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Clark Labs TerrSet Geospatial Monitoring and Modeling Software

Автор: Гричуха Константин

Дата: 2024-01-04

Главная / ГИС/GIS / Каталог / Clark Labs

Clark Labs


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Professional Services
Clark Labs provides professional services to meet a wide range of needs, including Customized Software Development, Analytical Services, Application Research, and Training. Clark Labs’ leverages over 25 years of GIS and earth science expertise. Housed at Clark University, Clark Labs brings unmatched skills and resources to solve the most demanding issues.
Customized Software Development
With over 25 years of geospatial software development for environmental management, Clark Labs is well suited to customize your next software application. We have the resources to turn your ideas into a user-friendly application.
Land Change Modeler Prediction
Land Change Modeler, developed with support from Conservation International to support their field offices, provides a set of tools for the rapid assessment and mapping of change. Various models exist for predicting future scenarios.
Recent Customized Software Projects:
Land Change Modeler: With support from Conservation International, Clark Labs developed Land Change Modeler to meet the challenges of land planning and conservation.
Earth Trends Modeler: With support from the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation, Clark Labs developed the Earth Trends Modeler, an application within TerrSet for analyzing time series of earth observation imagery for monitoring the earth system.
Land Change Modeler for Arc Online: Currently, with support from Esri, Clark Labs is developing the Land Change Modeler application to run on Esri’s Arc Online environment.
Analytical Services
Staffed by geographers and environmental scientists, Clark Labs has a unique position in the industry to solve real-world problems through research and customized software development.
Gypsy Moth Risk Map
Gypsy Moth Risk Map modeled using the multi-layer perceptron neural network tool. Along with environmental variables, zip code and census data were used to model the risk of gypsy moth infestation in uninfested portions of the United States. This work was done in collaboration with USDA/APHIS.
Recent Analytical Projects
With support from the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation, mapping marine aquaculture using Landsat imagery in Southeast Asia.
With support from Mina Panama, modeling historical forest change and analyzing habitat and species biodiversity.
Application Research Services
Clark Labs provides application research services to support the environmental and natural resource community. Our professional staff are fully trained in GIS and image processing, empirical modeling, decision support, and many other earth science disciplines.
Seasonal TrendThe Earth Trends Modeler (ETM) is specially designed for the analysis of earth observation image time series. In this illustration, a series of 348 global images of monthly NDVI vegetation index data were analyzed for the presence of trends in seasonality. Pixels colored gray (which are almost absent) indicate a stable seasonality. All other colors represent trends. ETM provides an interactive legend (lower left) to interpret the trend for any area (the area in eastern Alabama and western Georgia in this case). The green curve represents the beginning of the series (1982) while the red one represents the end (2010). The X axis is time and the Y axis is NDVI. As can be seen, NDVI has generally increased with a growing bimodality. Spring is coming a bit earlier (11 days) and the autumn is extending longer (almost 30 days).
Recent Application Projects
With support from Conservation International, re-analysis of NatureServe species database for South America to derive an empirically-based set of species maps for biodiversity analysis.
Mapping the extent of almond tree plantations in California.
With support from the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation and Google.org., the investigation of the relationship between climate teleconnections and climatic episodes that impact ecosystem security.

Программное обеспечение:

Geospatial Monitoring and Modeling Software

TerrSet is an integrated geospatial software system for monitoring and modeling the earth system for sustainable development. The TerrSet system incorporates the IDRISI GIS Analysis and IDRISI Image Processing tools along with a constellation of vertical applications. TerrSet offers the most extensive set of geospatial tools in the industry in a single, affordable package. There is no need to buy costly add-ons to extend your research capabilities. TerrSet - интегрированная геопространственная система программного обеспечения для контроля и моделирования системы заземления для устойчивого развития. Система TerrSet включает инструменты IDRISI GIS Analysis и IDRISI Image Processing вместе с совокупностью вертикальных приложений. TerrSet предлагает самый обширный набор геопространственных инструментов в отрасли в единственном, доступном пакете. Нет никакой потребности купить дорогостоящие дополнения, чтобы расширить Ваши возможности исследования.
The IDRISI GIS tool set offers over 300 analytical tools, primarily oriented to raster data, for the manipulation of geospatial datasets for the exploration of our rapidly changing world.
IDRISI Image Processing
The IDRISI Image Processing System in TerrSet is an extensive set of procedures for image restoration, enhancement, transformation and classification of remotely sensed imagery.
Land Change Modeler
Land Change Modeler (LCM) is an innovative land planning and decision support software tool for land change analysis and prediction with a special facility for REDD project-level modeling.
Habitat and Biodiversity Modeler
The Habitat and Biodiversity Modeler (HBM) is a vertical application intended for habitat assessment, landscape pattern analysis and biodiversity modeling.
GeOSIRIS is a tool that quantifies and maps the impacts of national-level REDD projects on deforestation, carbon emissions, agricultural revenue, and carbon payments.
Ecosystem Services Modeler
The Ecosystem Services Modeler (ESM) is a spatial decision support system for assessing the value of natural capital for sustainable development.
Earth Trends Modeler
The Earth Trends Modeler (ETM) is an integrated suite of tools for the analysis of image time series data associated with Earth Observation remotely sensed imagery.
Climate Change Adaptation Modeler
The Climate Change Adaptation Modeler (CCAM) is suite of tools for modeling future climate and assessing its impacts on sea level rise, crop suitability and species distributions.

Additional Products
Additional products to help you maximize your use of TerrSet.
Remote Sensing with TerrSet/IDRISI: A Beginner’s Guide
Co-authored by Timothy Warner, David J. Campagna and Florencia Sangermano, and published by Geocarto International Centre in Hong Kong, this introductory text provides a hands-on, guided exploration of the fundamental issues in remote sensing and image processing, using the techniques and approaches within the TerrSet software.
American Land Change Modeler
The American Land Change Modeler (ALCM) is a web application designed to analyze historical land change patterns and predict future scenarios of land cover including the vulnerability of change.
Global Data Archives
Clark Labs offers global AVHRR NDVI 3g and the MODIS NDVI/EVI data products. All data are in the IDRISI file format for use with the TerrSet software.

IDRISI Selva ( как отдельный продукт)
IDRISI Selva introduces substantial enhancements to its revolutionary Earth Trends Modeler application for the analysis of patterns and trends in earth observation image time series. Particular emphasis has been given to the provision of new tools for the analysis of coupled systems (such as the oceans and atmosphere). These include Extended PCA/EOF, Multi-channel Singular Spectrum Analysis, Extended EOT, Multichannel EOT and Canonical Correlation Analysis.
IDRISI Selva delivers a variety of new display elements and enhancements for map compositions. Firstly, the new version eliminates the 32,000 row/column limitation on both the display and processing of images. IDRISI Selva additionally includes a new pyramid file structure for the rapid display of large image files, and a new automatic arrangement feature for the display of map compositions. With IDRISI Selva, vector field plots showing magnitude and direction, such as wind speed and direction, are now supported.

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