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PhotoModeler software ( ex. Eos Systems)

Автор: Гричуха Константин

Дата: 2024-01-04

Главная / ГИС/GIS / Каталог / PhotoModeler software

PhotoModeler software ( ex. Eos Systems)


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Аналог - 3Dsurvey, RealityCapture , MENCI Software - поиск по сайту в помощь, есть информация по данному ПО...

Компания разрабатывает 3D технологии моделирования, фотограмметрии .
Powerful and Flexible Photogrammetry Software
Use Your Camera to Measure and Model the Real World
Accurate and Affordable Modeling - Measuring - Scanning
The PhotoModeler software extracts Measurements and Models from photographs taken with an ordinary camera. A cost-effective way for accurate 2D or 3D measurement, photo-digitizing, surveying, 3D scanning, and reality capture.users. During our 20+ years we have led development of advanced 3D modeling and imaging technology. As the developers of the acclaimed and award-winning PhotoModeler software products, we have applied our expertise to help organizations and individuals model, measure and scan a wide variety of objects and scenes.


PhotoModeler Products
There are two PhotoModeler products:
PhotoModeler Standard is the base product.
PhotoModeler Premium contains all the capabilities of PhotoModeler Standard, and adds SmartMatch, dense surface modeling (DSM), motion tracking, idealize photos, geographic systems support, and UAV/drone support.

The PhotoModeler for your needs.
PhotoModeler is the base product. PhotoModeler Scanner contains all the capabilities of PhotoModeler, and adds SmartMatch, dense surface modeling (DSM), and motion tracking. PhotoModeler UAS contains all the capabilities of PhotoModeler Scanner and adds tools for UAS and drone projects.

PhotoModeler Standard
PhotoModeler helps you create accurate, high-quality 3D models and measurements from photographs using your own camera.
PhotoModeler is the base product. PhotoModeler Scanner contains all the capabilities of PhotoModeler, and adds scanning and dense surface modeling (along with SmartMatch, Motion and Idealize tools as well). PhotoModeler UAS contains all the capabilites of both products, and adds tools for UAV/drone photogrammetry. See the chart on the product overview page for a quick comparison of the products.
PhotoModeler, as the base product, is a powerful and affordable tool to build accurate models and get measurements from your photos. Use PhotoModeler Standard to build:
CAD-like models of a wide variety of objects and scenes.
Models using points, lines, edges, surfaces (photo textured or shaded) and other entities.
Automated projects, using the included target detection features

PhotoModeler Scanner Product
PhotoModeler Scanner provides the tools for you to create accurate, high quality 3d models and measurements from photographs. The process is called photo-based 3d scanning.
PhotoModeler Scanner is a 3d scanner that provides results similar to a 3d laser scanner. This 3d scanning process produces a dense point cloud (Dense Surface Modeling, DSM) from photographs of textured surfaces of virtually any size.
The PhotoModeler Scanner software has all the capabilities of the base PhotoModeler product plus the capability to do Dense Surface Modeling (DSM), 3d scanning and SmartMatch. See the chart on the product overview page for a quick comparison of the products.
PhotoModeler Scanner is a sophisticated tool to build accurate Dense Surface Models and get measurements from your photos. Use PhotoModeler Scanner to build:
Dense Surface Models where a large number of 3D points are needed.
Models that traditionally would require a 3d laser scanner
Scale-independent object modeling - model small objects or big scenes
Peform measurements over time with the Motion capability.
Also see the MVS - Multi-View Stereo DSM system for even greater automation and higher quality. By combining SmartMatch technology and DSM the efficiency of PhotoModeler Scanner really shines.

PhotoModeler UAS Product
PhotoModeler UAS (PhotoModeler for Unmanned Aircraft Systems) is a version of PhotoModeler that has features for customers executing projects with photographs from a drone or UAV.
PhotoModeler UAS is a super-set of PhotoModeler Scanner and contains all its features. The additional features are aimed at improving accuracy and capability for customers using a UAV.
PhotoModeler UAS applications
Stock pile volumes
Terrain survey and contours
Multi-spectral agriculture analysis †
Mine reclamation
Accident scene aerial surveys
PhotoModeler UAS main features:
Accurate and persistent measure of Volumes with the Volume Object
Handling of geographic coordinate systems
Multi-spectral image support and orthophotos with false colored NDVI and similar metrics
Handling of UAV EXIF GPS data for coordinate systems or as control data
Accurate UAV camera auto-calibration
PDF project report
...and it includes all of PhotoModeler's and PhotoModeler Scanner's features.
For further detail see the UAS application examples and the PhotoModeler UAS comparison table.
For high accuracy survey with minimal ground control requirements consider investing in a PPK Drone Unit and using PhotoModeler UAS software's PPK integration module. The PPK Drone Unit we work with is Klau Geomatics PPK.
Multi-spectral capability is for cameras with one lens and aligned multi-spectral channels.

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