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Snowden Optiro/ Supervisor

Автор: Гричуха Константин

Дата: 2024-01-26

Главная / ПО для геологов, горняков, буровиков / Каталог / Snowden Optiro

Snowden Optiro/ Supervisor


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Snowden Optiro- разработчик программного обеспечения в сфере геологии, горного дела и бурения.
Snowden Optiro is part of Datamine, we offer a global network of offices that sell, implement and support technology and mining advisory in every mining region of the world. No matter where our customers are located, we have top professionals trained to the highest standards to meet all of your needs.We are a mining consultancy and software business that supports mining companies and their investors in evaluating new mines, improving the performance of existing operations and complying with regulatory requirements.
We were established in 1987 and have grown to a business with 60 employees located in Perth, Brisbane, and Johannesburg. We have strong capability in resource geology, mine planning, corporate advisory, data management, software development and project management. We deliver the advice to support the industry, the software to embed best practice, and train the industry to do things better. We are a member of the Downer group.

Designed by Geologists for Geologists. Разработанный геологами для геологов.
Программа создана геологами, для геологов, направлена на решения практических геологических вопросов, а также: Геологическое моделирование. Подсчет Запасов. Проектирование и планирование горных работ.

Supervisor включает в себя эффективный, надежный и простой в использовании набор инструментов для практического анализа геологических данных. Изначально разработанный для использования консультантами компании Сноуден, получил известность и был принят во всем мире, и в настоящее время рассматривается в качестве эталона по горнодобывающей промышленности и ресурсов.
Supervisor включает в себя три интегрированных модулей приложения:
Анализатор - для стратегического анализа геологических данных
Visor - для непрерывного анализа и моделирования
Maximisor - для условного моделирования
Supervisor is an invaluable tool for resource estimation professionals because it helps to solve practical geological issues in the shortest possible time. Supervisor- неоценимый инструмент для профессионалов оценки ресурса, потому что он помогает решить практические геологические проблемы в самое короткое время.
If you use biased data or invalid domains in your resource estimation process, you will get an unreliable result. This will have dramatic implications downstream in the mining value chain. Billions of dollars get invested based on resource estimates, so it is critical that they are as accurate as possible.
Supervisor has a range of advanced features that leverage decades of research and experience in geological data analysis and geostatistics. It’s intuitive and easy to use because we’ve built it around how geologists need to work.
This is why Supervisor is recognised as an industry leader in geological data analysis.
Data Analysis
Supervisor has a range of data analysis tools that will allow the user to rapidly understand the characteristics of an orebody. Tools include: histograms, log probability plots, cumulative distribution functions, correlation matrices, Q-Q plots, box and whisker plots, mean and variance plots, as well as the application of top cuts and declustering.
Variograms represent the grade continuity within your deposit and are a key input to the kriging process. Supervisor’s easy to use variogram analysis is interactive, allowing the user to view and model variograms for all directions at once and view them in 3D.
Kriging Neighbourhood Analysis
Optimise block size and estimation parameters with an interactive and simple to use KNA interface to ensure a better quality estimate and reduce conditional bias (oversmoothing). KNA tests various block sizes, number of samples, search parameters and discretisation to ensure conditional bias is minimised.
Model Validation
Ensure the accuracy of your estimate against the input data in a fraction of the time and test the theoretical grade tonnage curve using global change of support. Model validation generates grade trend plots, histograms, log probability plots, statistics and global change of support to assess the quality of an estimate.
Drill Hole Spacing Analysis
Determine the optimal drill hole spacing for your deposit by creating various theoretical drilling patterns and generating statistics for kriging efficiency and slope of regression. These statistics can then be compared for various drilling patterns and search parameters to determine which give the optimal results.
Test your variograms before running your estimate by using Supervisor’s cross validation module. This is done by comparing the ‘true’ sample grade with the estimated grade at each sample point and generating a scatterplot and associated statistics for analysis.
Saving you time and money
Simple intuitive interface and workflow
Powerful graphing and visualisation
Leapfrog interoperability
Compatibility with all major mine planning software packages
Ability to cut and paste all graphs and results directly into documents/reports

Reconcilor. Это ПО полностью перешло к Datamine.
Планирование, организация, производительность, организация производства.

