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Автор: Гричуха Константин

Дата: 2024-01-04

Главная / ПО для гидрогеологов, гидрологов, инженерных геологов / Каталог/ GeoLogismiki



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GeoLogismiki is a Greek software company that develops software programs for geotechnical engineering tasks. We target specifically the Cone Penetration Test, offering software programs for the interpretation and presentation of CPT data and CPT based soil liquefaction analysis. Some of our other software programs address footing settlements analysis and design of stone columns.
Over the years, our software programs gained wide acceptance and popularity among the Geotechnical Engineering community, mainly due to their accuracy, feature rich interface, ease of use and excellent reporting. More than 2500 software installations worldwide is a good indication that our software programs stand out from the competition.
Our flagship programs, CPeT-IT and CLiq, are developed with the close collaboration of Dr. Peter Robertson. Dr. Robertson has over 30 years of experience as an educator, researcher, consultant and practitioner, specializing in the areas of in-situ testing of soils, earthquake design of geotechnical structures, soil liquefaction, pile design and soil structure interaction. Dr. Robertson is recognized as an expert, both nationally and internationally, in the areas of in-situ testing and soil liquefaction.

GeoLogismiki - греческая компания-разработчик программного обеспечения, которая разрабатывает программы для задач геотехники. Мы нацелены определенно на Тест на Проникновение Конуса, предлагая программы для интерпретации и представления данных CPT, и CPT основывал анализ сжижения почвы. Некоторые наши другие программы обращаются к анализу и проектированию урегулирований опоры каменных колонок.
За эти годы наши программы получили широкое принятие и популярность среди сообщества Геотехники, главным образом из-за их точности, многофункционального интерфейса, простоты использования и превосходного сообщения. Больше чем 2500 установок программного обеспечения во всем мире - хороший признак, что наши программы стоят вне конкурса.
Наши ведущие программы, CPeT-IT и Cliq, разработаны с тесным сотрудничеством доктора Питера Робертсона. У доктора Робертсона есть более чем 30 лет опыта как педагог, исследователь, консультант и практик, специализирующийся на областях тестирования на месте почв, дизайна землетрясения геотехнических структур, сжижения почвы, дизайна груды и взаимодействия структуры почвы. Доктор Робертсон признан экспертом, и национально и на международном уровне, в областях тестирования на месте и сжижения почвы.

Программное обеспечение:

Interpretation and presentation of Cone Penetration Test data using the latest Dr. Robertson methodology. Analytical tabular results and reports quickly and easy.

Assessment of soil liquefaction from data acquired with Cone Penetration Test, using the latest and most widely used methodologies.

Soil liquefaction assessment using insitu data acquired with Standard Penetration Test or Shear wave in situ tests, utilizing the most widely used methods.

An external add-on module for CPeT-IT that helps in the creation of 2D cross sections using the typical geotechnical sections defined in the software.

SPAS 2016 is a SCPTu and downhole test analysis software that perfroms analysis for both S and P seismic waves. Supports multiple boreholes in one project file.

Assessment of soil liquefaction utilizing most commonly used in situ methods (SPT, CPT or Vs) for input data. Additional calculations for vertical and lateral displacements.

Estimate soil improvement under a grid of stone columns (vibro replacement) according to Priebe methodology. Calculations for rectangular and circular installation grid.

SteinP 3DT
SteinP 3DT performs elastic settlements calculation below a footing in 2D plane. Various footing shapes are supported and inclination of soil layers in 3D.

SteinN Pro
SteinN Pro can be used for contacting preliminary settlements calculation below a rectangular footing. All calculations are contacted according to DIN 4019.

Creation of a geotechnical borehole data sheet specially adjusted for the Geotechnical Engineer. Technical log data and stratigraphy are some of the supported input.

Estimate various soil mechanical parameters from Standard Penetration Test (SPT), a widely and most frequently used in-situ test for geotechnical exploration.

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