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AspenTech® Subsurface Science & Engineering- Emerson E&P Software (Paradigm®)

Автор: Гричуха Константин

Дата: 2024-01-06

Главная / ПО для отрасли нефть-газ Oil & Gas / Каталог /AspenTech®-EEmerson- Paradigm

AspenTech® Subsurface Science & Engineering- Emerson E&P Software (Paradigm®)


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Emerson E&P Software is now AspenTech® Subsurface Science & Engineering. Бывший ROXAR тоже входит в состав холдинга AspenTech®. AspenTech is excited to announce the integration of Emerson E&P Software, providing new capabilities in Subsurface Science & Engineering. The new AspenTech addresses your dual challenge: meeting the needs of a higher standard of living for a rapidly growing population while achieving your sustainability and profitability goals.
Our newly expanded portfolio is strategically developed to help you accelerate business performance, extend the asset optimization lifecycle and advance your sustainability initiatives. Повышение уверенности в решениях по разведке и добыче благодаря более глубокому пониманию недр. Геологи, геофизики и инженеры опираются на наш широкий комплект средств повышения производительности и научно обоснованные прикладные программы при построении наиболее передовых в отрасли моделей подземного пространства. Эти специалисты, отвечающие за принятие решений, знают, что с помощью технологий компании они могут снизить неопределенность, укрепить уверенность, свести к минимум риск и обеспечить ответственное управление активами. Технологии компании используют единую трехмерную сетку визуализации и сетевую инфраструктуру управления данными.

Aspen Technology Subsurface Science & Engineering Suite - включены следующие продукты: Aspen Epos, Aspen Echos, Aspen GeoDepth, Aspen EarthStudy 360, Aspen SeisEarth (включает QSI и Explorer), Aspen Geolog, Aspen METTE, Aspen OpsLink, Aspen ResView, Aspen RMS, Aspen SKUA (включает StratEarth), Aspen Sysdrill, Aspen Tempest.

Aspen EarthStudy 360™. A full 360 degrees of insight into subsurface exploration and production.
Imagine lowering a camera into the earth’s subsurface and recording a continuous animation that captures the surroundings in all directions and angles.
The dream is now a reality. The EarthStudy 360™ full-azimuth angle domain imaging and analysis system is a brand new invention designed to image, characterize, visualize and interpret the total seismic wavefield in all directions.

Aspen Echos™. The industry’s benchmark system for seismic processing.
Echos™ software is the oil and gas E&P industry’s benchmark system for seismic processing. Its popularity is based on its breadth of geophysical applications, its unique combination of production and interactive seismic data processing, its maturity and stability, and its versatile programming environment for client-guided customization.
Through its modular design, open architecture, and adherence to standards, Echos is both flexible in configuration and customizable for performance optimization.

Aspen GeoDepth™. Reduce drilling risk through advanced velocity determination, modeling, and imaging.
Explorationists rely on the GeoDepth™ velocity determination and 3D/2D velocity model building system to create accurate seismic imaging in either time or depth. Through the integration of interpretation, velocity analysis, model building and updating, model validation, depth imaging, and time-to-depth conversion, GeoDepth provides the continuity needed to produce high-quality, interpretable images consistent with other available data, while preventing data loss and honoring geologic constraints.

Aspen Geolog™.Advanced petrophysical analysis: multi-well, multi-user, by design.
Geolog-quote.pngAs the industry standard for advanced petrophysical analysis, the Geolog™ Formation Evaluation product suite is unmatched in terms of its best-in-class petrophysical and geological analysis tools, well data management, superior graphics, and robust data integration.

Aspen Interpret™. Efficient and effective well test analysis.
For over 25 years Interpret™ well test analysis software has provided accurate and reliable design and analysis of pressure transients from traditional production and drillstem tests (DST), as well as from wireline formation tests (WFT) and testing-while-drilling (TWD) operations on exploration, appraisal or production wells.

Aspen Sysdrill™. An integrated, contractor-independent solution.
T Sysdrill® integrated suite of well planning and drilling software solutions helps operating and drilling service companies enhance well planning accuracy, reduce drilling risk and uncertainty, quantify wellbore position and precision, and improve drilling safety. Paradigm software is a contractor-independent solution that helps customers make drilling decisions, independent of drilling service companies.

Aspen Epos™. An innovative, scalable data management infrastructure that enhances collaboration, security and efficiency. Enhanced data sharing and team collaboration.
The open, innovative Epos™ infrastructure links all Epos-based applications to a shared database, and incorporates common data models, common interfaces, common services, and common visualization platforms for individuals or teams across disciplines. The system extends both the scalability of the system and the reach of the geoscientist.

Aspen OpsLink™. Real-time data enables informed decisions during well operations.
Higher productivity and lower costs through informed decision making while drilling.
With OpsLink™, operating companies’ asset teams can make rapid and informed critical decisions while drilling based on real-time data, in order to avoid drilling surprises and optimize well position in the reservoir. Flexible access to real-time WITSML™ servers enables timely, efficient, and accurate transfer of MWD and LWD data from rig site acquisition systems to office-based software applications and databases.

Aspen SeisEarth™. Because your interpretation shouldn't be compromised.
SeisEarth® is a comprehensive yet flexible seismic interpretation and visualization system. This innovative multi-survey solution allows interpreters to perform structural and stratigraphic interpretation across many different vintages of 2D and 3D seismic data, while also integrating well data into their interpretation. Включает Explorer иQSI . Fast time-to-depth conversion in any geological environment.
Explorer™ is a comprehensive time-to-depth conversion, velocity modeling and quality control solution. With unprecedented levels of interactivity and visualization, Explorer performs fast and accurate time-to-depth conversion in any geological environment.

Aspen SKUA™ (SKUA-GOCAD™). Better field development through true collaboration and geological integrity. From simple to complex: 20 years of high-quality subsurface modeling
For more than 20 years, has the led the industry in providing the most advanced capabilities for geological and reservoir modeling. This comprehensive offering enables users from multiple disciplines and industries to build realistic subsurface models that honor geological complexities while avoiding unwarranted simplification. Включает StratEarth. An option-packed well log correlation solution.
StratEarth® well log correlation application is a comprehensive, easy-to-use solution for the correlation, interpretation, mapping, display and QC of seismic, geologic, and production data in multiple 2D and 3D environments. Possibly the most option-packed correlation system available, StratEarth offers great graphics and convenient correlation tools. The multi-well, multi-log facies log calculator, combined with the sequence stratigraphy track and an easy-to-use stratigraphic column, adds substantial value to the well correlation. The abundant number of track types and data that can be displayed in a well section equals or surpasses that of any competitive offering.

Подробнее По от бывшего ROXAR---здесь.

Aspen ResView.
Aspen METTE™. Flow assurance and optimization, from exploration to production.
Aspen Tempest™
Make reliable, accurate reservoir predictions more quickly.
Aspen RMS™
Smart, interactive reservoir modeling for superior results in less time.

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