is applicable to natural slopes, walls and man-made embankments where the foundation soil is stable i.e. where there is no risk of a failure surface developing below or beyond the toe of the reinforced slope.
Output from the program gives the elevations and lengths of all the reinforcement layers and details of the critical wedge at each reinforcement elevation.
Embankments on soft foundations can be dealt with using the Analysis Mode.
Analysis Mode
In the analysis mode the program analyses a slope containing a pre-defined layout of reinforcement. (The layers of reinforcement were chosen either by the user or are the result of the programs own design procedure). A wide range of slip surfaces can be generated automatically to explore all possible failure mechanisms and calculate the lowest factor of safety.
The results are presented as a grid of factors of safety in the usual way. If the calculated factors of safety are not adequate it is up to the user to modify the slope or reinforcement to produce a stable arrangement.
Factor of safety of reinforced soil
The factor of safety for a reinforced soil slope is calculated taking into account the combined restoring effect of reinforcement and soil strength. Soil and reinforcement strengths may be partially factored to produce balanced designs in accordance with code requirements. Partial factors may also be applied to surcharge loads and soil weight.
The stabilising effect of the reinforcement is calculated according to Department of Transport Technical Memorandum BE 3/78 and BS8006.
The Factor of Safety calculation allows the user to specify a certain amount of interslice friction which leads to safe but more economical designs.
Types of reinforcement
The program deals with three main types of reinforcement:
Sheet or grid reinforcement
Strip reinforcement.
Soil Nails
The program includes a data base of properties of some commonly available types of reinforcement.
Automatic wedge generation
When analysing reinforced slopes it is often more appropriate to consider wedge shaped slip surfaces rather than circular slip surfaces. The choice is up to the user, but your attention is drawn to the facility for automatic generation of two part wedges with wedge nodes at equally spaced positions along the reinforcement layers, and toe exit points at the ends of the layers.
Data Input and Editing
Data values are checked for permissible ranges. A list of data Errors and Warnings is displayed if unacceptable or inappropriate data combinations are detected. Data can be checked visually at any time during data entry or editing.
Import data from drawing files
Data may be imported from .DXF and .DWG drawing files generated by AutoCad or other software.
Data may be entered in any consistent set of units e.g. (kN,m), (lb,feet). All print-out from the program is automatically annotated in the appropriate units.
Output from the Program
Printed output from the program consists of the following:
Listing of input data
Brief output for individual circles or wedges:
- Factors of safety
- Disturbing and restoring forces
Detailed output for the critical circle or wedge:
- Factor of safety
- Force distribution on the slip surface
- Force distribution in the slipping mass
- Details of each reinforcement layer
Summary output of:
- Brief results for the critical circle (or wedge) through
each common point
- Grid of factors of safety at circle centres (or wedge nodes)
Data and results are displayed in graphical form either on the screen or in hard copy form. Graphical display shows:
The soil profile
Water pressure profiles
Critical slip surface(s)
Hot Keys
Special Hot Keys give instant access to Help facilities, Error reporting, Data plotting (during edit) and Summary output (during analysis).

