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Itasca International -Программное обеспечение для анализа и моделирования данных в Геомеханике, Гидрогеологии, Геофизике, Горной промышленности и Oil & Gas.

Автор: Гричуха Константин

Дата: 2024-01-06

Главная / ПО для геофизиков / Каталог / Itasca



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Программное обеспечение для анализа и моделирования данных в Геомеханике, Гидрогеологии, Геофизике, Горной промышленности и Oil & Gas.
Itasca combines its background of practical engineering and field experience with unparalleled knowledge of computer modeling and data analysis techniques. We provide the world’s most widely used set of commercial geomechanical-modeling software, along with software for hydrogeological analysis, microseismic processing and geotechnical data visualization. Our state-of-the-art software is sold and supported around the globe through our network of offices and affiliated sales agencies. A significant portion of our consulting services involve the application of these products we have developed over the course of our business to the analysis of rock and soil mass performance, and the engineered structures that are dependent on that behavior.
Operating as both engineering consultants and software developers creates a dynamic interplay where the capabilities of the consultancy are extended with direct access to the internals of the software tools we use. In turn, the software is continuously developed, improved and proven in the real-world problem-solving environment. Itasca's expertise also is utilized frequently for expert testimony in litigation, due diligence reviews and audits, and for permitting and regulatory review. Our spectrum of clients includes mining companies, petroleum service and operating companies, civil design and construction firms, government agencies, research universities and other engineering consulting firms.
Mining Engineering
Itasca offers advanced, first-hand knowledge of mining challenges around the globe and a collective pool of expertise covering a wide range of mine operations from hard to soft rock mining using both open pit and underground techniques. We understand the unique geomechanics, hydrologic and microseismic problems associated with surface and underground mines and the logistical constraints that often are encountered in solving these problems.
Oil & Gas
Successful Oil & Gas production relies on the application of Earth Resources Engineering — engineering the discovery, development and environmentally responsible use of subsurface earth resources. These resources are becoming increasingly more challenging and expensive to produce. Over our 30-year history, Itasca has pioneered rock engineering working to unlock these resources with a keen eye on the environment and the cost benefits.

Geomechanical Software

FLAC3D-Powerful & Flexible 3D Analysis
FLAC3D (Fast Lagrangian Analysis of Continua in 3 Dimensions) is numerical modeling software for geotechnical analyses of soil, rock, groundwater, constructs, and ground support. Such analyses include engineering design, factor of safety prediction, research and testing, and back-analysis of failure.
FLAC3D utilizes an explicit finite volume formulation that captures the complex behaviors of models that consist of several stages, show large displacements and strains, exhibit non-linear material behavior, or are unstable (including cases of yield/failure over large areas, or total collapse).
Perpetual, monthly lease, and annual lease licenses are available as either a local USB-key (which is portable) or a multiple-seat network USB-key. Academic institutions qualify for special pricing discounts.
Continuum analysis can be applied to engineering design of civil, mining, and geotechnical excavations (e.g., slopes, tunnels, caverns, stopes, etc.) and constructs (dams, foundations, footings, walls, etc.) in soil, intact rock, and rock masses (i.e., heavily jointed rock). Using interfaces, FLAC3D can also simulate discontinuities such as faults, joints, bedding planes, and engineered boundaries along constructs. Consider 3DEC for simulations in blocky ground or if there are many more than 20 discrete faults, joints, or bedding planes in your numerical model.
Options in FLAC3D are sold separately from the general license, allowing users to extend the program’s capabilities as meets their own analysis needs.
Dynamic Analysis: Option for analyzing earthquakes, seismicity, and mine rockbursts, for example.
Thermal Analysis: Option for analyzing both conduction and advection in materials for nuclear waste disposal and cement hydration, for example.
Creep Analysis: Option for analyzing time-dependent material behavior, for excavations in salt or potash, for example.
C++ Plug-in: An option for building powerful custom functions and constitutive models using C++ scripting. Itasca maintains a library of user-defined constitutive models online.

