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Deep Excavation

Автор: Гричуха Константин

Дата: 2024-01-05

Главная / ПО для гидрогеологов, гидрологов, инженерных геологов / Каталог / Deep Excavation

Deep Excavation


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Инженерная геология. Deep Excavation is totally involved in the development of powerful, user friendly, robust, high-quality, integrated deep excavation calculation and design software tools by offering multiple accepted design methods. Компания Deep Growth полностью участвует в разработке мощных, удобных в использовании, надежных, высококачественных, интегрированных программных средств для расчета и проектирования глубоких раскопок, предлагая множество принятых методов проектирования.

Современные программы, которые обеспечивают решения для ваших инженерных потребностей:

Outstanding Software Solutions for Geotechnical Engineering Professionals
We provide high-quality, integrated, robust geotechnical engineering software for engineering professionals. Below, you can find information about all our engineering software solutions. For more information about or products and pricing, or if you wish to arrange a free online presentation with our technical experts, feel free to
Software Catalogue

Geotechnical Software Catalogue

DeepEX (DeepXcav)Deep Excavations Наша флагманская программа.
DeepEX помогает проектировать глубокие раскопки, предлагая самое комплексное программное обеспечение в мире. DeviateVR Drilled Piles Holographic Representation.RC-Solver Concrete MembersDesign Software. WickDrains Soil Consolidation Estimation Software.

Deep excavation design: DeepEX helps you design deep excavations by offering the most comprehensive software in the world. Many clients have performed designs within 25% of the original time required time.
Cost estimation: DeepEX is now the only software that offers preliminary cost estimation and quantity take offs.
Slope stability: DeepEX also performs slope stability analyses so that you do not have to export data to another package, thus saving you time. Checkout below a slope stabilization analysis in Portland, Oregon, with reinforced concrete piles and ground anchors, during an extreme seismic event:
Slope stabilization analysis in Portland Oregon during a seismic event with DeepEX software
Analysis methods: DeepEX is the only software in its category that can analyze a wall with limit-equilibrium or elastoplastic methods. In the elastoplastic analysis, the soil is divided in active and passive non-linear soil springs. In the elastoplastic analysis, the lateral soil pressures depend on the soil properties and the proposed construction stage history.
Building Damage Assessment: DeepEX is the only software that can easily assess the damage potential of ajdacent buildings next to an excavation. DeepEX uses thorough methods to estimate potential crack widths and building settlement in three dimensions. The program then accesses for critial building elemens the damage potential as negligible, slight, moderate, severe, or very severe.
Design standards: DeepXcav implements a wide range of US and European design standards. These include: AISC, ACI, AASHTO, AS 3600, BS, BS 5950-2000, EC2, EC3, EC7, DIN, DM08, etc.

Snail-Plus Soil Nail Walls
- Soil Nail Wall Analysis Software. Программное обеспечение для анализа стенок ногтей грунта.
Snail Plus is our soil nail analysis software. While soil nailing is also available in our DeepXcav software program, SnailPlus was created to bring all the necessary capabilities into one package. The software follows the FHWA methodology for the design of soil nail walls, in an interactive environment built on the DeepEX basic layout. This means that you can include all intermediate construction stages for your soil nail wall, include 3D loads, all in an interactive environment. Last, SnailPlus is the only software that produces a full printable report of all design calculations.

HoloDeepEX Deep Excavations
- Deep Excavations in 3D, Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality. Глубокие раскопки в 3D, виртуальной реальности, дополненной реальности.
Virtual Reality in Underground Construction:
Virtual reality enables us to simulate a three dimensional physical environment, and potentially interact with digital objects within the virtual space. In a virtual reality set we would need to utilize a VR ready headset. These headsets totally block off our real world view and as a result we are only immersed in the virtual environment. VR headsets work by displaying slightly different images on the right and left eyes and thus creating the illusion of a 3D environment.
Currently, VR headsets are connected to individual computers and as a result we are rather limited in freely moving around. With current VR systems we can move around our 3D model by using dedicated controllers with our hands. It is generally recommended to avoid sudden movements in virtual reality environments as these can result in nausea.
Augmented Reality in Underground Construction:
Augmented reality works by superimposing 3D digital objects in relation to the physical world. This works by having an augmented reality device scan a physical space and then creating an internal digital representation of this space that the AR device understands. An augmented reality headset is typically equipped with a series of cameras that continuously detect the real space around us. Once digital objects are placed, the device keeps their position locked in space (unless these objects are instructed to move). As a result, we are able to physically move around the digital objects that we have placed in the real 3D world.

