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GEOSLOPE Software & Products Seequen

Автор: Гричуха Константин

Дата: 2024-01-04

Главная / ПО для гидрогеологов, гидрологов, инженерных геологов / Каталог/GEOSLOPE Software

GEOSLOPE Software-GeoStudio & Products Seequen

https://www.geoslope.com/ https://www.seequent.com/products-solutions/geoslope-software/

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Our story beganbecause people struggled with only having part of the picture to make good decisions.
From the very beginning we have understood that context is the key to connecting the right information to give us theright insights to make the right decisions. For more than 10 years Seequent has been leading the worldin the visualisation of complex data to make meaningful differences to people, companies and the environment.

Компания Seequent объединала в себе следующие продукты:
GEOSLOPE Software & Products
Geosoft Software& Products - Подробно >>>>>>
Leapfrog Products & Software- Подробно >>>>>>

GEO-SLOPE разрабатывал современное программное обеспечение для геотехнического и geo-экологического моделирования в течение почти 40 лет.
Combine analyses in a single, integrated project
GeoStudio enables you to combine analyses using different products into a single modeling project, using the results from one as the starting point for another.
Draw geometry directly or import CAD files
GeoStudio provides many tools to define the model domain including coordinate import, geometric item copy-paste, length and angle feedback, region merge and split, and DWG/DXF file import.
Solve multiple analyses simultaneously
GeoStudio runs each analysis solver in parallel, allowing multiple analyses to be solved efficiently on computers with modern, multi-core processors.
Interpret results with visualization & graphics
GeoStudio provides powerful visualization tools, including graphing, contour plots, isolines, animations, interactive data queries and data exports to spreadsheets for further analysis.
GeoStudio's integrated products enable you to work across a broad range of engineering use cases.
GeoStudio Integration Workflow

GEOSLOPE Software & Products
GeoStudio is an integrated software suite for modeling slope stability, ground deformation, and heat and mass transfer in soil and rock.

GeoStudio is an integrated software suite for modeling slope stability, ground deformation, and heat and mass transfer in soil and rock.Confidently conquer geotechnical challenges with GeoStudio
An integrated software suite for solving slope stability, groundwater flow, and environmental challenges.
Deep insights from a fully integrated model
Get the big picture from all your data sources and run combined analyses – eliminating manual processing – to reveal new insights and uncover risks.
Expand your problem-solving capability by combining 1D, 2D, and 3D geometries, and multiple analyses from different products into a single model.
Clone that analysis and modify material properties or boundary condition to better understand the complex nature of your problem.
Save time with simultaneous analysis
Solve multiple analyses in parallel while you monitor and view results in separate or combined views.
With processes able to run concurrently, you can continue to generate construction sequences, establish initial conditions, perform sensitivity analyses, model complex time sequences, or divide a complex problem into smaller packages.
Dive deep and define your project reliably through a single file, while continuing to review results and re-assess as you go.
Power to define, interpret, and visualise
Interpret results using multiple visual features and generate an animated movie to show results over time.
Define your model geometry with powerful, integrated tools. Boolean operations provide explicit cutting, merge, and imprint functionality to define how 3D geometry items intersect.

BUILD3D is a revolutionary software tool for constructing 3D analysis-ready geometries.
Its powerful feature-based design allows for quick construction of 3D geotechnical models with complex topography or geology, sweeping tunnels or rivers, and 3D geometry from CAD files. Design complex 3D geometry with BUILD3D
Rapidly create analysis-ready 3D geometry for geotechnical analysiss.The fastest way to generate 3D analysis-ready geometry for complex geotechnical projects.
Save time with feature-based design
Take advantage of the many time-saving geometry creation tools. Access powerful Boolean operations, generate meshes in one click, and easily integrate analyses from other applications.
Make modifications in any point of a model’s design history and watch the changes cascade through the entire model.
No project too big or complex
Import a broad range of data and files (such as CAD) to design and plan dams, levees, roads, bridges, embankments, open-pit mines, underground tunnelling excavations, and more.
Seamlessly construct a 3D geotechnical geometry with complex topography or geology, such sweeping tunnels or winding rivers.
Enrich with GeoStudio data
Create a full design picture showing risk, complexity, and opportunities for engineering safely and effectively. Integrate with any 3D GeoStudio analysis product or generate 2D cross-sections for use in 2D GeoStudio analyses.