Isolate and Act to Improve Your Operations
Reconcilor – это программная система, которая позволяет персоналу предприятия выполнять согласование между геологическими моделями, горными планами, системой контроля содержаний и информацией завода. Она объединяет данные от всех стадий технологического процесса, и представляет их в исчерпывающем виде для согласования и анализа.
Система автоматически или вручную собирает информацию от всех компонентов технологической цепи, отслеживает изменения и несогласованность в данных, и автоматически создает отчеты и графики, позволяя горному персоналу принимать более эффективные операционные решения.
Through necessity for survival, the mining industry has recently moved from a focus on investment to a focus on productivity. Getting more out of what you have, is rapidly becoming the mantra for most mining operations, worldwide. While productivity improvements can be gained through expert observation of your operating design and policy, this will only get you so far.
Without a system that tracks your performance in multiple dimensions (time, space, information) the improvements will be limited and difficult to sustain. In addition, any system needs to provide you with important insights across your whole value chain. Reconcilor is that system. It integrates data from geology, mine planning, mine operations, processing plant and downstream processes such as transport & shipping, to provide a comprehensive platform for analysing your operational performance. Deviations between models and plans are highlighted in an interactive dashboard using Reconcilor’s standard KPI system. This means managers both on site and at head office have early warning and can take action.
What makes Reconcilor unique is that it does not just show you what is wrong; it helps guide you in improving your operations. It does this by using a built-in knowledge base accessible from every screen, automatically adjusting its content based on what you are trying to achieve. Reconcilor is a sophisticated intelligence solution that gives you multiple opportunities to maximise your mineral recovery, improve plant efficiency, reduce costs and increase your profits. You get a complete picture of your mine operation. This perspective allows you to confidently manage what’s coming out of the ground and control the whole mine value chain through to final product loaded onto ships or presented to the market.
The performance of your operation presented in a dashboard of key metrics, effectively displaying areas in need of attention. The Continuum screen guides you to dive deeper into your data, exploring the root cause for reported discrepancies.
Mine Plan Analysis
Isolating and controlling issues associated with mine plan performance is fundamental in increasing confidence in meeting production guidance. Reconcilor allows reporting of the planned equivalents for its standard metrics, allowing users to quickly identify where mine plans are not being met, or do not align with mine production.
Mining Analysis
Understanding your material movements is key to optimising your mining operation. Giving insight into those movements, including stockpile management, this hub also displays overall mine to plan performance and becomes the focal point for any user involved in managing an operation’s physical material movement.
Block Model Reconciliation
Determine the accuracy of your block models through comparisons of any type (Resource, Reserve, Grade Control, Mining), by spatial location or time period. Including crushing and plant feed data into comparisons effectively determines your model performance. Block model inventories are also easy to explore for any attribute loaded in the model.
Processing Analysis
Determining if the operation has produced the expected metal, is the question driving the design of Reconcilor’s Processing Analysis hub. Presenting answers to this via an interactive processing-chain screen, this hub effectively highlights where “ins” don’t always match “outs” at each link in the mining chain between the crusher and final product.
Stockpile Analysis
Stockpiles often complicate reconciliation. The Stockpile hub in Reconcilor, simplifies the process you follow to determine the impact these stocks have on your mines performance. Allowing investigation of deliveries, removals, balances and adjustments, this hub helps you establish confidence in the metal transition through your stockpiles.
Reconciliation Guidance
The Reconciliation Guidance hub is a feature unique to Reconcilor, delivering Snowden’s expertise to each user at your operation. Using role-based flowcharts to guide users through common, and complex reconciliation issues, allowing them to access their specific data to determine the appropriate response.
Data Health
Healthy data enables healthy decisions. Decisions based upon reconciliation data often make or save companies, millions. Reconcilor’s dedicated system health panels systematically assess the quality of the data from import through to integration and analysis. This is critical to confidence and conviction in any decision based on reconciliation information.
Embedded Reconciliation Expertise
Reconcilor drives operational improvement through systematic, rigorous best-practice reconciliation across your mining chain.
Embed Snowden's mining and reconciliation expertise into your operation.
Isolate issues and act to deliver improvements and maximise your mineral inventory.
Build confidence in meeting your production guidance.


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