FLAC2D-Powerful & Flexible 2D Analysis
FLAC, Fast Lagrangian Analysis of Continua, is numerical modeling software for advanced geotechnical analysis of soil, rock, groundwater, and ground support in two dimensions. FLAC is used for analysis, testing, and design by geotechnical, civil, and mining engineers. It is designed to accommodate any kind of geotechnical engineering project that requires continuum analysis.
FLAC utilizes an explicit finite difference formulation that can model complex behaviors, such as problems that consist of several stages, large displacements and strains, non-linear material behavior, or unstable systems (even cases of yield/failure over large areas, or total collapse).
FLAC has been developed primarily for geotechnical engineering applications in the fields of civil, mining, oil and gas, and power generation. FLAC is also a valuable tool used for research in rock- and soil-mechanics, particularly of localization and evolution of shear bands in frictional materials. FLAC has also been used in the manufacturing field where the analysis of highly deformable materials is needed.
The explicit, time-marching solution of the full equations of motion (including inertial terms) permits the analysis of progressive failure and collapse, which are particularly important phenomena for mine design and geotechnical construction.
Options in FLAC are sold separately from the code license, allowing users to extend the program’s capabilities as meets their own analysis needs.
Dynamic Analysis: Can be performed with FLAC using the optional dynamic calculation module. User-specified acceleration, velocity, or stress waves can be input directly to the model either as an exterior boundary condition or an interior excitation to the model.
Creep Analysis: This option can be used to simulate the behavior of materials that exhibit time-dependent material behavior.
Two-phase Flow: The two-phase flow option in FLAC allows numerical modeling of both fluid-flow and fully coupled simulations (with optional capillary pressure) of two immiscible fluids through porous media.
Thermal Analysis: The thermal analysis option in FLAC permits both conduction and advection to be incorporated into models.

FLAC/Slope-Explicit Continuum Factor-of-Safety Analysis of Slope Stability in 2D
FLAC/Slope is a special, streamlined version of FLAC for evaluating the factor of safety (FoS) of soil and rock slopes in two dimensions with simple and fast model setup and analysis execution. FLAC/Slope can simulate stability problems under a wide variety of slope conditions, including: arbitrary slope geometries, multiple layers, pore pressure conditions, heterogeneous soil properties, surface loading, and structural reinforcement.

3DEC-3D Analysis, Elevated
3DEC is a three-dimensional numerical modeling code for advanced geotechnical analysis of soil, rock, ground water, structural support, and masonry. 3DEC simulates the response of discontinuous media (such as jointed rock or masonry bricks) that is subject to either static or dynamic loading. The numerical formulation It is based on the distinct element method (DEM) for discontinuum modeling. UDEC is the two-dimensional version.
The discontinuous material is represented as an assemblage of discrete blocks. The discontinuities are treated as boundary conditions between blocks; large displacements along discontinuities and rotations of blocks are allowed. Individual blocks behave (based on constitutive and joint models) as either rigid or deformable (i.e., meshed into finite difference zones) material. Continuous and discontinuous joint patterns can be generated on a statistical basis. A joint structure can be built into the model directly from the geologic mapping. 3DEC also contains Itasca's powerful built-in scripting language FISH. With FISH, you can write your own scripts for users who wish to add functionality for custom analyses.

UDEC-Distinct Element Modeling of Jointed and Blocky Material in 3D
The Universal Distinct Element Code (UDEC) is a two-dimensional numerical program that simulates the quasi-static or dynamic response to loading of media containing multiple intersecting joint structures.
The discontinuous medium is represented as an assemblage of discrete blocks while the discontinuities are treated as boundary conditions between blocks. Large displacements along discontinuities and rotations of blocks can occur. UDEC utilizes an explicit solution scheme that can model complex, nonlinear behaviors.
Models may contain a mix of rigid or deformable blocks. Deformable blocks are defined by a continuum mesh of finite-difference zones, with each zone behaving according to a prescribed linear or nonlinear stress-strain law. The relative motion of the discontinuities is also governed by linear or nonlinear force-displacement relations for movement in both the normal and shear directions. Joint models and properties can be assigned separately to individual, or sets of, discontinuities.

