Interpex - компания-разработчик программного обеспечения, выделенная производству высококачественного программного обеспечения для обработки, интерпретации и дисплея геофизических данных.
Interpex is a software company dedicated to the production of high quality software for the processing, interpretation and display of geophysical data.
In the late 1990's it became obvious that Interpex products needed to move to Windows. Being written in FORTRAN 77 and running in DOS was not good enough anymore, for most people. Interpex embarked on the IXeTerra "Workbench" which was to be a container for all different kinds of data and the tools with which to manipulate, process, model and interpret it. In mid 2004, it became obvious that IXeTerra had been designed beyond what could be built and was abandoned. Interpex had sold Interpex House and moved to smaller quarters in mid 2001.
In the meantime, however, several Windows "shareware" products had been developed. These emulated the early DOS products in their simplicity but were designed with Windows functionality, look and feel and ran totally in a Windows setting. Some of these were expanded to full-blown software products and new product development began, in a new effort to replace the DOS products.
The philosophy of the Windows products differs from those of the DOS in that, rather than having a separate product for every conceivable type of method, each Windows product addresses as many different methods as practical in a single package with different licensing of capability as required.
В конце 1990-х стало очевидно, что продукты Interpex должны были переместиться в Windows. Быть записанным в ФОРТРАНЕ 77 и выполнение в DOS больше не были достаточно хороши для большинства людей. Interpex начал IXeTerra "Инструментальные средства", которые должны были быть контейнером для всех различных видов данных и инструментов, с которыми можно управлять, обработать, можно моделировать и можно интерпретировать его. В середине 2004 стало очевидно, что IXeTerra был разработан вне того, что могло быть создано и отказалось. Interpex продал Interpex House и переместился в меньшие четверти в середине 2001.
Тем временем, однако, несколько "условно-бесплатных" продуктов Windows были разработаны. Они эмулировали ранние продукты DOS в их простоте, но были разработаны с функциональностью Windows, стилем и работали полностью в урегулировании Windows. Некоторые из них были расширены до полноценных программных продуктов, и разработка нового продукта началась в новом усилии заменить продукты DOS.
Программное обеспечение:
IX1D v2
IX1D v2 performs forward and inverse modeling in terms of a layered earth with resistivity and optional IP parameter for most sounding methods (DC, FEM, MT, EM Conductivity). It also allows for well log viewing, reduction and plotting. IX1D v2 works on one sounding at a time.
IX1D v 2 also allows for the reduction of resistivity well logs to a reasonable number of layers for model testing.
IXVLF displays and processes VLF data taken with most available commercial VLF systems.
IXVLF allows for the display of Fraser filtered and Hjelt filtered data, as well as magnetic field in-phase/quadrature or tilt angle/ellipticity. Hjelt filtered data can be displayed as depth sections.
IXSeg2Segy Seismic Conversion Software
IXSeg2SegY is a seismic file conversion, viewing and processing utility that imports SEG-2 and SEG-Y data files, as well as most of the historic SEG-1 engineering formats. It allows for some processing, including first break picking, differentiation, integration, band-pass and velocity filtering. It also offers refraction interpretation in terms of a layered earth and reflection interpretation in terms of a Normal Move-Out (NMO) curve.. Data can be exported as SEG-2 or SEG-Y, in mainframe or PC formats. Batch conversion is available.
IXGPR is a basic radar processing and visualization package. It was developed by disentangling the GPR module from the IXeTerra Workbench and converting it to a stand-alone Windows Shareware package.
IXGPR does not do a lot of sophisticated processing, as we discovered that GPR data can be taken so quickly and easily that most users do not process their data very extensively. It does read GRADIX projects and allows for creating color displays with the data in these projects.
GeoMagix is a Shareware package which allows you to calculate the incident magnetic field of the earth at almost any geographical position and elevation, on the ground and in the air from 1650 to the present. It utilizes models generated by the United States Geological Survey and other government and international agencies at 5-year intervals.
It can be used for navigational purposes or to prepare you for a magnetic survey in a far-away and unfamiliar area.
IX1D v3
IX1D v3 performs forward and inverse modeling in terms of a layered earth with resistivity and optional IP parameter for most sounding methods (DC, FEM, TEM, MT, EM Conductivity).
IX1D v 3 also does smooth modeling in terms of many layers and equivalence analysis of the inverted layered model.
It also allows for well log viewing, reduction and plotting.
IX1D v3 can hold many soundings in its data base. It supports import of profiles as well as creation of profiles from imported soundings.
IXRefraX is an integrated software package for processing and interpreting seismic refraction data using the Generalized Reciprocal Method of Dereke Palmer.
IXRefraX can import tabulated travel time data from ASCII files or shot record trace data directly. Shot records can be imported from virtually any SEG-1 as well as SEG-2 and SEG-Y formats. Format is automatically recognized.
First break picking is integrated into the system and breaks can be examined and repicked from almost any point in the interpretation flow.
The GRM interpretation is automated with manual override. Segment masking and arrival reassignment is easily accessed from the GRM interpretation window.
IX2D-GM is a software package for interpreting gravity and magnetics data in terms of 2-D polygonal models including bodies and layers. Bodies can be truncated asymmetrically. Layers close at virtual infinity.
IX2D-GM can import data from flat ASCII, XYZ ASCII or MAGIX ASCII and binary files. Data can be copied from third party spreadsheets and pasted into IX2D spreadsheets.
Forward calculations are carried out in real time as you move vertices, groups of vertices or bodies. Vertices can be locked together so they move as a group, following the leader vertex.
Vertices, groups of vertices and body parameters can be free to vary during the ridge-regression inversion process, so that the model can be automatically updated to improve the fit.
IX2D-GM is hardware key protected. Current price is US$1,499.00 plus shipping. A discount is available for registered MAGIX users.
Seismic Processing Workshop by Parallel Geoscience Corporation
SPW TM is a family of high performance, interactive seismic reflection data processing software modules and packages available on Windows 2000, Windows XP, Macintosh, and Linux operating systems. Each SPW TM product offers easy to use, powerful, low cost solutions for a variety of seismic data processing tasks.
SPW TM is available in standard and engineering versions. The engineering version is limited in its capacity and is significantly lower in price.
Добавил: Сергей ( в 19 Aug 2021 22:41:14
Хотелось бы получить IXSeg2Segy для пакетной конвертации сейсмики из формата SGY в ЫП2
Администратор: Ответил на мыло..Но если бы воспользовались формами ОБРАТНОЙ СВЯЗИ то ответ получили бы на порядок шустрее!!!!