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JKTech - Программное обеспечение для предприятий по переработке, карьеров, классификации, дробления, горной фрагментации.

Автор: Гричуха Константин

Дата: 2024-01-04

Главная / ПО для гидрогеологов, гидрологов, инженерных геологов / Каталог/ JKTech



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Аналог - Split Engineering - https://www.spliteng.com/, компании сотрудничают , Подробно>>>>>
Аналог- Модуль контроля качества гранулометрического состава горной массы K-MINE: Granules- http://kai.ua/ru/products/k-mine - https://grinikkos.com/view_post.php?id=195
Аналог - Blast Maker- http://www.blastmaker.kg/- Подробно>>>>>

Программное обеспечение для предприятий по переработке, карьеров, классификации, дробления, горной фрагментации.
JKTech is an independent partner assisting mine sites to achieve future production targets through advisory services and training across the value chain.
We offer practical solutions to the mining industry using innovative approaches and tools.
Our expertise is offered through advisory services, material characterisation, software, equipment, and professional development.
JKTech has access to cutting edge research and technology from the Sustainable Minerals Institute (SMI) which includes the Julius Kruttschnitt Mineral Research Centre (JKMRC) and the Bryan Research Centre (BRC). The SMI is the world’s leading research institute consisting of a team of engineers, scientists and social scientists working together to deliver sustainable development research, technological developments, and community solutions to address minerals industry impacts.
A key strength of JKTech is our multi-disciplinary approach to Value Chain Optimisation for operations as well as brownfield and greenfield projects. Integrating across the disciplines of geometallurgy, blasting, mining, comminution, mineral separation and waste disposal enables significant improvements in value.


JKTech is synonymous in the global minerals industry with offering powerful simulation software applications for the optimisation and design of mineral processing plants as well as blasting operations.
Our flagship software product JKSimMet, a comminution and classification circuit simulator, has been developed by JKTech to encapsulate the results of 40 years of comminution and classification research at the JKMRC from The University of Queensland. It has been used for decades to design and optimise the performance of crushing and grinding circuits.
JKTech’s range of software products also cover flotation, mass balancing and rock fragmentation through blasting. Our significant world-wide sales are testimony to our software products broad application and effectiveness.

Моделирование Схем Дробления и Классификации – объединяющий все задачи в одном пакете.

Simulation of Comminution and Classification Circuits – integrating all tasks within one package.
JKSimMet is an award-winning, general-purpose computer software package for the analysis and simulation of comminution and classification circuits in mineral processing operations, developed from decades of research out of the renowned Julius Kruttschnitt Mineral Research Centre (JKMRC) from The University of Queensland.
The package is designed for plant and development metallurgists who wish to apply process analysis techniques to characterise and optimise plant performance, and design engineers who require process simulation models to assess design alternatives.
JKSimMet integrates all tasks associated with data analysis, optimisation, design and simulation, including the storage and manipulation of models, data and results, within one package. Mass balancing and model fitting of complete circuits are standard features. It is fully interactive and operates with high-resolution colour graphics. These graphics facilitate the display of detailed plant flowsheets and accompanying information.

JK Value Based Ore Control tool - our most recent innovative technology in blast movement
JKVBOC is an engineering tool to simulate and predict blast movement in open pit mining to make proactive decisions. The total simulation time lies between 20 and 60 minutes depending on the size of the blast, thus JKVBOC can be used to evaluate ore loss and dilution in real time, or to perform several pre-blast simulations to evaluate different blast pattern, blast timing and initiation options.
The package is designed for drill and blast engineers to run simulations prior to drilling to optimize pattern design parameters based on value of ore; mining engineers to provide informative decision for the excavation plan; geologists and ore controllers can improve the control of ore loss and dilution; and mineral processing fragmentation models and ROM PSD can be linked to downstream process to achieve optimum throughput and processing strategy.
JKVBOC allows the user to:
Run multiple simulations daily to assess alternative blast designs
Find the best practices to maximise the value of the orebody
Develop digging strategies based on value rather than on grade
Accurately simulate blast movement to improve the control of ore loss and dilution
The power of JKVBOC goes beyond ore control: multiple simulations can be run to assess alternative blast designs daily, allowing on-site drill and blast engineers to find the best practices to maximize the value of the orebody.