DeepFND Pile Foundations
Deep Foundation, Pile Group, Pile Raft Software. Программное обеспечение для плота свай.
This is the Deep Foundation program that the industry has been missing for years! We are now bringing together both structural and geotechnical knowledge in a complete deep foundation package.

HelixPile Helical Piles
Программное обеспечение для анализа спиральных свай.
HelixPile is a user friendly, modern and powerful software program for the design of helical piles. HelixPile allows the user to include an unlimited number of stage conditions and soil profiles. HelixPile incorporates the latest recommendations and reports the controlling design design conditions. Helical piles analyzed with HelixPile include many of the latest recommendations that allow multiple failure modes to be investigated.

– Drilled Pile Verticallity Inspection. Сверлившая груда контроль Verticallity

3D и виртуальная реальность.
The system uses two software programs, PileDVR for processing data and creating reports, and DeviateVR for visualizing data in either 3D (regular computer screen) or in virtual reality.
Raw pile verticality installation data is first imported into our processing software PileDVR. The PileDVR software allows us to process data such as pile overlaps, deviations, and tilt as a percentage of pile depth. The processed data can then be exported to the DeviateVR software that is responsible for visualizing the installation records.
If a virtual reality headset is attached the DeviateVR app will launch into the virtual reality environment. Otherwise, the DeviateVR will launch into the desktop mode as a regular application.

SiteMaster Inclinometer Readings
- Программное обеспечение для инклинометра уклона с чертежами DXF.

SiteMaster - это современная и мощная программа для обработки и представления показаний инклинометров. SiteMaster может обрабатывать неограниченное количество сайтов и неограниченное количество инклинометров. Программа очень проста в использовании и включает все стандартные графики, а также уникальные функции.

Trench Slurry Trenches

TRENCH - это удобная, доступная и универсальная программа, которая оценивает стабильность траншей и панелей для 2D и 3D анализа. С TRENCH проанализировать n несколько минут, что займет часы сделать вручную.
TRENCH - стабильность стенок шлама - пользовательский интерфейс и результаты стабильности.

SteelBeam Steel Members Design Software.
Design of Steel Members
AISC ASD & LRFD Specifications
Stress evaluation of steel beams and steel columns under combined axial and flexural loads
AISC Allowable Stress Design and Load Factored Resistance Design Codes
Steel-Beam: Steel Beams and Columns Design
Steel-Beam is a user-friendly robust program that allows the combined stress evaluation of steel beams and steel columns under combined axial and flexural loads. Designs can be examined with Allowable Stress Design Codes by AISC ( ASD 9th Edition ), and with Load Factored Resistance Design codes LRFD 13th. Multiple pipe or I-shaped sections can be investigated for the same loading conditions. The program has an extensive database of standard AISC section properties and investigates numerous equations for determining structural capacities.
In particular, since most steel sections are shaped as I members (flange and web), researchers progressively realized that many modes of flexural faiiure of the flange or the web could exist. As a result, codes have evolved to include flexural torsional buckling of the flange or localized buckling of the web. In regards to axial loads, the Euler equations have evolved and been modified to better match the observed behavior of steel columns. Many investigators in the AISC committee have proposed various equations that essentially yielded the same results (AISC: American Institute of Steel Construction).

QuayWalls. Quay Walls: The ultimate software for gravity type quay walls
As a quay wall designer you have to examine a range of issues from earth pressures, seismic conditions, ship loads, wave pressures, and on. Quay Walls is the only software that covers all these aspects in a single package. With easy to use wizards you can quickly generate from simple gravity walls to 3D caisson walls with infill zones. Quay Walls brings together coastal, structural, and geotechnical engineering principles in one package to make your design life easier. What does this mean? Wave pressures can now be automatically calculated with a number of established methods. Build-in recommendations allow you to easily estimate initial wave heights and wave lengths. You can even estimate overtopping flow rates!
We are 100% confident that QuayWalls is the ultimate tool for quay wall design. If you are a coastal, ports, or an engineer dealing with QuayWalls this is the tool to have.

RC-Solver. Concrete Members DesignSoftware. DeepEX

WickDrains. Soil Consolidation Estimation Software. DeepEX

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