PFC-General Purpose Distinct Element Modeling Framework
PFC (Particle Flow Code) is a general purpose, distinct-element modeling (DEM) framework that is available as two- and three-dimensional programs (PFC2D and PFC3D, respectively). PFC Suite includes both PFC2D and PFC3D. PFC2D can also be purchased separately.
PFC models synthetic materials composed of an assembly of variably-sized rigid particles that interact at contacts to represent both granular and solid materials. PFC models simulate the independent movement (translation and rotation) and interaction of many rigid particles that may interact at contacts based on an internal force and moment. Particle shapes can include disks in 2D, or spheres in 3D, rigidly connected “clumps” of disks in 2D, or spheres in 3D, and convex polygons in 2D or polyhedra in 3D. Contact mechanics obey particle-interaction laws that update internal forces and moments. PFC includes twelve built-in contact models with the facility to add custom C++ User-Defined Contact Models (UDMs).
Perpetual, monthly lease, and annual lease licenses are available, secured with either a local USB key (which is portable) or a multiple-seat network USB key. Qualified academic institutions qualify for special pricing discounts.

XSite-Hydraulic Fracture Simulation of 3D Fracture Networks
XSite is a powerful three-dimensional hydraulic fracturing numerical simulation program based on the Synthetic Rock Mass (SRM) and Lattice methods. XSite is capable of modeling multiple wellbores with multiple stages and clusters, including open-hole completions and perforation tunnels. XSite resolves general hydraulic fracture interaction, including propagation in naturally fractured reservoirs with deterministically or stochastically generated discrete fracture networks (DFNs). The models conduct fully coupled hydro-mechanical simulations. Fluid flow is simulated as fracture flow within the joint networks and as matrix flow within the intact rock. Proppant transport and placement logic is included. Proppant affects fracture closure and fracture conductivity. General pumping schedules can be simulated with switching injected Newtonian or power-law fluids. The borehole flow is coupled with the rest of the model to determine distribution of fluid between multiple clusters. Synthetic microseismicity can be tracked and recorded.
Special-purpose Software
The user interface is easy to use, with no commands or scripting needed
Extendable library of rock and fluid types; no numerical calibration necessary
Easy definition of geology (layers and structures), including importing geological geometries from DXF files
Easy definition of multiple wellbores, stages, and clusters, including importing geometry from DXF files
Easy definition of injection rates and schedules
Easy post-processing with many plot types
Model state can be saved at any stage and restarted later
Models can be run interactively and in batch mode

Analysis of Material Flow to Drawpoints
Material Flow Mastery, Optimized
Optimize drawpoints, predict air gaps, estimate recovery, dilution, and fines migration with MassFlow – the cutting-edge software for simulating material gravity flow.

KATS-Kinematic Analysis Tool for Slope Probabilistic and Deterministic Slope Analysis
KATS (Kinematic Analysis Tools for Slopes) is a tool developed by Itasca that assesses instabilities caused by day-lighting wedges and planar failures formed when different structural sets interact with the orientation of a given slope. KATS main application is for bench-berm scale analysis, which is understood as a first step in the mining slope design process for moderate and competent rock masses. It is also possible to perform a kinematic analysis in inter-ramp scale.
Unlike other tools currently available on the geotechnical analysis market, through a single automated process KATS performs a probabilistic or deterministic assessment of the behavior of a large number of slope configurations defined by many structural domains and many orientations and geometries of the slope. The results from the analysis can be provided using a variety of parameters, such as loss of crest, spill lengths, bench face angle distribution, etc. All these results allow a geometric definition of the interramp angles (IRA) that achieve the acceptability criteria defined by the operation from the point of view of stability and safety of personnel and equipment.
Advantages of KATS
Very quick analyses (a few minutes of computer time for a full open pit)
Simple and easy to learn
Most inputs are readily available at mine sites
Can be calibrated given the performance of the slopes
Estimates the spill length of the failure mode (not available in other commercial software)
Can apply a probabilistic approach to produce cumulative frequency analysis (CFA) charts (not available in other commercial software), which is a typical methodology for bench scale design


