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HSC Chemistry от Metso Outotec

Автор: Гричуха Константин

Дата: 2024-01-22

Главная / ПО для Экологов / Каталог /HSC Chemistry

HSC Chemistry от Metso Outotec


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Metso Outotec leading technologies and services for the Sustainable use of Earth’s natural resources. As the global leader in minerals and metals processing technology, we have developed many breakthrough technologies over the decades for our customers in mining and metals industries. We also provide innovative solutions for industrial water treatment, the utilization of alternative energy sources and the chemical industry. Основными заказчиками компании Metso Outotec являются предприятия отраслей производства нерудных материалов, переработки полезных ископаемых и металлургии. Мы предлагаем технологии и сервисные решения, позволяющие сократить потребление энергии и воды за счет повышения эффективности технологического процесса, переработки и повторного использования хвостов и других отходов.

Программное обеспечение:
HSC Chemistry Software

Carry out thermodynamic and mineral processing calculations on a standard computer quickly and easily. Essential software toolkit for process research, development, design, and digitalization, as well as for estimating process efficiencies, yields, and environmental footprints.
Develop new processes and improve existing ones through modeling and simulation
Develop process flowsheet models and test ideas prior to lab or pilot stages
Estimate the environmental footprint of processes for Life Cycle Assessment
Apply complex process theory in an easy-to-use format
Apply complex calculations in minutes
All the tools and databases you need in a single package
Выполните термодинамические и минеральные вычисления обработки на стандартном компьютере быстро и легко. Существенный набор инструментов программного обеспечения для исследования процесса, развития, дизайна и оцифровывания, а также для оценки полезных действий процесса, урожаев и экологических следов.
Развивайте новые процессы и улучшите существующие посредством моделирования и моделирования
Разработайте модели технологической карты процесса и проверьте идеи до лаборатории или экспериментальных стадий
Оцените экологический след процессов для Оценки Жизненного цикла
Примените сложную теорию процесса в простом в использовании формате
Примените сложные вычисления в минутах
Все инструменты и базы данных Вам нужно в единственном пакете

Make elements work for you. Заставьте элементы работать на Вас

Every element has its own unique features and properties that determine how it behaves in chemical molecules, species, and processes. Outotec HSC Chemistry helps you to understand, control, and master this behavior in chemical processes.
HSC is one of the first software packages to combine versatile chemical, thermodynamic, and mineral-processing features. Thermochemical calculations are useful, for example, when developing new chemical processes and improving existing ones. Because the software enables you to make quick and easy calculations using a standard computer, it has a wide range of educational, industrial, and research applications.
HSC also contains modules for mineral processing and particle calculations, which are integrated with an extensive mineral database. Modules and databases are accessed via a dynamic and fully customizable menu.
The latest HSC Chemistry software contains 24 calculation modules connected to 12 integrated databases.

HSC Chemistry Simulation Module
The Sim module is a versatile flowsheet simulation platform for many different types of process models. Users can easily create Excel- or DLL-type customizable unit operation (reactor) models and connect them using a flowsheet. The module can be used to create process models for hydrometallurgical and pyrometallurgical systems, as well as for minerals processing and physical recycling systems.
Unit operation models provide unique flexibility when creating process models. Scaling and pricing calculations, as well as other post-processing tasks, can be carried out using the built-in Excel emulator.
For environmental impact assessment, the Sim module combines process simulation functionality with the LCA functionality of third-party software such as GaBi. This provides a rigorous mass and energy balance as well as a techno-economic basis for LCA, and thus links environmental impact analysis to technology. The LCA tool makes it possible to optimize the whole process not only from the technical and economic point of view, but also from the perspective of its environmental impact.

Dynamic Simulation
Dynamic simulation enables the users to carry out time-dependent process calculations. This allows more accurate modeling for various batch processes as well as studying the effects of process fluctuations and delays.
Learn how HSC Dynamic Simulations is being used in two MetalIntelligence projects by Caroline Izart and Pedro Bergamo

Excel Add-in Functions
With add-in functions, the HSC database and functions can be used in HSC’s built-in spreadsheet editors and in Microsoft Excel, making it possible to carry out thermochemical and mineralogical calculations in Excel spreadsheets. There are more than 100 different add-in functions available. In the Sim module these functions turn unit models into small “HSC engines”. For example, the StreamEQ function calculates the equilibrium composition for given raw materials and temperature. Similar HSC internal functions may be called from your own .NET applications.

Dat - Data Processing Module
The HSC Data module is made for visualizing, analyzing, and transforming raw data, as well as converting this data into models. The new HSC Data module features make it possible to train a neural network model which could predict unknown results based on the experimental data.

Nav - Diagram Navigator Module
Diagram Navigator is a tool to simplify the viewing of ternary phase diagrams. It provides the user with a simple way to get ternary coordinates of any point within the diagram. It can be also used to calculate e.g. the liquidus temperature at a given point for liquidus ternary diagrams, if the user defines the isothermal lines.

Gem - Equilibrium Compositions Module
Gibbs equilibrium calculations are a practical way to investigate and study the effect of raw materials and process variables on the products of chemical reactors. This helps when estimating recovery levels, identifying opportunities to reduce the environmental footprint of the reactor, and setting the limits of sustainability before proceeding to the lab stage. The Gibbs Energy Minimization (GEM) method is used in the calculations.
Cell calculations have been integrated into the Equilibrium module. These calculations use the same GEM routine as the main equilibrium module, making it possible to calculate the phase compositions and cell voltages of electrochemical cells and plot 2D and 3D charts in electrochemical systems with the discharge level on the x-axis.

HSC Thermochemical Database
Basic thermochemical H, S and Cp data is available in the HSC Chemistry database for more than 28 000 of the most common species used in chemical industry. The enthalpy (H), entropy (S) and heat capacity (Cp) values of the elements and compounds are saved in the database together with a variety of additional information. Since the number of different chemical compounds is infinite, HSC enables you to save your own species into the HSC database to be used across all calculation modules.

Other HSC Chemistry Modules
Material Database Module
Reaction Equations Module
Heat and Material Balances Module
Mineral Database Module
Heat Loss Module
Stability Diagrams Module
Eh-pH Diagrams Module
H, S, Cp, G Diagrams Module
H, S Cp Estimation Module
Benson Estimation Module
Mass Balance Module
Water Module
Aqueous Solutions Module
Measurement Units Module
Periodic Chart Module
Species Converter Module
Exergy Balance Module

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