Analyse slope stability projects with SLOPE/W
Evaluate a full range of stability problems to improve safety of excavations, slopes, and embankments
Slope stability analysis
SLOPE/W is the leading slope stability software for soil and rock slopes, analyzing both simple and complex problems for a variety of slip surface shapes, pore-water pressure conditions, soil properties, and loading conditions. SLOPE3D expands on the capabilities of SLOPE/W and offers a practical yet sophisticated approach for capturing 3D slope failure mechanisms.
SLOPE/W is the leading slope stability software for soil and rock slopes
Get a clear picture of the risks and complexities of projects involving rock and soil slopes.
Apply multiple analysis methods and make better decisions with all the data consolidated in a visible model.
Design more effective solutions and optimise engineering efforts using intuitive workflows.
Explore almost any stability problem
Designed for a large variety of projects to analyse stability problems for soil and rock slopes, construction and excavations, dams and levees, open-pit highwalls, tailings dams and more.
Make safer design decisions based on thorough analysis of slip surface shapes, pore-water pressure conditions, soil properties, and loading conditions.
graphical user interface
a person using a laptop
Design and engineer for safety
Harness powerful analysis capability and test scenarios by changing condition parameters and definitions. Allow the rigorous solution algorithm to display difficult problems close up.
Build a clear picture of typical conditions, explore variables and design optimal stabilisation and reinforcement options that meet code requirements.
Intuitive workflows for model building
Generate your analysis model using intuitive workflows. Create, import, define, solve, and visualise slip surface details, then generate plots and reports.
Integrate data from other programs such as SEEP/W, SIGMA/W and QUAKE/W to enhance the big picture and enable parallel analysis.

Finite element analysis of groundwater flow in saturated / unsaturated porous media.
Understand complex hydrogeological systems with SEEP/W and SEEP3D
Model groundwater flow for geotechnical and environmental problems subject to a variety of boundary conditions.
Used worldwide to analyse and design for the most difficult seepage problems
Unlock deep insights into complex groundwater problems for civil, mining infrastructure, and waste cover design projects.
Plan complex geo-engineering projects with confidence, like dams, wells, tunnels, bridges, and mines.
Ensure safety and compliance by incorporating critical data into planning and design.
Overcome complexity and risk in design
Understand the flow dynamics of complex hydrogeological systems to mitigate risk for your geo-engineering and earth science projects.
Examine static and dynamic influences on groundwater conditions and anticipate future risks to storage and systems.
graphical user interface, application, Word
Optimise engineering and construction solutions
Design the safest and most cost-effective solutions for high-risk engineering projects such as mine dewatering systems, civil infrastructure construction, tailings dams and more.
Use built-in hydraulic functions to easily estimate volumetric water content and conductivity with limited input.
Analyse extreme conditions and scenarios
Analyse extreme conditions such as flood events, rapid drawdown, and the effect of severe climate events on groundwater conditions and design performance.
Integrate data from other applications to factor in extreme weather and analyse density dependency for frozen ground and water movement.

SIGMA/W is a powerful finite element software product for modeling stress and deformation in earth and structural materials.
SIGMA/W analyses may range from simple linear elastic simulations to soil-structure interaction problems with nonlinear material models.

QUAKE/W is a powerful finite element software product for modeling earthquake liquefaction and dynamic loading.
QUAKE/W determines the motion and excess pore-water pressures that arise due to earthquake shaking, blasts, or sudden impact loads.

TEMP/W is a powerful finite element software product for modeling heat transfer and phase change in porous media.
TEMP/W can analyze simple conduction problems to complex surface energy simulations with cyclical freeze-thaw.

CTRAN/W is a powerful finite element software product for modeling solute and gas transfer in porous media.
CTRAN/W can be used to model simple diffusion-dominated systems through to complex advection-dispersion systems with first-order reactions.

AIR/W is a powerful finite element software product for modeling air transfer in mine waste and other porous media.
AIR/W can be used to model a range of scenarios, from simple single phase air transfer problems to complex coupled air-water systems.

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