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AnAqSim -программное обеспечение для моделирования подземных вод

Автор: Гричуха Константин

Дата: 2024-01-05

Главная / ПО для гидрогеологов, гидрологов, инженерных геологов / Каталог/ AnAqSim

AnAqSim (Analytical Aquafront Simulator - AEM)


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Fitts Geosolutions, LLC USA
Традиционно мы используем программное обеспечение для моделирования подземных вод с использованием конечных разностей (FD- Modflow), конечных элементов (FE-Feflow) и в последнее время без сетки (Voronoi - Modflow). Это называется числовым моделированием. Численное моделирование является стандартным, сложным и отнимающим много времени методом.
Новое обсуждение посвящено аналитическому моделированию (formula based modeling) AEM. Не так сложно, не так отнимает много времени и более точно. Кроме того, разломы и сложные геологические структуры могут быть точно и легко смоделированы.
Это программное обеспечение представляет собой AnAqSim (Analytical Aquafront Simulator - AEM) - простоту и точность аналитических элементов без ограничений, присущих старым кодам аналитических элементов!

AnAqSim (analytic aquifer simulator)
A quick alternative to MODFLOW and other numerical methods for modeling cases that range from simple to moderately complex.
Comprehensive capabilities
AnAqSim is the most versatile and capable analytic element method software: multi-layer 3D systems, full transient capabilities, heterogeneity, anisotropy, fresh-salt interface aquifers, and a full suite of line boundary types.
AnAqSim has been used to simulate groundwater remediation designs, mine and construction dewatering, infiltration mounding, regional aquifer flow, capture zones, well field impacts, fresh/salt interface flow in coastal aquifers, pathlines, advective transport, and embankment seepage.

Using PEST with AnAqSim
You can use the parameter estimation software PEST to optimize and calibrate AnAqSim models. PEST runs multiple AnAqSim models from the command line (read about automated runs in the User Guide) to home in on optimal model input parameters. PEST can simultaneously optimize a variety of AnAqSim input parameters including aquifer properties, recharge rates, well or line element discharges, specified heads, and river conductances. PEST modifiles the text *.anaq input files and reads text outputs from AnAqSim to compare modeled to observed conditions. The AnAqSim outputs that can be matched or optimized include:
discharges of head-specified wells
heads at discharge-specified wells
discharges of head-specified line boundaries
discharges of river line boundaries
calibration target heads at observation wells
calibration target velocity
vertical leakage rates
the number of pathlines captured by specified wells or line boundaries
With all these outputs available for optimization, you can make PEST runs for a range of objectives. Here are some common applications:
calibrate aquifer conductivities, storage parameters and recharge rates to match regional head and discharge patterns
calibrate aquifer conductivities and storage parameters to observed pumping test records (useful for cases with multi-layers, partial penetration, and irregular boundary conditions)
Optimize the discharge and placement of wells or drains in a dewatering problem.
Optimize the number of pathlines captured from source areas and minimize the discharge required of wells in contaminant remediation design.

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