Griddle-Advanced Meshing Tools for Numerical Modeling
Griddle offers engineers and scientists both automatic, interactive, and easy-to-use surface meshing and volume grid generation capabilities for FLAC3D, 3DEC, and many other engineering modeling formats, including ABAQUS, ANSYS, NASTRAN, LS-DYNA, VRML, and CSV. Griddle is a plug-in for Rhinoceros 3D (Rhino)* CAD software, leveraging the powerful CAD tools available in Rhino.
Using Rhino tools, you can easily:
Create and work with points, point clouds, curves, surfaces, meshes, and solids.
Extrude complex tunnel profiles and paths.
Define construction stages.
Import project geometries from other formats (e.g., DXF, DWG, etc.).
Add structural element (support) geometry for liners, piles, concrete reinforcement, and rockbolts using offsets, arrays, and rail tools. Export these as DXFs and import directly into FLAC3D or 3DEC via the model pane.
And much more…
With Griddle you can quickly mesh very complex geologies and engineering structures:
Incorporate natural structures such as faults and joints. These structures, including free internal surfaces, are automatically retained as grid faces in FLAC3D and as joints in 3DEC models, making it easy to identify them for property or interface assignment.
Easily define geotechnical units.
Extrude surface topography to quickly form high-quality model domains.
Intersect and refine surface meshes, ensuring high-quality conformal meshes.
Repair poor-quality meshes to prepare them for volume meshing.
Create unstructured volume meshes to fill watertight domains and/or structured volume meshes to fill Rhino solids.
Assign names to objects, which are transferred as group names in FLAC3D and 3DEC.

Rhinoceros (Rhino)
Rhinoceros (Rhino) is a solid modeling tool for designers and engineers.
With Rhino you can import, create, edit, and export geometrical objects in a variety of formats for use in Itasca software (FLAC3D, 3DEC, PFC).
Rhino is developed by Robert McNeel & Associates.
Itasca is an authorized reseller of Rhinoceros.
Rhino is required to use Griddle, Itasca's grid generation software for engineers and scientists.
Rhino allows you to build the model geometry (curves, surfaces, solids) with an incredible number of tools and options
Griddle is a plug-in that provides many additional tools to ensure good quality surface meshes and volume meshing with hexahedral, tetrahedral, and hexahedral-dominate zones for FLAC3D, rigid- or deformable blocks for 3DEC, and meshes for other engineering software formats (ABAQUS, ANSYS, NASTRAN, LS-DYNA, VRML, and CSV).


MINEDW-Groundwater Flow Code focusing on Mining Applications in 3D
MINEDW is a three-dimensional (3D), finite-element, groundwater flow program that was developed specifically for mining applications. MINEDW is used worldwide to design dewatering or depressurization systems, predict local and regional environmental impacts of mine dewatering, assist in the design of water-supply systems, simulate the infilling of a “pit lake” after mining ceases, and estimate pore-pressure distributions within highwalls for geotechnical design purposes. Its user friendly graphical interface with pre- and post-processing functionality provides a powerful numerical modeling environment.
MINEDW is used at more than 50 mines throughout the world for mining-related applications in diverse hydrogeologic and climatic conditions.
Developed from FEMFLOW3D, MINEDW was validated by Sandia National Laboratories in 1998 and has been used at more than 50 mines world wide in diverse hydrogeologic and climatic conditions.

XSite-Hydraulic Fracture Simulation of 3D Fracture Networks

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