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AGI-Ansys Government Initiatives

Автор: Гричуха Константин

Дата: 2024-01-04

Главная / ГИС/GIS / Каталог / AGI

AGI-Ansys Government Initiatives


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Ansys Government Initiatives (AGI) is the United States national security subsidiary of Ansys, the global leader in engineering simulation. Ansys software extends the reach of multiphysics simulation from designing a semiconductor’s gain element to orchestrating a constellation of satellites — from the microchip to the mission. As a partner to the defense community since 1989, AGI maintains cyber and security standards that respect the special concerns of our customers and protect their data. Through this trusted relationship, we help our customers apply Ansys software to solve complex, multidomain problems, connect engineering teams, and validate designs throughout the product life cycle.
Программное обеспечение AGI системы Набор инструментов Набор инструментов, который ранее был известен как спутник, пачкой продукта компании AGI Analytical Graphics, Inc известна под названием СТК и был создан в 1989 году. Это приложение инженеры возможности анализировать землю, море, воздух, пространство и одновременно воздух. Базовое программное обеспечение для анализа и решения проблем, связанных с вращением вокруг спутника Земли. Программное обеспечение в настоящее время используется в аэрокосмической и военной промышленности.
Используется программное обеспечение 800 организаций, таких, как НАСА, ЕКА, КНЕС, DLR, Boeing, JAXA, ИСРО, Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman, EADS, DOD, и Гражданский Воздушный Патруль.

Ansys Systems Tool Kit (STK)
Software for Digital Mission Engineering and Systems Analysis
Ansys Systems Tool Kit (STK) provides a physics-based modeling environment for analyzing platforms and payloads in a realistic mission context.
The most important thing on your desktop.
Systems Tool Kit (STK) is a platform for analyzing and visualizing complex systems in the context of your mission. Interact with data from platforms across the aerospace, defense, telecommunications, and other industries. Simulate your intended missions and communicate the results with reports, graphs, and stunning 3D animations. That’s what STK is.
If you work with engineered systems – design them, build them, test them, operate them – STK can be the most important thing on your desktop. Start with the core analytical and visualization capabilities of STK Professional. Add the STK Systems Bundle to increase the fidelity of your engineering environment with enhanced physics models and integration options. Tailor the functions at your disposal by adding domain-specific capabilities with STK Specialized Modules. Collaborate with your entire organization with Enterprise Applications. Smooth the connections in your workflows, adapt capabilities from other applications, and integrate data formats with Developer Tools.
The whole myriad of roles and life cycle phases in your organization and its programs, equipped with exactly the right tool for their work – and it’s the same tool. In the end, STK will be everything you need it to be.
STK Product Families
STK Specialized Modules
Add mission-specific depth to STK with sophisticated modeling, simulation, and analysis capabilities for any domain.
STK Systems Bundle
Enhance STK with advanced analysis features, integration capabilities, and terrain and imagery.
Enterprise Applications
Break down silos, facilitate collaboration, and accelerate computations.
Developer Tools
Extend your existing software or create custom applications with AGI technology.

Ansys Orbit Determination Tool Kit (ODTK)
Process tracking data and generate orbit ephemeris with realistic covariance
Ansys ODTK provides highly accurate orbit estimates throughout the engineering life cycle, from mission design through operations.
Process tracking data and generate orbit ephemeris with realistic covariance.
With Orbit Determination Tool Kit (ODTK) you can process a wide variety of traditional and non-traditional measurements using a state-of-the-art optimal sequential filter and matched smoother to generate orbits with realistic covariance. Combine diverse sets of measurement types into one seamless result. Track objects from the ground, space, sea, and air using any kind of phenomenology – operator ranging, GNSS, optical and RF angles, time difference of arrival and frequency difference of arrival, space based optical, and more.
Related Products
ODTK Space Situational Awareness
Reverse engineer spacecraft maneuvers, and examine and correct observation association problems.
Space Event Generator (SEG)
Simulate space events for Test, Training, and Exercise (TTX) support.
Space Object Threat Assessment (SOTA)
Assess satellite risk and vulnerability.

Test and Evaluation Tool Kit (TETK)
Improve the efficiency and effectiveness of test and evaluation activities.
Test and Evaluation Tool Kit (TETK) improves the efficiency and effectiveness of test and evaluation activities across the digital engineering product life cycle. With TETK, you can build and validate detailed test plans, monitor test execution, and rapidly analyze post-test results. Model your missions across multiple domains including aircraft, satellites, missiles, maritime and ground vehicles, and ground facilities. Communicate the results with reports, graphs, dynamic displays, and accurate 3D visualization. Watch our videos for more information or email tetk_info@agi.com to request an exploratory session with our team.

Ansys DME Component Libraries
Bring Mission and Systems Modeling Capabilities to Your Software Solutions
Ansys DME Component Libraries are a collection of development libraries well-suited for creating custom applications that benefit from web-first architectures.

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Просмотров: 2298

Добавил: Георгий (georgyzubkov@mail.ru) в 01 Jul 2023 12:58:20
Есть ли полная версия AGI STK 12.2+? Админ: А что, у Вас есть неполная? Ну пишите в ОБРАТНУЮ СВЯЗЬ и возможно что-то проясниться!
Добавил: Алексей (samus-alex@yandex.ru) в 20 Apr 2022 20:11:20
Есть полная версия Ansys STK v.12.4 with EOIR and Analyzer + ODTK. Требуется таблетка от жадности Администратор: Есть люди, делают..Но очень не дёшево!
Добавил: Sergei (0606848@gmail.com) в 10 Oct 2021 1:08:49
Нужен AGI Systems Tool Kit (STK) 12.1 пролеченный полный Администратор: Ответил на мылр...
Добавил: Виталий (vitaliy.kruglov@gmail.com) в 03 Mar 2020 11:26:05
Добрый день, ищу Intel System Tool Kit (STK) Администратор: Ответил на мыло..Есть варианты!

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