WALLAP is a program for analysing the stability of cantilevered and propped retaining walls. WALLAP - программа для анализа стабильности консольных и подпер сдерживающие стены.WALLAP is suitable for the analysis of both temporary works, such as sheet pile walls, and permanent works such as reinforced concrete diaphragm walls and contiguous bored pile walls.
WALLAP is a powerful, fast and user-friendly program for analysing the stability of cantilevered and propped retaining walls. WALLAP is suitable for the analysis of both temporary works, such as sheet pile walls, and permanent works such as reinforced concrete diaphragm walls and contiguous bored pile walls.
Factors of safety are computed according to standard codes of practice while wall displacements and bending moments are calculated by a finite element analysis which models the actual sequence of construction of the wall. Earth pressures are calculated automatically from basic soil properties.
The strata profile consists of up to 100 soil types with hydrostatic or non-linear water pressure distributions. Surcharges may be applied and removed while struts and anchors may be installed and removed. The program is menu driven with context sensitive Help and on-line access to the comprehensive User Manual giving detailed guidance on data input and interpretation of results.
Key Features
Cantilever walls
Anchored walls
Strutted excavations
Sheet pile walls
RC Diaphragm walls
Soldier (King) Pile walls
Hydrostatic or non-hydrostatic water pressures. Automatic water pressure balancing option
Uniform or variable surcharges applied at or below ground level
Structural loads applied to the wall
Seismic analysis
Analysis options
Limit State analysis in accordance with Eurocode 7
Factor of Safety calculation in accordance with
Eurocode 7 and BS 8002
Bending moments and wall displacements calculated by finite
element analysis
Construction sequence and Berm excavation modelled
Soil arching and Soil-wall gap modelled
Non-linear elastic/plastic soil model
Fully automatic calculation of earth pressures
User Interface
Simple data input with interactive Help
Soil properties archive facility
Hot Keys for instant Help, Error reporting, Data plot and
Summary output
Free choice of units
Graphical output of data and results
Fully documented
WALLAP is a powerful, fast and user-friendly program for analysing the stability of cantilevered and propped retaining walls. WALLAP is suitable for the analysis of both temporary works, such as sheet pile walls, and permanent works such as reinforced concrete diaphragm walls and contiguous bored pile walls.
Factors of safety are computed according to standard codes of practice while wall displacements and bending moments are calculated by a finite element analysis which models the actual sequence of construction of the wall. Earth pressures are calculated automatically from basic soil properties.
The strata profile consists of up to 100 soil types with hydrostatic or non-linear water pressure distributions. Surcharges may be applied and removed while struts and anchors may be installed and removed. The program is menu driven with context sensitive Help and on-line access to the comprehensive User Manual giving detailed guidance on data input and interpretation of results.
Methods of Analysis
WALLAP offers two separate types of analysis within the one program:
Limit Equilibrium Analysis
Calculation of Factors of Safety according to one of the
following methods:
BS 8002 (Burland-Potts)
Eurocode 7 (Strength factor method)
British Standard Code of Practice No.2
BSC Piling Handbook
Bending moment and Displacement Analysis
Modelling of the stage by stage development of forces and wall movements as construction proceeds. The wall and soil are modelled as a beam and springs. Two spring models are available:
Subgrade reaction analysis (for routine design)
2-D Finite element analysis (for a more rigorous approach)
Modelling the Construction Sequence
The following types of construction activity may be specified and combined in any order so as to model the construction sequence:
Excavate (including berms)
Change water pressures
Install and remove struts or anchors
Apply and remove surcharges
Apply loads to the wall
Apply rotational restraints to the wall
Change soil properties
Change wall stiffness
Seismic loading
Soil Properties
A maximum of 100 different soil types can be defined including:
Cohesive / cohesionless
Drained / undrained
Normally / over-consolidated
Soil strength is defined in terms of Ka, Kac, Kp, Kpc and cohesion.
There is a Help facility to derive Ka etc.. from soil, wall friction and backfill angles.
Soil stiffness is expressed in terms of Young's modulus and Poisson's ratio.
Optional soil properties include:
Linear variations of cohesion and modulus with depth.
Arching active behaviour
Simple non-linear elastic soil model
Struts and Anchors
Struts or anchors can be installed at up to 80 levels and may be pre-stressed. Struts can also be removed after installation.
Water Pressures
Hydrostatic or non-hydrostatic Water Pressure Profiles may be defined on both sides of the wall, to model a variety of complex conditions including:
Submerged ground
Perched water tables
Uplift pressures under structures.
Automatic water pressure balancing option. This offers a convenient way of balancing water pressures at the toe of the wall by assuming a linear variation of piezometric head between the water levels either side of the wall.
Surcharges can be applied at or below ground level on the active or passive side of the wall. All surcharges are defined over a rectangular loaded area. Ramp surcharges can be defined i.e. Surcharge magnitude may vary linearly with distance from the wall.
Loads and Restraints
Horizontal and moment loads may be applied to the wall. Rotational spring restraints may be applied at any elevation in order to model the effect of floor slabs which are built into the wall.
Data Input and Editing
Data entry is menu driven. Data values are checked for permissible ranges. A list of data Errors and Warnings is displayed if unacceptable or inappropriate data combinations are detected. Data can be checked visually at any time during data entry or editing.
Data may be entered in any consistent set of units e.g. (kN,m), (lb,feet). All print-out from the program is automatically annotated in the appropriate units.
Output from the Program
Output from the program consists of the following:
Listing of input data
Output at selected stages of:
- Factors of safety
- Bending moments and shear forces
- Wall pressures
- Displacements
- Strut/anchor forces
Summary output of:
- Factors of Safety at each stage
- Strut forces at each stage
- Maximum/minimum bending moment and displacement at each stage
- Cumulative bending moment and shear force envelopes
- Cumulative displacement envelope
Output to an Excel spreadsheet
- Tabulated results for selected stages can be sent to an .xls file
Data and results are displayed in graphical form either on the screen or in hard copy. Graphical display of the data shows:
The soil profile,
Water pressure profiles,
Applied loads/restraints,
Strut positions,
Boundary conditions.
Results are displayed in the form of:
Bending moment diagrams,
Shear force diagrams,
Wall pressure diagrams,
Wall displacement diagrams.
Hot Keys
Special Hot Keys give instant access to Help facilities, Error reporting, Data plotting (during edit) and Summary output (during analysis).

Расчет устойчивости склона крепления и устойчивости откосов можно выполнить также в программах:
Rocscience, Bentley GeoStructural Analysis, GEO5, CREDO-ОТКОС, Расчет устойчивости земляных откосов, выпуск 1990 г , но работает и с 7, Балтпроект SLIDE, Программа Otkos и самый просто метод - Расчет устойчивости склона по методу Шахунянца Г.М - Opolz и многие другие...См на сайте.

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