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Автор: Гричуха Константин

Дата: 2024-01-04

Главная / ГИС/GIS / Каталог / Agisoft



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Agisoft Metashape - автономный программный продукт, который выполняет фотограмметрическую обработку цифровых изображений и генерирует 3D пространственные данные
Founded in 2006 as an innovative research company with focus on computer vision technology, through years of intensive R&D work Agisoft LLC has gained expertise in image processing algorithms, with digital photogrammetry techniques setting the direction for development of applied tools.
Values and Goals
We believe that new technology implementation for various industrial and socially important tasks is a way to foster low-budget methods of research and documentation. Agisoft is proud to be among the pioneers of digital photogrammetry solutions developers.

Discover intelligent photogrammetry with Metashape
Process digital images and generate 3D spatial data. Fast and highly accurate.

Agisoft Metashape

Agisoft Metashape is a stand-alone software product that performs photogrammetric processing of digital images and generates 3D spatial data to be used in GIS applications, cultural heritage documentation, and visual effects production as well as for indirect measurements of objects of various scales.
Photogrammetric triangulation

Processing of various types of imagery: aerial (nadir, oblique, close-range, satellite.
Auto calibration: frame (incl. fisheye), spherical & cylindrical cameras.
Multi-camera projects support.
Scanned images with fiducial marks support.
Dense point cloud: editing and classification
Elaborate model editing for accurate results.
Automatic multi-class points classification to customize further reconstruction.
Import/export to benefit from classical point data processing workflow.
Digital elevation model: DSM/DTM generation
Digital Surface and/or Digital Terrain Model — depending on the project.
Georeferencing based on EXIF meta data/flight log, GCPs data.
EPSG registry coordinate systems support: WGS84, UTM, etc.
Configurable vertical datums based on the geoid undulation grids.
Georeferenced orthomosaic generation
Georeferenced orthomosaic: most-GIS-compatible GeoTIFF format; KML files to be located on Google Earth.
Export in blocks for huge projects.
Color correction for homogeneous texture.
Inbuilt ghosting filter to combat artefacts due to moving objects.
Custom planar and cylindrical projection options for close range projects.
Ground control points / scale bar support
GCPs import for georeferencing and control over the accuracy of the results.
Coded/non-coded targets auto-detection for fast GCPs input.
Scale bar tool to set reference distance without implementation of positioning equipment.
Measurements: distances, areas, volumes
Inbuilt tools to measure distances, areas and volumes.
To perform more sophisticated metric analysis the products of photogrammetric processing can be smoothly transferred to external tools thanks to a variety of export formats.
Stereoscopic measurements
Professional 3D monitors and 3D controllers support for accurate and convenient stereoscopic vectorization of features and measurement purposes.
3D model: generation and texturing
Various scenes: archaeological sites, artifacts, buildings, interiors, people, etc.
Direct upload to various online resources and export to many popular formats.
Photorealistic textures: HDR and multifile support (incl. UDIM layout).
Hierarchical tiled model generation
City scale modeling preserving the original image resolution for texturing.
Cesium publishing.
4D modeling for dynamic scenes
Multi camera rig data processing for creative projects in cinematographic art, game industry, etc.
Basis for numerous visual effects with 3D models reconstructed in time sequence.
Panorama stitching
3D reconstruction for data captured from the same camera position — camera station, provided that at least 2 camera stations are present.
360° panorama stitching for one camera station data.
Multispectral imagery processing
RGB/NIR/thermal/multispectral imagery processing.
Fast reconstruction based on preferable channel.
Multichannel orthomosaic generation and user-defined vegetation indices (e.g. NDVI) calculation and export.
Satellite imagery processing
Common processing workflow for panchromatic and multispectral satellite images is supported, provided that sufficiently accurate RPC data is available for each image.
Python and Java API
In addition to Batch processing - a way to save on human intervention, Python scripting and Java bindings suggests for sophisticated automation and customization options. Starting from the adding custom processing operations to the application GUI up to the complete job automation and integration to Python or Java pipeline.
Network processing
Distributed calculations over a local computer network to use combined power of multiple nodes for huge data sets processing in one project.
Cloud processing
Cloud processing interface allows to save on the hardware infrastructure for photogrammetric pipeline, with further option to visualize and share the variety of the processing results online with colleagues or customers, as well as to embed published projects in your own web platforms.

Устаревший продукт:
Agisoft PhotoScan

Agisoft PhotoScan is a stand-alone software product that performs photogrammetric processing of digital images and generates 3D spatial data
to be used in GIS applications, cultural heritage documentation, and visual effects production as well as for indirect measurements of objects of various scales.
Wisely implemented digital photogrammetry technique enforced with computer vision methods
results in smart automated processing system that, on the one hand, can be managed by a new-comer in the field of photogrammetry, yet, on the other hand, has a lot to offer to a specialist who can adjust the workflow to numerous specific tasks and different types of data.
Throughout various case studies PhotoScan proves to produce quality and accurate results.
With Agisoft PhotoScan currently being highly competitive photogrammetric software on the market, we see our mission as continuous R&D work to incorporate high-end technologies into the software for the users to have a tool to successfully solve 3D reconstruction, visualization, surveying and mapping tasks.
Agisoft PhotoScan is designed specifically for those who value time, aim at technical efficiency and are ready to follow digital technologies to the world of unlimited opportunities.
Development Policy
Developing stand-alone software, we strive to make our solution efficient for various applications, which challenges our team to wisely optimize algorithms concerning quality of the results, hardware resources consumption, and processing speed.
Know-how algorithms, parallel computing, GPU acceleration form the basis for intelligent image processing system which is accurate, fast, and stable.
Not only do we employ latest scientific achievements to produce high-end solution, but we also do see user feedback analysis as a key element to maintain sustainable development of the software that is to be a handy tool capable of solving the task you face, be it a large area mapping or a 3D object digitization task.

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Просмотров: 1898

Добавил: Валерий (vvttriton@mail.ru) в 09 Oct 2022 6:59:30
Интересует вылеченная Agisoft Metashape Professional 1.7.0 Build 11429 Администратор: Ответил на мыло...
Добавил: Валерий (vvttriton@mail.ru) в 21 Nov 2020 11:10:56
Agisoft Metashape Professional 1.7.0 Build 11429 Администратор: Не понятно, что Вы хотели этим сказать? Хотите поделиться с народом? А так есть и это, если что!

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