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ProSim Simulis Thermodynamics

Автор: Гричуха Константин

Дата: 2024-01-06

Главная / ПО для отрасли нефть-газ Oil & Gas / Каталог / ProSim



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Process Simulation Software Расчет теплофизический свойств и фазовых равновесий
Simulis Thermodynamics французской компании ProSim
– это мощная современная программная система расчета теплофизический свойств и фазовых равновесий (ТФС и ФР), рассчитывающая широкий круг продуктов на современной методической основе.
Simulis Thermodynamics обеспечивает возможность рассчитать большой набор термодинамических и транспортных свойств продуктов по их мольному или массовому составу: плотность, коэффициент сжимаемости, изобарную и изохорную теплоемкость, внутреннюю энергию, энтальпию, энтропию, скорость звука, коэффициент Джоуля-Томпсона, динамическую и кинематическую вязкость, теплопроводность, коэффициент поверхностного натяжения. При этом одновременно может быть определена и производная рассчитываемого свойства по давлению, температуре или содержанию одного из компонентов. В случае необходимости можно сразу выполнить расчет фазового равновесия, найти составы фаз и определить величину искомого свойства каждой из фаз. В составе продукта можно задавать нефтяные фракции (так называемые «псевдокомпоненты») по температуре их кипения, относительной плотности (либо плотности в градусах API), молекулярной массе, а также характеристическому фактору Ватсона. При этом программа позволяет автоматически рассчитать фракционный состав по различным видам экспериментальных разгонок нефти или нефтепродуктов.
Interoperability, integration, reusability. Simulis Thermodynamics allows anyone in industry, engineering or research to run high quality thermophysical properties calculations. These calculations can be plugged in any software of wider application range (equipment sizing, system modeling, etc) and properties are available for any kind of fluid. Simulis Thermodynamics makes open simulation a practical reality.

ProSim’s software

ProSim offers a full range of simulation and optimization software that enables process industries to improve their operations, increase their profitability or reduce their environmental impact. Our process simulators are also designed to be used by non-specialists and occasional users. They are easily installed and deployed.
Do you lack resources at a given time to use the software and carry out your process studies in-house? ProSim also offers services to carry out the studies of your processes – do not hesitate to contact our sales department.

Process simulation

Steady-state simulation and optimization of processes
ProSimPlus is a process engineering software that performs rigorous mass and energy balance calculations for a wide range of industrial steady-state processes. ...It is used in design as well as in operation of existing plants for process optimization, units...

ProSimPlus HNO3
Simulation and optimization of nitric acid plants and nitrous vapors absorption
ProSimPlus HNO3 is a unique process engineering tool, specifically designed to model nitric acid production plants and nitrous vapors absorption units. It allow...s engineers to represent accurately and to analyse processes in which the absorption of nitrous...

ProSim Suite
The power of all ProSim simulation software in one convenient, cost effective package!
ProSim Suite provides access to any of ProSim's software for steady-state process simulation and optimization, thermodynamic calculations, batch process simulat...ion, energy integration or more specific processes simulation.

Thermophysical properties calculation

Simulis Thermodynamics
Mixture properties and fluid phase equilibria calculations
Interoperability, integration, reusability. Simulis Thermodynamics allows anyone in industry, engineering or research to run high quality thermophysical propert...ies calculations. These calculations can be plugged in any software of wider application range ...

Software of Simulis Thermodynamics
Based on Simulis Thermodynamics, ProPhyPlus is a stand-alone calculation software to run all the thermodynamic calculations, without any programming. ProPhyPlus... software performs fast, interactive, fluid phase equilibria and fluid properties directly from...

Batch processes

Simulation of chemical reactors in batch mode
Reducing production costs, responding to environmental or safety regulations, saving time in scale-up phases and new products launch... BatchReactor allows chem...ists and process engineers to rely on a dedicated tool to achieve these challenges. BatchReacto...

Simulation and optimization of batch distillation columns
Users of batch distillation columns (pharmaceuticals, specialty chemicals, essential oils, alcohols …) know the advantages of this process: great flexibility, a... single column can separate complex mixtures, product identification, etc. They are also aware ...

Energy management

ProSimPlus Energy
Simulation and Optimization for Energy Efficiency of Steady-State Processes
In many industries (food & beverage, chemicals, pulp & paper...), the improvement of energy efficiency to control energy consumption represents a major ...challenge both environmentally and economically. While general engineering simulation software ...

Simulis Pinch
Energy Integration of Processes in Microsoft® Excel
Simulis Pinch allows any engineer to easily apply the pinch technology to find the best possible energy exchanges between streams to be heated and streams to be... cooled. All the constraints of the plant (distances, incompatible exchanges...) can be taken i...

Heat exchangers

Simulation of brazed plate fin heat exchangers
ProSec is a software dedicated to the simulation of multi-fluids plate fin heat exchangers, and in particular brazed aluminium exchangers. It is capable of mode...lling the full complexity of this type of equipment.

ProSim HEX
Other heat exchangers simulation (plate-and-frame, shell and tubes...)
ProSim HEX is the new software from ProSim dedicated to the simulation of heat exchangers. For now, the new software contains a module for the detailed simulati...on of plate-and-frame heat exchangers (gasketed plate-type heat exchangers), with or without ch...

Adsorption columns

ProSim DAC
Dynamic adsorption column simulation
ProSim DAC is a dynamic simulation software for adsorption columns. Both adsorption and regeneration steps (TSA, PSA, VTSA…) can be modeled. ProSim DAC is a dec...ision support tool to conduct in-depth analysis of solid-gas adsorption operations including re...

Properties database

Pure component thermodynamic properties database
ProSim is one of the few distributors of the DIPPR® database from AICHE (American Institute of Chemical Engineers). This database is the main reference for the ...thermophysical properties of pure components and contains the updated and controlled properties...

Databases of experimental data from DECHEMA
DETHERM is a group of databases of data used for the design and optimization of chemical processes, distributed by DECHEMA.

Experimental data regression tool
DPP is an advanced tool for the regression of experimental data, developed and maintained by DECHEMA. It allows the user to convert raw experimental data (discr...ete measured data) to the data required by models used in simulation.

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