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Sedimetrics® Digital Gravelometer

Автор: Гричуха Константин

Дата: 2024-01-05

Главная / ПО для гидрогеологов, гидрологов, инженерных геологов / Каталог / Sedimetrics

Sedimetrics® Digital Gravelometer


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Сайт не работает. Возможно ПО перекуплено или невыпускается больше. Есть однако в наличии. Sedimetrics® - Цифровой Gravelometer - программное обеспечение для Windows®, который позволяет Вам измерить неуплотненные отложения гравия быстро и точно от цифровых фотографий.
Digital Gravelometer has been developed in the Department of Geography, Loughborough University, by Dr David Graham, Professor Ian Reid and Dr Stephen Rice.Digital Gravelometer is software for Windows® that enables you to measure unconsolidated gravel sediments rapidly and accurately from digital photographs.
With Digital Gravelometer you can dramatically increase the productivity with which you sample exposed gravels, obtaining size information with a similar accuracy to that achieved using conventional techniques. Collecting a sample is as easy as taking a digital photograph – just follow a few simple guidelines and 'snap'.
At the end of the day, transfer the images onto your computer and load them into the Digital Gravelometer software. A few basic pieces of information about each image and a few mouse clicks are all that is normally required to obtain a complete grain-size distribution for your samples.
In addition to basic size-distribution parameters, Digital Gravelometer produces customisable reports containing a host of statistical parameters along with graphical grain-size distribution curves and histograms. Once you have customised the report to suit your particular requirements, the settings can be saved as a template, making the analysis of subsequent samples even quicker.
In the event that you wish to undertake analysis beyond that supported by Digital Gravelometer, reports may be exported to a comma-separated variable file that is readable by most data analysis packages (including Excel®).


Sedimetrics® is a trading name of Loughborough University Enterprises Limited (LUEL). LUEL is the commercial arm of Loughborough University and owns the University’s portfolio of intellectual property, including that behind the Digital Gravelometer software. Purchases of Digital Gravelometer are made through LUEL and your Software Licence Agreement will be with them. The Sedimetrics brand is used to market products and services offered by Loughborough University associated with environmental granulometry.
Digital Gravelometer is software for Windows® that enables you to measure unconsolidated gravel sediments rapidly and accurately from digital photographs.
With Digital Gravelometer you can dramatically increase the productivity with which you sample exposed gravels, obtaining size information with a similar accuracy to that achieved using conventional techniques. Collecting a sample is as easy as taking a digital photograph – just follow a few simple guidelines and 'snap'.
At the end of the day, transfer the images onto your computer and load them into the Digital Gravelometer software. A few basic pieces of information about each image and a few mouse clicks are all that is normally required to obtain a complete grain-size distribution for your samples.
In addition to basic size-distribution parameters, Digital Gravelometer produces customisable reports containing a host of statistical parameters along with graphical grain-size distribution curves and histograms. Once you have customised the report to suit your particular requirements, the settings can be saved as a template, making the analysis of subsequent samples even quicker.
In the event that you wish to undertake analysis beyond that supported by Digital Gravelometer, reports may be exported to a comma-separated variable file that is readable by most data analysis packages (including Excel®).
Key benefits
Undertaking a sampling programme with a digital camera and the Digital Gravelometer has substantial productivity, environmental and sampling advantages over conventional approaches.
Who should use Digital Gravelometer?
The Digital Gravelometer software can benefit all businesses that require information about the size of exposed coarse-grained materials. The dramatic increase in data collection and efficiency of analysis facilitated by the software will result in significant cost savings in the fields of:
Civil Engineering
Fluvial Geomorphology
Aquatic Biology
River Management.
The software will facilitate advances in scientific research by enabling information on grain size to be obtained at a temporal and spatial resolution that has never before been achievable.

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