Пакет разработан, чтобы обслужить разнообразные потребности завода и металлургов разработки, инженеров-конструкторов, исследователей и консультантов.

Simulation of Steady State Performance in Flotation Plants - helping to improve plant operating performance.
JKSimFloat is a general purpose computer software package for the simulation of flotation plant operations. The package is designed to service the diverse needs of plant and development metallurgists, design engineers, researchers and consultants.
JKSimFloat integrates tasks associated with data analysis, plant design and optimisation as well as circuit simulation in one software package. It is fully interactive and operates with high-resolution colour graphics. These graphics facilitate the display of detailed flotation flowsheets and accompanying information, allowing for easy interpretation of simulation data.
The models behind JKSimFloat have been applied to over 100 flotation operations world-wide in commodities including base metals (e.g. lead, zinc, copper, nickel) and precious metals (e.g. gold, platinum). The JKSimFloat modelling package has helped users improve plant operating performance with significant increases in grades and recoveries.

JKSimBlast - http://www.soft-blast.com/
Моделирование и управление информацией для взрывных работ в Шахтах
Simulation and Information Management for Blasting in Mines - based on more than two decades of experience.
JKSimBlast is an award-winning, general-purpose software system for simulation and information management for blasting in mines and related operations with the aim of providing the best possible system for blast management.
JKSimBlast has been developed by JKTech based on more than two decades of experience from JKMRC mining research and has over 400 users throughout the world in surface, underground and tunnel blasting applications, working in mines, explosives supply, consulting, contracting and education.
The modular system is designed for engineers who need to standardise their control of blasting, by quantifying and trapping the experience of blasting personnel in a consistent, retrievable format. JKSimBlast can ensure accurate, long-term storage of plans and results, particularly where this is a statutory requirement or for environmental compliance. It applies not only to mine and quarry operations, but also research, education, consulting, contracting and construction. JKSimBlast integrates all tasks associated with design, simulation, analysis and optimisation, including the storage and manipulation of models, data and results, within one system.

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Просмотров: 2358

Добавил: Ринат (rinat.shel@mail.ru) в 06 Mar 2024 7:18:40
Прошу вас помочь в получении JCSimmet и JCFloat Админ: Ответил на мыло, но..Пишите в ОБРАТНУЮ СВЯЗЬ всё же..
Добавил: Евгений (zh-evgeniy@yandex.ru) в 18 Sep 2023 11:19:01
Добрый день меня интересуют программы JKSimMet,JKSimFloat,JKMultiBal - прошу Вас уточнить версию предлагаемой программы..... Админ: Ответил на мыло, если что...
Добавил: Георгий (asd213zxc@gmail.com) в 29 Apr 2023 6:26:43
Добрый день, прошу помочь в получении JKSimFloat. Админ: Ответил на мыло, как всегда...
Добавил: Борис (kutlboral@yandex.ru) в 29 Jan 2022 16:23:02
Прошу вас помочь в получении JCSimmet и JCFloat Администратор: Ответил на мыло..Пишите в Обратную связь..Так будет правильней!
Добавил: Олег (zolotarev.ov@gmail.com) в 26 Oct 2021 17:23:10
Добрый день, прошу помочь в получении JKSimMet Администратор: Ответил на мыло, если что...
Добавил: Дмитрий (pushcarev-87@mail.ru) в 05 May 2021 2:21:24
Прошу вас помочь в получении JCSimmet и JCFloat Администратор: Ответил на мыло...
Добавил: Кайыржан (kairzhan_arinov@mail.ru) в 09 Nov 2020 12:29:23
Прошу вас помочь в получении JCSimmet и JCFloat Администратор; Ответил на почту, есть варианты!

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