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Leica Geosystems - ведущий провайдер измерительных решений.

Автор: Гричуха Константин

Дата: 2024-01-15

Главная / ПО для топографов, геодезистов / Каталог /Leica Geosystems

Leica Geosystems


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Авторизованный партнёр Hexagon’s Geosystems
Hexagon's Geosystems division- Leica Geosystems - ведущий провайдер измерительных решений.
HEXAGON Leica Geosystems
Leica Geosystems creates complete solutions for professionals around the world.Leica Geosystems creates complete solutions for professionals around the world.
Professionals work every day to shape the world we live in. They produce surveys, create plans, draw maps, build roads, construct buildings and manufacture products that enhance our quality of life. Their work depends on the most accurate measurements.
At Leica Geosystems, we are proud of our history of creating solutions with Swiss Technology. Swiss Technology by Leica Geosystems represents precision, reliability, quality and sustainability - important aspects of our company worldwide.
Swiss Technology - Quality builds Trust
Our customers can place their trust in Leica Geosystems as a company, trust our hardware and software solutions, our reliable measurements and our efficient service and support network. Regardless of where in the world our instruments are developed and produced, they are manufactured with Swiss Technology. This translates into a wide ranging expertise and a global understanding of the needs and requirements of our customers.


Leica Captivate-Leica Captivate Surveying Field Software
User-friendly field software, providing easy-to-understand data in 2D and 3D for all surveying projects. 3D полевое программное обеспечение, чтобы получить и управлять данными.

Leica Infinity - удобное для пользователя геопространственное офисное программное обеспечение для измерительного профессионала.
Leica Infinity geospatial office software suite is designed to manage, process, analyse and quality check field survey data from UAVs and terrestrial surveying equipment.

Leica GeoMoS - поддерживает соединение с любым контрольным датчиком или программным обеспечением, или Leica Geosystems или любая третья сторона.
Flexible automatic deformation monitoring software solution.

GeoCloud Drive
Store, transfer and share your data efficiently between field and office to improve your data workflow with GeoCloud Drive, powered by HxDR.

Leica SmartWorx Viva- Полевое программное обеспечение.
Field software for any application.

Leica GeoOffice- Все компоненты интегрированы в одном программном обеспечении
Office Leica Geo позволяет Вам управлять своим проектом интегрированным способом. Никакая потребность передать данные между различными модулями.

Laser Scanners Software-Leica Cyclone - это программное обеспечение, предназначенное для быстрой и эффективной обработки облаков точек, полученных в результате лазерных съемок высокого разрешения (HDS) с использованием лазерных сканеров Leica HDS. Delivering outstanding range, speed and highest quality 3D data, Leica Geosystems laser scanners are the perfect partner for any tasks in 3D laser scanning. Leica Cyclone Pegasus OFFICE
Leica Cyclone Pegasus OFFICE for seamless input into post-processing and publishing workflows.

Surveying and engineering office software for field to finish.

Leica Map360
Leading software suite for forensic investigation.

Leica Evidence Recorder
Evidence Recorder is the world's best-selling crash and crime scene data collection software used by reconstruction professionals using total stations or GNSS systems.

Leica SpiderQC
Quality monitoring software to complement Leica GNSS Spider.

Bernese GPS software
GNSS software for the academic field.

Leica CrossCheck
A multi-purpose GNSS analysis tool for QC and monitoring.

Leica iCON
Leica iCON is a construction tailored solution for construction professionals who need to transfer design data into reality, measure and verify on all construction projects. Increase speed, accuracy, and productivity on projects, whilst minimising mistakes and rework with easy workflow-based applications for all building and heavy construction related tasks.

Leica MissionPro-программне обеспечениепланирования.
Advanced 3D mission planning software for all sensors systems.

Leica FlightPro-современное управление работой и система управления датчика.
Multisensor control software for all sensor systems

Leica HxMap
High-performance post-processing workflow for airborne sensors.

Leica XPro
High-efficiency production workflow for Leica ADS.

Leica LiDAR Survey Studio
Leica LiDAR Survey Studio (LSS) post-processing software suite represents a major step in sensor fusion and increased post-processing productivity.

Leica Zeno
Connect any software application to the high-accuracy Zeno GPS.

И ещё многое другое...

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